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Everything posted by KJakker

  1. I tried this and it is amazing being able to see mountains in the distance. However, does anyone have an idea on how to fix the issue illustrated below? It occurs when the camera is low to the ground at low viewing angles relative to ground objects.
  2. What an incredible man

    Here is another link about Paul Smith with some of his art. http://beartales.me/2014/08/12/paul-smith-typewriter-artist/
  3. I just tested it on the A-1H.ini in my "C:\Users\User Name\Saved Games\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2\Objects\Aircraft\A-1H" folder with the setting pointer aimed at "C:\Program Files (x86)\ThirdWire\Strike Fighters 2" and got this.
  4. Wrench, I just dug up the original Falklands 82 read me file and found this. "Pucara, MB 326, Super Etendard, ARA Belgrano By Foxmonter; Belgrano Skin by Richard and CAPUN" Falklands_82_ReadMe.7z
  5. Wrench, here is a beta of the updated Belgrano data files. I am having a strange issue with two of the 40mm mounts on the starboard side not shooting, other than that everything else is working. If anyone else see's what is up with the 40mm's let me know I think I have been staring at it too long. Belgrano Data Update Beta.7z
  6. Wrench, use it just like the LOD viewer and select the terrain.ini file. In the image below I just selected Open and clicked on Anatolia.INI in the terrain folder and it loaded. Then I just selected the Target area from the list on the left.
  7. Be sure to save the radar tutorial. It is already missing a couple of pics. http://bbs.thirdwire.com/phpBB/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=2343
  8. What Other Games Are You Playing?

    I forgot to mention Dreamfall: Chapters and SAM Simulator.
  9. Wrench, do you want an updated data.ini for the Belgrano? I already have one mostly complete.
  10. The USN actually made AA shells for its 16" guns by using a mechanical time fuze with the HC Mark 13 round. As far as I know they were never used in combat but they did have them.
  11. This documentary might help, it is about US Navy F-18 training against German Luftwaffe MIG-29's back in 2000 but it should answer a lot of questions. In fact Hard deck is used wrong in the TOP GUN movie. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_9XrdaHaCNo&list=PL210B66E418D2E8FF
  12. The whole object will yaw and pitch. Here is a deliberate example...
  13. You have to assign an axis to a node via "YawModelNodeName=" and "PitchModelNodeName=" in order of the guns to train and elevate in place. If you don't they just spin around the center ship. Missile you can get away with only the "YawModelNodeName=" in some cases because of the "IndependentPitchMovement=TRUE" entry. What we need to do what you want is an "IndependentYawMovement=TRUE" which does not exist. If it did I would have fixed so many things. I wish that LODViewer had the "Import Geometry" of "POF Constructor Suite 2" for Freespace 2 modding.
  14. What Other Games Are You Playing?

    Pillars of Eternity, Lichdom: Battlemage, Homeworld, Skyrim, Star Citizen. I am looking at Elite: Dangerous. Dave, a note on Homeworld Remastered, a lot of the Homeworld 1 game mechanics are broken in it due to how it was ported into the HW2 game engine. If you missed Homeworld 1 back in 1999 you might want to play the included classic edition first.
  15. Writer's block

    I have to agree with Heck's recommendation. Am English professor of mine once said that one should start writing anything that comes to mind no matter what it is, just every random thought that crosses ones mind and eventually you will start writing things that make cohesive sense.
  16. Wrench, this is what I remembered Stephen1918 telling me when we worked on the V&W Class, might this be the cause of your issue?
  17. Here are some Moskva diagrams and photos for your reference. moskva.7z
  18. Wrench, when Stephen1918 and I were working on the V&W class destroyers we were having an issue with the pennant number decals showing up properly. It might be related to your issue, I will look and see if I can find what he said about fixing it.
  19. I did a little looking around and this is apparently called a 350PX. Most likely it is a variant of the Bofors SAK 40/L70-350 mount. I also found this info... http://blair-military.blogspot.com/2011/03/l70-bofors-40mm.html and these similar 40mm mounts on a Brazilian patrol boat... http://www.brasilemdefesa.com/2013/08/classe-grajau.html ...and these mounts on some Chilean boats. plus this 40mm /L70 Mod.1958 single mount.
  20. Brevity Code for Rocket Pod Launch?

    You can also try this. http://fas.org/irp/doddir/army/fm1-02-1.pdf I think this is what you want. NAILS (direction) 1. RWR indication of AI radar in search. 2. * [A/S] 2.75-inch flechette rockets.
  21. How well do you know Top Gun?

    19 of 20, I missed number 8.
  22. Found this site for the building plastic models of USAF Aircraft. http://www.usaf-sig.org/ I thought that people here at CombatACE might be interested in it because of what is in their download section. http://www.usaf-sig.org/index.php/references/downloads Look under "Technical Orders" in the "Type-Specific" page. There are manuals for about forty different aircraft that have been flown by the USAF. Edit: Updated the links.
  23. Il-2 '46's new supermod!

    Here is the answer for the "packaging". http://www.navweaps.com/Weapons/WTUS_WWII.htm The Mk 13 used add-on wooden shrouds and fins to allow it to be dropped reliably from higher altitude and air speeds. They would brake away when the torpedo hit the water.
  24. Nyghtfall, try these for blender info. http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Blender_3D:_Noob_to_Pro http://gryllus.net/Blender/3D.html Edit: I just realized that this is my five hundredth post on CombatAce.

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