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Status Updates posted by Javito1986

  1. Wishing I could make posts here from my iPad. Can sure update my status though ;)

    1. Dave


      I have the same problem too. I wonder why its has that issue.

    2. Javito1986


      I really don't know. I've googled the problem and haven't found a satisfactory solution. I've tried the CombatAce forums using iPad's Safari, Atomic Browser, and iCab Mobile browsers and always it won't let me make new posts.


      It's not a HUGE deal, can always do it from the comp, but I will admit that I like to be lazy sometimes and browse the forums from bed

    3. JediMaster


      Can't do it from my Android phone either.

  2. Women. Can't live with 'em. Can't take them up in the backseat of your SE5 and drop them out the side, there is no backseat.

    1. Slartibartfast


      simple strap them to the bomb rack or to the Lewis Gun Mount...

    2. Javito1986


      hahahhahaa, thumbs up.

  3. Warning to all pilots: if you want to unwind after a long day and play a game while not paying attention, play XBox multiplayer. Play Red Orchestra. DO NOT FLY YOUR 70-HR OVER FLANDERS FIELDS PILOT. It will just end in tears. Your tears!


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