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Everything posted by Jimbib

  1. If I'm honest it's been a while since I've checked the stock aircraft, but if you download a CAT extractor tool (either mue's, the official TW one or something similar) you will be able to extract an aircraft's *_data.ini file and have a check how the animations are set up... either automatic or manual control. official Thirdwire SF2 tools: https://thirdwire.com/downloads_tools.htm Mue's toolbox:
  2. The windshield wiper on the A-4C is in animation slot ID 8, you would need to add this into the A-4C data ini which can be extracted from the game's CAT files as a manual animation with a keystroke bound to it in the controls ini
  3. By using mue's LOD Viewer linked below, you can open up the .ini file of any stock (or third party for that matter) aircraft / ground object / weapon / cockpit etc. model and see the animations that are built into the LOD in the bottom left of the tool
  4. Hi, access to the downloads library is now only available via a paid subscription. A subscription can be purchased here: https://combatace.com/store/category/1-subscription-plans/
  5. trial subscription questions

    Hi @abrahamwright2201, I believe the trial subscription means that by paying $6.95 you will get access to the downloads library for 2 days. Access to the downloads library is now only available via a paid subscription.
  6. TopGun Campaigns

    This mod is based on flying against aggressors from real life Top Gun, not fictional MiG-28s.
  7. Hi Carlo, what issues are you running into specifically, is it the stretched screen? I am running similar and have managed to get the settings dialled in so that it works okay. EDIT: this thread below might help. After you have manually set your resolution and aspect ratio in the options.ini file set it to read only, otherwise when you launch the game and go into the graphics options menu the game will revert it to default. (I just never open the graphics menu in game to avoid messing with my manual in settings)
  8. Unfortunately I think that will land Erik back in the same position... instead of people exhausting their previous 5 downloads a day and then making duplicate accounts, they would now do it after only 1-2 downloads creating a bigger multi-account problem. A lower download cap won't fix the problem sadly, what is needed is revenue generation to cover the operating costs.
  9. Nuclear Option

    Thanks for sharing this @FalconC45, I wouldn't have heard of it otherwise The game already looks quite impressive for only £15 on steam, I might have to give it a go and if the development roadmap (https://nuclearoption.wiki.gg/wiki/Development) is anything to go by there is a lot of bang for buck with this. If modding was enabled, it would be cool to get realistic aircraft, vehicles, weapons, terrains, airbases etc. into it.
  10. Hope you are feeling better again soon Ravenclaw!
  11. As per your last thread on this topic @PJB... https://combatace.com/forums/topic/98381-strike-fighters-3-request/
  12. A couple of thoughts on the NODs, they could either be animated manually like alexis99 suggests here: Or I wonder if there is a way of hijacking the slimer self-illuminating feature described here that would need doing in 3ds max?
  13. Hell, I would gladly settle for GTAV's simple rotary flight model using mouse and keyboard to be somehow magically implanted into SF2's engine just to be able to zip around a battlefield blasting ground targets and then drop in sharp on a helipad / ship to re-arm.
  14. Looks like a Bartini Beriev VVA-14 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bartini_Beriev_VVA-14
  15. 20

    Before it was CombatAce, I believe it was BioHazard as DA mentioned, old URL was http://dev.biohazcentral.com/ (old captures can be seen on the wayback machine). Congrats to @Crusader and @Wrench and the rest of you on the 20 year mark! Because it's your CA birthday, that means you brought the beers and cake in... right?
  16. Mirage 2000D model ?

    This one here? Can you be more specific? Is it the external model... the cockpit... the skins etc.? Like Wrench said, the only way to get a better external or cockpit model is to build a new one.
  17. Qadisiyah Airbase WiP

    From the album Iraq ODS30

  18. a MASSIVE thank you for all your hard work keeping CA in fine shape, Erik. There's a reason so many people love being on this site for all these years, hats off to you
  19. Hi Dels, you may have come across these already, they aren't particularly high resolution or close up, but they offer some alternate angles of what looks to be a similar, if not the same pod: http://nabe3saviation.web.fc2.com/images5/ac-109.jpg http://nabe3saviation.web.fc2.com/images5/ac-108.jpg from this link http://nabe3saviation.web.fc2.com/waAC130.html also photo 9 here https://www.arcair.com/awa02/1101-1200/awa1115-AC-130-Belanger/00.shtm and photos 20 and 21 here https://www.arcair.com/awa01/201-300/awa208-AC-130H-Deters/00.shtm That wiki commons link you posted says that the pod is on display at the National Electronic Museum, perhaps there's a curator there who wouldn't might sending you some additional close ups of it? https://www.nationalelectronicsmuseum.org/about-us/contact/
  20. Just wanted to say hello to everyone

    Good to see you back at CA Ed, wishing you all the best and hoping your health improves
  21. Yup, unfortunately the fundraiser did not meet it's target, TK mentioned in an update on the following webpage that the money that was gathered would go towards funding an eventual windows 10 update but sadly it has not materialised since. A big shame, was looking forward to it. https://fundrazr.com/31YZNe?ref=ab_5VbhvRz81op5VbhvRz81op P.S. good to see you back around @russouk2004, hope you're keeping well.
  22. Would love to see these in game, they look great Ant!
  23. Expansion Pack 3 would have added the Mirage F1 as a flyable aircraft, however like Coupi says there are some fantastic mods that the very talented ludo.m54 and Mirage F-1 team have produced available here: https://combatace.com/files/category/649-mirage-f1/
  24. New Guy hear recommended by Trotski

    Welcome to CA

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