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Everything posted by EricJ

  1. That unfortunately I'm not even sure myself. Maybe you deleted the Guns folder by accident, but then again the Guns folder is for added guns, not the default ones. If they were for addon (third party) then maybe you're gonna have to reinstall them.
  2. Exactly, create the folder, and drop the "25MM_GAU-22A" folder there, fire up the game and it will show up. Just remember the B and C versions have the gun, not the A version... It operates on the same principle as the weapons folder. Create a gun using the editor, and it'll show up.
  3. Have to setup a "Guns" folder in the Objects directory too.
  4. If you look in the other original topic, you can have a 0 charge, and it will still give effects (explosion, graphics, log on the Debrief Log as a hit, etc.) so it's possible to launch (or have a weapon launched at you) and not get blown out of the sky. Here's the example R-73 for that topic. And terrain is looking nice wpnssgt CAR-73.7z
  5. I'm pretty sure the cirriculum for Top Gun nowadays includes strike, since the Super Hornet and Hornet squadrons (not too sure on the Hornet now..) rotate through there. So for future missions it can include either standard air to air engagements and then a "ground phase" for the strike portion.
  6. F16 IN

  7. Landing at Kandahar, from Masar i Sharif
  8. Try these and see if it doesn't work. Be advised the 27km "mavericks" can also be used by US aircraft (flight testing, just being lazy right now) but they appear fine in my install. KF1-AXWeapons.7z
  9. F16 IN

    So far nothing on either. There's an Su-47 running around somewhere (not downloadable either), but nothing concrete on that.
  10. Hey should we go to the downloads section for the uploaded planes Dels? Many thanks seriously, always good stuff
  11. Click the smegging "Upload File" button after you go to the smegging Downloads section
  12. Similar to what Rich Sorochak did for LOMAC, I was thinking under the auspices of trying to make a central place for tactical help in the SFG series (as well as SF2), so if interested.... contact me. http://562.50megs.com/562nd/index.htm
  13. Uploaded the Guided Weapons Tutorial http://562.50megs.com/562nd/Tutorials/GuidedWeapons.zip Any recommendations, additions, etc. always welcome.
  14. Checking out off-boresight target killin..., and cheap F-14D because really, MF are slackers ,
  15. Gotta love off boresight AGMs.... much fun, gonna see if I can't get those values in my own design... And I have to say a very intuitive cockpit, and not cluttered at all, very nice work...
  16. Works fine in SF2, now to see about converting it...
  17. It's just to cover my butt legally, all the cockpit files are in the Super Hornet package so just install it and you'll be good to go.
  18. That's the A-Team version, have to go to their site..
  19. Go to the _Data.ini and change the "EngineSoundName=" to JetEngine and the sound will return.
  20. Well yeah, it's dead in the water right now. It'll be ready... when ready.
  21. That's looking nice, and the cool thing is, it'll be available here!

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