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Everything posted by Nesher

  1. Modern Planes in Kubinka

    great photos! :) thanks...
  2. Hey!

    nice bike... and great photos of the B-52 :)
  3. Iron Eagle the glory years

    lolol good one :)
  4. Dutch F-16 paint job.

    one of the best paint job i have ever seen... thank for sharing!!
  5. i see we have people here that do know how to have fun nice records guys :) i have a problem that i have to have someone with me when going on trips... so that's why i probably never got the chance to do some RnR abroad... (my best friends don't have that much money for oversea vactions) i'll be looking again for offers to the states during my Passover vaction, hope to find something and go on and fly (even if it's alone)
  6. Australian FA-18

    how can 24 F/A-18's cost 6 billion $ ? it's like 250 mil per unit... anyways, thanks for the news!
  7. spooky lolol she can't be killed... dang mother-in-law haha :P
  8. holly moses... this guy sounds like a douche haha
  9. Lunch Around the World

    some sort of meat... what ever the catering brings us on base during the week and weekends what ever my mom makes! its mostly: rise, potatoes and chicken or chicken brest, shnizel, shawarma... it is diverse thru out the week but repeating every week.. on base i also eat with salad with sauce (garlic or thousand islands if your familiar) p.s. mom's food is the besttttttttt , nothing else like that
  10. The Person Below Me

    false! unless you count special programming ops tram then its true lol :) the person below me memorized all the replies in this thread!
  11. not a that bad of a bump to share this i saw one of them today in the IAI compound i recognized it only but the tail but then saw the rest of him, looks good!! :)
  12. A disappointed salesman of Coca Cola returns from his assignment to Israel. A friend asked : Why weren't you successful with the Israelis? The salesman explained When I got posted , I was very confident that I would make a good sales pitch. But, I had a problem. I didn't know how to speak Hebrew. So, I planned to convey the message through three posters First poster : A man lying in the hot desert sand .. totally exhausted and fainting Second poster : The man is drinking our Cola Third poster : Our man is now totally refreshed And Then these posters were pasted all over the place "Then that should have worked !!" said the friend The hell it should have ?!! said the salesman "I didn't realize that they read from right to left !!"
  13. cute joke about a salesman in Israel

    glad you liked it :) Wrench, have you ever been to Israel?
  14. An F-22 has crashed

    they know the cause or what?? hope the pilot is okay!!!
  15. It's the BLT's B-Day!

    Happy B-Day!! :)
  16. A bad day for civilian aviation

    cruel irony that the plane crashed into the cemetery may the killed rest in peace!
  17. 1000

    http://habanim.org/en/index_en.html may he come back soon! <S>
  18. what a story... congrats to him Cheers
  19. A very sad week for me (WARNING: RANT AHEAD)

    sorry to hear that! i had an officer in my unit who had problems with his ex too luckly not horrible case as your friend.. but she did try to get as much money she could and tried to prevent him from seeing his own kid! and that's pissed me off!!! i sometimes can't understand these women? what the hell is wrong with you? to deny your child's father just for retaliation? for kicks? women like her should be executed i tell ya!! they don't really care about the children.. all they care about is money and screwing the husband i can understand if she really got beaten or abused but damn.. no respect for nothing? just personal kicks? i really hope the court at least learned from this sad case... and for you to have happier and better stories to come <S>
  20. Generation Kill

    i'm in the middle of the show...
  21. 6 years and counting!

    how time passes by so fast... dang :|

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