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Everything posted by KJakker

  1. DSC_0437.JPG

    From the album Selfridge Open House Air Show (8/18/2017) Part 1

    Here is the arrival of three World War I fighters.

    © Karl Akkerman

  2. DSC_0428.JPG

    From the album Selfridge Open House Air Show (8/18/2017) Part 1

    Hawker Hurricane arriving.

    © Karl Akkerman

  3. DSC_0422.JPG

    From the album Selfridge Open House Air Show (8/18/2017) Part 1

    F-22's arriving. They were only on static display so I was lucky to see them from the car outside the base.

    © Karl Akkerman

  4. Guess where I was today.

    After I have some time to look through all of my photos and do some edits I will put up a thread in photo forum.
  5. Thanks for the info.
  6. Erik, I noticed something odd. Before the update my post count was, I think, 905 yet my post yesterday is number 1006. It looks to me like the site jumped my post count up by 100 post. Is this due to a change in how the software tabulates posts or is something wrong?
  7. Note that there are also some LOD files in ObjectData009.CAT as well.
  8. USS Fitzgerald, Sorry girls.

    All of this talk of collision at sea has reminded me of two other collisions. The October 2, 1942 collision of RMS Queen Mary with HMS Curacoa, my grandfather was aboard Queen Mary at the time, and the July 25th, 1956 collision of MS Stockholm with SS Andrea Doria. I wonder if one of the contributing factors in the USS Fitzgerald-ACX Crystal collision was a misunderstanding of what the radar was showing the watch officers? It has been years since I read anything about the Andrea Doria but I seem to recall reading that the radar display on Andrea Doria's bridge was set to a short range mode but the officer in charge of navigation thought it was in the long range mode and so believed that he had more maneuvering room than actually existed. All it would take is a similar mistake for the watch on the USS Fitzgerald to think they had sufficient sea room and time to pass in front of the ACX Crystal.
  9. WW2 AAA?

    http://www.navweaps.com/ For naval weapons.
  10. I thought people would find these videos interesting.
  11. You should take a look at the "TracerSize=" and "TracerLength=" entries in the gun data INI files.
  12. Have you checked out Mue's other thread, "shimmering TODs and target objects"? That has a fix for some shimmering issues.
  13. First, take a look at your MissileObject.ini and see what Water Hit Effect Name your bombs are set to use then find those effects in your Effects folder. Once that is done look at the Materials listed in effect ini files to see what texture names are listed for those effects. After you do that make sure that you have all of the right .TGA files in your effect folder. Then test the bombs in water again and see if the effects are working properly.
  14. I found this video on YouTube and thought I would share. Comment below was posted with the video.
  15. Okay, after rereading this all again I understand what was confusing me. I thought you were talking about an entry in the weapons data files when you appear to instead be referring to the effect files in the Effects folder that are used by weapons. For example below, in red, from the start of the FlakEffect.ini file. [EffectType001] Name=FlakEffect Element[01].ElementType=PLACE_EMITTER Element[01].ElementName=FlakExplosion Element[01].StartTime=0.0 Element[01].StartTimeDeviation=0.0 Element[01].EjectTime=-1.0 Element[01].EjectTimeDeviation=0.0 I will have to take a closer look at this.
  16. Are you using Mue's distance fix, the extend the horizon and object draw distance? When in use loading slows down at 30% for awhile but you get a more realistic sense of distance in game.
  17. I just tested my modified for F-22/F-35 use AIM-120C and it waited until the the bay door was opened before ejecting and then waited until it was clear of the aircraft before the engine ignited. Is that what you are talking about or am I misunderstanding the issue?
  18. The airspeed indicator trick is how I got the canopy parts out of the way to give the F-106 a Project Six Shooter canopy. The thread I posted on it and the cockpit mod are both linked below for you to take a look at. Link to thread: F-106 Cockpit Frame Removed! Via Cockpit.INI edit work around. Link to Mod: F-106_Project_Six_Shooter_Canopy 1.0
  19. Would you please tell me what weapon you are testing or show the data file for it so I can get a better handle on the issue?
  20. I have not played these but you might give them a try. Given the age of the file you may need to fiddle around with them to get them working and maybe edit in some of the newer mods that were not around six years ago. SF2: Modern Warfare Korea V1.03 Part1 SF2: Modern Warfare Korea V1.03 Part2 Strike Fighters 2 Modern Warfare Korea v1.05 Update

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