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Status Updates posted by Morris

  1. G'day Winder,

    I’m getting a set of Logitech G940 controllers this week. Now I love playing OFF. It takes up hours of my day. I was wondering if you would be interested in using the G940 for the development of FFB in necessary in P4? I’m spending great $ on my PC to get the best experience in OFF.

    Please let me know.



  2. Dear Olham,

    Pls help. which program to u use when u post ur pic during the screen shot? (telleing the stories) I would love to use the same for it will safe my hd space cap. on the forum.

    Thanking you


  3. Morris

    Dear OvS,

    I did manage to copy the Grey Wolves Add-on. Its great work. I also got SH5.



  4. Howzit Appraiserfl,

    I have posted a 8gig falsh drive to Olham with the movies of the dogfights. He has received it. I have asked him to post it to u. Please send him a PM and give him ur addres.



  5. dear Appraiserfl,

    please send me info on ur ATi settings for OFF. Having the new Asus 5970 the game should run 200% on best settings. But i need to tweak the settings for better FPS.

    thanking you



  6. the add-on is great work. Thanks

  7. do u have an address that i can send you the pic of my system?

  8. i have received my two extra 24' monitors for the new setup. Just waiting for the ATI 5970 to arrive soon. I will forward you a pic.

  9. after i have seen those pics with the ATI cards. Eina. It looks great for gaming. Since yesterday back to XP. OFF feels and sounds better during the gameplay. The new pics from for the Add-on looks amazing. Need to to a article in local mag about OFF.


  10. i can get that Asus 5970 for R7700 + 2 extra Samsung t240 monitors = R13500. On its way.



  11. dear Winder.

    Just curious about which OS u are using to run OFF?


  12. hi winder,

    i know the executive team "NAG" gaming mag in south africa. Maybe i can hook them up with u and do an article in the local mag. It might just kick start WW1 flight sim in SA? If ur interested let me know.


  13. Well Winder, thanks for the reply. It seems that some of ur message went missing at the end. Even better that ur the founder of "OFF". Now im proudly south african today.


  14. good morning Winder,

    I understand that u are part of the creative process off OFF. I would like to say I’m totally hooked on the game.

    I’m from Potch and if you ever would like to play multiplayer I would pack up my PC and meet you for a few dogfights.

    Maurice Robertson



  15. Dear Jim,

    Give me a call at 0825696143.


  16. hi JimAttrill,

    i have extra copy of windows 7 32 or 64 for u.



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