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Everything posted by Nesher

  1. Attention! MSgt Nesher ready for your orders!

    btw, IMHO my rank is equivalent to MSgt in the U.S. Army the IDF ranks it differently (and wrong i think) the rank in Hebew is Rav Samal
  2. Shana Tova. (Happy new year)

    Shana tova guys Cheers!
  3. cheered me up

    did she really believe she could hold on to her brain? LOLOL
  4. SFC Jared Monti

    i'm speechless <S>
  5. 6 Italians KIA in Afghanistan

    sorry to hear that... <S>

  7. Happy Birthday hrntfixr

    Happy birthday man, drink one for us as well
  8. http://www.israelnat...ews.aspx/133406 just out on the news about the crash sad for the family who already suffered a great lost on the Columbia disaster... he graduated the course 2 months ago top of his class http://www.jpost.com...d=1245184882169 RIP <S>
  9. Asaf was promoted to the rank of Captain sad way to get the rank :(
  10. There is no Ugly woman

    liked the ending LOL
  11. 11 Sept 01

  12. Happy Birthday Migbuster

    Happy birthday!
  13. Air Parade @ Brasilia /09/07/2009

    great video... but you need to update your fleet
  14. WWII USAAF Airmen Recieves Medals

    wounded twice, bailed 3 into enemy territory... damn luck to survive all of this! good for him on getting the medals <S>
  15. wpnssgt makes 30

    happy birthday.. big 3-0
  16. i don't know if it was brought up but instead of using the sites bandwidth why not use uploading file websites like rapidshare.com \ fileflyer.com etc..? make packages by Sim\DL type and add the link to the dl site.. can save a lot of trouble just make sure someone has all the downloads\packages available to upload incase it gets deleted or something Cheers
  17. Russias got a Talent

    LOL? :|
  18. "The jet took off Wednesday morning for a routine air combat training flight, with a young cadet sitting up front in the pilot's seat, and a veteran pilot sitting in the rear navigator's chair. Advertisement As soon as the jet took off, the two pilots noticed that something was wrong as the engine was stuck in a state of high acceleration and the team was unable to slow to cruising speed. Being that they could not slow the engine, the navigator directed the pilot to climb to a high altitude and shut the engine off entirely, and they then glided to the ground for the emergency landing." source: http://www.haaretz.com/hasen/spages/1112224.html video of the landing the pilot is only 22 years old... damn, i don't think i'd ever stay in an F-16 with the engine off
  19. F-14

    cool stuff! a few weeks ago i saw pictures of a Su-35 with the co-pilot ejected http://englishrussia.com/?p=3524 http://gizmodo.com/5323825/crazy-russian-sukhoi-su+35-pilot-ejects-for-a-hollywood-movie-at-mach-2
  20. Something About My Son

    glad to hear your son is okay... hope his knee gets better i have knee problem of my own and it's no picnic.. ^_^ Cheers
  21. wow.. hopefully the pilot and the flight crew on deck are alright!
  22. Today, 70 years ago

    never again! <S>
  23. Calling Mannie or Nesher

    another hebrew speaking guy is in the house :)

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