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Everything posted by KJakker

  1. I thought our modelers would find this interesting. Also a link to the "Titanic: Honor And Glory" website. https://www.titanichg.com/
  2. CORRECTION: First Flight Date 08/17/2004 = 15 years 9 months. Regarding Fuel Starvation- This flight did not go beyond it's reserves for flying time and there was a substantial post crash fire.
  3. The Corona Virus Thread

    I would not mind a USS Hancock CV-19 pandemic. Carriers for everyone.
  4. The Corona Virus Thread

  5. The Corona Virus Thread

    Two sites with useful COVID19 related data. http://www.healthdata.org and its projections page (https://covid19.healthdata.org/projections) with data from some 50 countries plus states/provinces of seven of them. Also New York Times' Coronavirus Deaths by U.S. State and Country Over Time: Daily Tracker. And below is the latest from Michigan. https://www.michigan.gov/Coronavirus
  6. The Corona Virus Thread

  7. What Caliber Weapon Is Needed To Kill These Things?

    They had those on my dad's M60 tank when he was in stationed in West Germany before going to Vietnam.
  8. What Caliber Weapon Is Needed To Kill These Things?

    Did someone say full auto .22? Load it with .22 bird shot.
  9. From the P-51D_Data.ini. [Engine] SystemType=PROP_ENGINE InputName=THROTTLE_CONTROL EngineID=1 HasWEP=TRUE SLPowerDry=1113479.3 SLPowerWEP=1234610.1 ThrustAngles=0.0,0.0,0.0 ThrustPosition=0.0,0.0,0.0 WEPThrottle=0.90 ThrottleRate=0.25 AltitudeTableNumData=23 AltitudeTableDeltaX=609.6 AltitudeTableStartX=0.0 AltitudeTableData=1.000,1.016,1.031,1.047,1.062,1.013,0.938,0.891,0.899,0.908,0.916,0.896,0.829,0.761,0.693,0.625,0.558,0.490,0.422,0.321,0.219,0.117,0.000 WEPAltitudeTableNumData=23 WEPAltitudeTableDeltaX=609.6 WEPAltitudeTableStartX=0.0 WEPAltitudeTableData=1.000,1.014,1.028,1.042,0.984,0.916,0.878,0.888,0.897,0.906,0.875,0.813,0.750,0.688,0.626,0.564,0.502,0.440,0.378,0.284,0.191,0.098,0.000 WEPMaxAlt=6479.0 WEPTimeLimit=300.0 WEPTempDelta=10.0 WEPManifoldPressure=67 NumBlades=4 PropDiameter=3.40 MomentOfInertia=6.13 PropEfficiencyAdvanceRatioTableNumData=15 PropEfficiencyAdvanceRatioTableDeltaX=0.2 PropEfficiencyAdvanceRatioTableStartX=0.0 PropEfficiencyAdvanceRatioTableData=0.027,0.496,0.730,0.845,0.870,0.870,0.870,0.870,0.870,0.870,0.870,0.870,0.870,0.204,0.000 PropPFactorCoefficient=0.0 ConstantSpeed=TRUE PropRotationDirection=1 SpinnerNodeName=prop_spinner_axel StaticPropNodeName=Spinner Static SlowPropNodeName=Spinner Slow FastPropNodeName=Spinner Fast DamagedPropNodeName= SlowPropRPM=400 FastPropRPM=1000 MaxPropRPM=1437 IdlePropRPM=600 BSFC=0.00280 MinManifoldPressure=26 MaxManifoldPressure=61 GasTempIdleRPM=70 GasTempMaxRPM=80 GasTempChangeRate=0.033 OverheatTemp=90 DamageTempDelta=20 OilPressIdleRPM=70.0 OilPressMaxRPM=80.0 OilPressChangeRate=0.4 LowOilPress=50.0 LowOilPressTempDelta=100 ExhaustEmitterName= ExhaustPosition= FireSuppression=FALSE MinExtentPosition=-0.35, 0.91,-0.63 MaxExtentPosition= 0.35, 3.40, 0.37 AnimationID=-1 MaxPowerAnimationTime=0.1 MinPowerAnimationTime=0.3
  10. The Corona Virus Thread

  11. Great, I can fly a Hunter under it.
  12. The Corona Virus Thread

    Detroit, she died at Beaumont Hospital, a level 1 trauma center in Royal Oak, a suburb of Detroit. On another note, I have been getting annoyed at the people protesting Governor Whitmer's handling of the situation. Most of the rumors about her executive orders are bogus. Things like buying seeds and going motor boating being band are nonsense. https://www.michigan.gov/Coronavirus Here is the latest updated Executive Order as of 4/24/2020 at 11:00 am. https://www.michigan.gov/whitmer/0,9309,7-387-90499_90705-526894--,00.html
  13. The Corona Virus Thread

    Thought I might share this.
  14. I see a target for the HMS Warspite. Better steer clear of Cape Matapan.
  15. The C-5 Galaxy

    I walked through one at an airshow back in 1988 when I was six years old.
  16. Listed below are the Role and SystemType for Aircraft and GroundObjects from the DLL files. The ones numbered are ones I do not remember seeing used. Anyone have any information on them? "AircraftRole=" HELO<----------------------1 FIGHTER ATTACK BOMBER TRANSPORT Aircraft "SystemType=" CONTROL_SURFACE PROP_ENGINE JET_ENGINE ROCKET_ENGINE<----------------------2 REACTION_CONTROL_SYSTEM FIXED_GUN FLEXIBLE_GUN WEAPON_STATION HIGHLIFT_DEVICE AIRBRAKE LANDING_GEAR ARRESTER_HOOK LIGHT SPOT_LIGHT<----------------------3 PILOT_COCKPIT NAVIGATOR_COCKPIT GUNNER_STATION FUEL_TANK FLIGHT_CONTROL PNEUMATIC_SYSTEM<----------------------4 HYDRAULIC_SYSTEM<----------------------5 ELECTRICAL_SYSTEM<----------------------6 FUEL_SYSTEM<----------------------7 COOLING_SYSTEM<----------------------8 OIL_SYSTEM<----------------------9 ECM_JAMMER DECOY_DISPENSER LASER_DESIGNATOR EO_CAMERA "GroundObjectRole=" TANK TROOP<----------------------10 APC RECON ARTILLERY TRANSPORT LIGHT_AAA<----------------------11 MOBILE_AAA STATIC_AAA MOBILE_SAM STATIC_SAM EW_RADAR SAM_RADAR COMMAND CARGO_SHIP PATROL_BOAT WARSHIP BALLOON UNKNOWN<----------------------12 WarshipClass= AIRCRAFT_CARRIER BATTLESHIP CRUISER DESTROYER FRIGATE TRANSPORT GroundObject "SystemType=" ENGINE GUN MISSILE RADAR FUEL_TANK<----------------------13 AMMO<----------------------14 TRACK<----------------------15 WHEEL<----------------------16 SEARCH_LIGHT<----------------------17 LIGHT GUNNER CARGO<----------------------18 FLIGHT_DECK CATAPULT ARRESTER_CABLE
  17. If you still have the access code from any of your past orders you can use it to get into the download center and get your purchased games that way. https://store.thirdwire.com/mygames.php
  18. Does this one work for a tail gunner? From my WII ETO install. WW2LuftBmrGunner2.7z

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