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Everything posted by EricJ

  1. Started some general weathering and slimer "off" detail.
  2. I'm using the A version, matter of fact I started it up last night. I got the peectures done, need to do the particular text for it.
  3. Fine I'll "expose" the eels and lazercats. It's just something to lighten up the mood here that's all. We can get pretty serious and some of us (USAFBLT is a complete slacker I tell you ) do need a good laugh every once in awhile. I've been in pretty crappy moods and sometimes a B-52 looking EEL is just something that makes your day. As for pods.... you may have to muck with the nations. Pylons accept NATO, WP, SOVIET, USAF, USN, etc. so you are going to have to check some nations or look in the _Data.ini (not aircraftdata.ini) or adjust times. I'd recommend using the Weapons Editor, as somethings you can't figure out on Notepad.
  4. Nice one Brain32, "lolcat" I can haz skin!
  5. I was going to say VX-9 myself, but as said, was contemplating eels..... And no problem, and thank you!
  6. Sometimes using a car to check out a new apartment is so passe..
  7. FC managed to get the slimers working. Tried my hand at gear compression with some tips from Fubar512, and well.... I'd rather play with an eel in a bathtub, it's more relieving, and quite shocking..... So FC made it clear it wasn't the greatest thing to do, and he was right, it wasn't. JAT81500 submitted one, but it's not the right version, so I'll wait for that. And it is an animation, not linked to the lights.
  8. Wrench's SoCal terrain and F-111A, priceless
  9. I did too, got shot up in San Filipe, but Wrench,.... amazing work man, MUCH better than the original! :good:
  10. One thing that was bugging the crap out of me was it's "clean". Also more gear detail. Looking for contributors for gear bay textures if anybody is feeling generous.
  11. Just nice, DEFINITELY an improvement over the old one, skimming the mountains is just... great.
  12. On the left side of the HUD is the "meatball" as echoed in the cockpit. That's realistically and small garnishings such as an accurate weapons status panel below the HUD.
  13. Don't ask me brother, Fubar512 knows more than I do, sorry I wish it was but that's not a project I'm involved in. I just got years of experience with that bird to "feel" the resistance when doing that loop.
  14. FM looks about right, compared to LOMACs...
  15. More progress. The HARM is strictly a weapon ini edit, apart from the SH. However got you a shot Vampyre Additionally, gear well, and more buddy pod, as well as wing, tailfin, and tailplane work.
  16. Which is a simple ini edit, so thanks for the heads up and now will go test it out. And the way FC is doing stuff... Yes I am confident it will.
  17. Just to throw some moderator strength behind this, but don't degenerate this topic into a Super Hornet vs. Tomcat thread, or no holds barred post deleting. This is why we have a Military Aviation forum here on CA, so know your place, not in a thread for a mod. Understood?
  18. I'm looking for some good recommendations on how to be accurate with bombs with the F-111A, any tips?
  19. http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...s&showcat=2
  20. That's what I said right? Cool looking though..
  21. And a technique that requires practice for me, though I found out a diving attack works wonders too, pickling bombs off. And what is this jazz about terrain following radar? Or need of one?

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