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Everything posted by Jimbib

  1. On a slightly different note, the TW forums are back up...
  2. The guy hasn't logged in here for over nine months, whilst ignoring requests for customer support, he's not in a position to leverage/lobby any assistance whatsoever, at least from this community.
  3. mcas cherry point 004

  4. Jalibah Southeast 002

  5. K-1 Air Base

  6. A-10s in Kuwait

    Now that's weathering.
  7. I think it was SkippyBing? EDIT: http://www.flyingstations.com/wyvern.html
  8. Here's a slight workaround... Find out the .LOD file name reference by extracting your chosen aircraft's cockpit .ini file from the appropriate .CAT file, e.g. you can easily see that for the TW Tomcat, it's called "F-14A_cockpit.LOD" Create a new fake aircraft folder (most easily done by copying over the folder of the aircraft you want to view the cockpit of) and rename it something obvious, e.g. "F-14A_PIT" Rename the main aircraft .ini file to "F-14A_PIT" Change the [LOD00X] references in this new .ini file to "F-14A_cockpit.LOD" Load up the LOD viewer and open this newly created .ini file...
  9. Early stages work in progress shot of MCAS Cherry Point as a request...
  10. MCAS Cherry Point WiP Pic 1

  11. Hello everynone!

    Welcome to CA!
  12. War Thunder - Any takers?

    It's a pretty fun game, I play it every so often, and try to use the different air forces evenly. It's even more 'sim-lite' than the SF2 series, which I actually like a great deal, it's the easiest flying game I've encountered for that 'jump in and fly' experience. Don't think I'll be splashing money towards it any time soon though, but for a fun distraction, I enjoy it.
  13. No problem, will see if I can find any information relating to base layout in the 80s/90s. Theoretically it's possible to have more than two large aircraft types parked at the one place. This would require a dummy airfield in the same position, with additional separate parking spaces that can be for both large and small aircraft types (with this, you could have four types in total parked up.)
  14. Just looked up Frankfurt, hells bells that place is enormous. What time frame for the base layout were you thinking? I see it has expanded over the years on Google Earth timeline.
  15. Certainly, I'll have a brainstorm as to what would do the job. If you have any thoughts, please do send them my way.
  16. mue, many many thanks for this tool, it has sped up a huge amount of the skinning process. You must be tired of hearing requests left, right and centre, however would you consider (if it is possible) adding a feature to slide through the LOD animations? Often a lot of meshes in a model are hidden due to internal bays etc, If this isn't possible, or not on your agenda, then no worries at all, in my opinion this is already one of the best utilities ever developed for the SF series.
  17. Plenty of lumps and bumps on that thing, that seem to have been added to over time. Original image here... http://s001.radikal.ru/i195/1111/87/982041135ebb.jpg

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