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Everything posted by EricJ

  1. Seriously.. FC added that little trick. They're red when it's deploying and green when it's extended. And of course Red while retracting. FC has some documentation on it so he'd be the better person to ask really.
  2. http://www.google.com http://www.airliners.net
  3. I've noticed after the Oct 08 patch AI now fires Active homers too, found that out on a long, slow strike mission in Israel, my escorts called out "Fox 3" and I was happy.
  4. Finally got the drop tanks weathered. Not perfect but doable. And you were right yet again FC, the refuelling pod only has one green light.
  5. Not really planned man, it was just a nice pic I came up with returning from a strike mission at Al Khafji. Though moments afterwards I splashed two -29s and got a Fishbed though.
  6. Dave really wasn't looking for a completed look, more or less the prototype skin and that was it. I may float a skin sometime, but not an absolute priority.
  7. Updated model for the buddy refuelling pod, and new feature:
  8. Weapons: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...amp;showcat=340 Utilities: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...&showcat=30 The pack comes with a "weapondata.ini" that has all the entries for all the weapons in the pack, you put the weapons pack (by reading the README) in your WOX/Objects folder. Open the Weaponeditor and find where you put the weapondata.ini (of course where you installed the game) and you click "Save" even though you didn't edit anything. It creates a "Weapondata.dat" which the game reads, so when you go into the game and you can select a boatload of various weapons to arm your aircraft with
  9. More weathering/Detail work. Did some more weathering to the top of the wings, as well as detailing (so to speak I guess) for the pylons when not mounted. And I'll admitting in having to purchase the VRS F/A-18E for most of the references for this project. While alot exists some of the reference work had to be used in order to get more detail. And no witch hunters, no unlicensed texture work is used on this project. Believe me the gear bays would be more detailed than as I could get. I've honestly bounced the idea of using some by askjng, but overall I think I have done a good enough job without them.
  10. Looking good Wrench, but just an addendum, most of your maps work fine in WOI, so overall while you generally do not, I use WOI and so things are generally kosher. Nice little Towers of Kuwait there
  11. Happy Birthday ST0RM

    Happy Birthday!
  12. Alot of it is legality issues, i.e. if it's a model you did for FS2004 yeah no problem. If it's by somebody else and they bless off on it, no problem. If you stole it and claim it's yours, big problem.
  13. lol yeah but be reminded that you're talking to two moderators who talks to the admin.... Pay up
  14. So every time I fly this I'm technically "hogging"?
  15. Yup the "76.IAP-Blackbird Special" we forgot to mention.... But look at the bright side! You get an eel too!
  16. True, some of the few shots I have make it look huge compared to the Tomcat taking off. Then again... the Tom was probably lighter than this beast anyways...
  17. Well can never disagre with the experts can you? Thanks!
  18. Prototype main gear bay texture. Found this at a modelling site, and it's okay I think.

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