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Everything posted by EricJ

  1. VFA-122 CO Desert scheme 2010



    This skin is one of the "Aggressor" real world camo patterns for VFA-122 "Flying Eagles" F/A-18F Can be used in SF1 but not the drop tank texture.. Drop in the FA-18F directory and go fly. Eric Johnson 2011
  2. It's not like the inbuilt mission editor is totally screwed... it's just that when I setup DACT sessions that sometimes my opponent would spawn, and sometimes not. KMD setup missions things for the most part work as they should. For "pass the time" missions I use the inbuilt mission editor and that works fine.
  3. two weeks, they'll let us know when they can, other than that just be patient...
  4. No problem! This may help you in your cause though... http://www.google.com/search?q=F-4+vs%2F+MIG-19&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a
  5. View File VFA-122 CO Desert scheme 2010 This skin is one of the "Aggressor" real world camo patterns for VFA-122 "Flying Eagles" F/A-18F Can be used in SF1 but not the drop tank texture.. Drop in the FA-18F directory and go fly. Eric Johnson 2011 Submitter EricJ Submitted 03/19/2011 Category F-18  
  6. So suhsjake just pull out your 240B, stick it it out of your cockpit and take care of business ;)
  7. Updated again, check the changelog for additions as well as the README. Note that due to improvements I'm working on I have pulled the aircraft pack from the Combatace Freeware License. I have future plans and modifications so I don't want people getting ahead of me or anybody who has additions.
  8. Dyess installs last B-1 LCTP upgrade

    And they're worth the money too
  9. No fly Zone over Libya...

    VAQ-141 is on the George Bush conducting OEF/OIF support and they're a full squadron. There's a couple but if I read the news the Enterprise is around the area. They may have a Growler squadron (VAQ-138 and I think -136 have them) onboard.
  10. Personally I like the quote from Goldeneye "The trick is to quit while you're still ahead" always comes to mind...
  11. Buccaneer

    Damn... Nice work!
  12. Nice work Slartibatfast! I've never hung around myself if faced with too many odds... they'll be there when they show up
  13. Me: F/A-18E with 2 x AIM-9X, 3 x AIM-120, 2 x GBU-31 JDAM, 3 x tanks, gun opposition: J-10A with 2 x PL-8, 4 x SD-10/PL-12, gun and center tank Much Like when I was the shooter in the J-10A when we finally (after a few minutes) we got into a few energy circles, and on my end the impression was the same as we couldn't get an advantage. I managed to pull my nose into him (harder with all the weight) and fired my first 9X, which went stoopid and missed. After that he started to slow up a bit, starting to get more defensive though this time I managed to turn my nose in better launching my last 9X, exploding him. This one took longer (3 minutes instead of 1 minute and 47 seconds) instead of the Fox because well... the E is slower and therefore I used that to my advantage when I was chasing him. All that weight on my wings was helping that along as well but again after the near overshoot he started to play around. It should be noted that since he was defensive like that all it would have taken was a quick trigger pull... And as well the J-10 likes to do larger energy circles compared to most, which shows the difference in maneuverability of versus these two particular aircraft. The Typhoon has the same configuration but can pull in tighter, and relatively less powerful engines (the J-10 has a Flanker engine) but can match it in the turning fight.
  14. Me: F/A-18F EPE with 2 x AIM-9X, 3 x AIM-120, 1 x ATFLIR, 3 x tanks, 12 x Mk.82s Opposition: J-10A with 2 x PL-8, 4 x SD-10/PL-12, gun, center tank. Just wanted to see how this would work out and it worked pretty good. Started behind him but he started with a scissors and I managed to pull out of overshooting by a nanofart. He went westish and entered for some reason a wider circle fight in which despite the weight I pulled into him, using my burner (no way I could have gotten him with mil power as my speed was dropping fast, natch) pulling into him. I selected my 9X and fired with it tracking and blowing him up. Takeaways was that you have to watch your forward motion even when you're bomb truckin it, seriously as inertia I assume is handled well in the game so yes I throttled down... but again based on the maneuverability not power characteristics I was still able to turn into him, though with that load I had to hit the burner earlier as if lighter I could have gotten him with at least mil power or of course less.
  15. Me: J-10A with 2 x PL-9C, 2 x R-77, 2 x PiLi-12, gun Opposition: F/A-18E Super Hornet w/ 2 x AIM-9X, 8 x AIM-120, gun Starting off the Super Bug acted much like the Su-35 in trying to draw me into a scissors and after a few minutes I decided that I'm not going to get anywhere if I stay behind him for a perfect shot, but given the quality of the missiles (I wanted to try out the PiLi-12 honestly) I wasn't too sure and wanted to take my time with the stock bird. I'll only include the highlights because I think it took about ten minutes. I say this because somehow graphically when I went to the debrief screen I couldn't do anything. Not sure what the deal was but whatever, I got it in screenshots. And my screenshots will show the highlights... In any case I got into vertical and horizontal energy scissors quite constantly. And my recommendation is if you're trying to shoot down the Bug then reverse into it but I would advise that the Bug still can corner (without the EPE) quite well and yeah... there's the 9X there too. I found this out as after doing one of many reversals and seeing the tracers whiz by past my canopy. Eventually got into a good firing position and tried a shot with the PL-9C. Yeah it tracked real great but defeated by maneuver and flares. Again repeat circle. I reversed into him again and I tried my second PL-9C, and well shouldn't have as later on I wished I had it but still worked out in the end. So after this he levels off east of LAX and I setup an R-77 launch but he defeats that by maneuver (he was already defensive) and chaff. Great... So I maneuver some more and nearly get a gun solution but he's got too much energy on me to compensate so he flies past. I switch to (eventually) the PiLi-12s and work a radar missile kill. Problem is by that time I was a bit too close with the radar scope covered in the big "X". Eventually he levels off heading east and I lock him up with the PiLi-12 in no escape range. Still had the "X" and deployed my speedbrakes to get him past that, firing my PiLi-12 and exploding him. Takeaways? The stock Super Bug is an even match for the J-10A, but I would hazard that the Super Bug corners much better and therefore when you reverse into him beware of a face shot. At least at close range expect the gun but at a longer distance it wouldn't be hard to work in a 9X shot either. So I would say that it boils down to skill on this one.
  16. Thanks! But this is an actual CO jet too (photo from airfighters.com):
  17. Minor texture update before uploading, found a good rubber hose texture and applied it:

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