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Everything posted by EricJ

  1. Well I'll darken it a tad, and see how it looks.
  2. Finally got off my butt and got a gun texture, and prelim rail textures for the dual rails.
  3. Well.. I took the colors from a modelling site. The main issue is that scheme is various colors during different lighting conditions man. I know you mean well, but that's during a cloudy day, here's one during a sunny day, and what I used to get the color.
  4. Some more progress shots. Not visible are mapping changes. On that topic, the template is now "all inclusive" (so one template handles the E/F/G models with no difference except for of course the two seat versus single) like BLT, its just all together (well USAFBLT is a different story altogether.... ). On the serious notes, we were having issues with weapon placement, as well as the fun fun fun sub-pylons for the Mavs, HARM, and Sparrows. So instead of the whole mishmash (which it turned out to be) FC managed to make it a whole new pylon model, so when you select the HARM (as you can see in the screenie) it's a whole pylon, not just the adapter, same with the Sparrows. Of course they need mapping, will start soon, but here's some stuff that is just beautiful Also the top left pic shows the repositioning of the middle wing pylon. Shown in one screenie are the spoilers deployed. JAT81500 gonna need you to work on that, as you'll have the latest in your inbox, "non clown skin" included. Also shown is the new flap setting, which was assumed to be like the Legacy Hornet, but after looking at it, was readjusted, also to clear the weapons on the outer pylons. I have to redo the wing textures only for readjusting the "mounting holes" positioning, but the good thing is it shouldn't be much longer. Only other issues to tackle ini-wise is the compression of the gear, all SH's are "low riders" so gonna need that accomplished, as well as the spoilers only deploying at very low speeds, which of course should be at all speeds. I owe FC positions for the formation lights, which can be solved easily.
  5. Go into each aircraft's folder and delete the .shd file. With the later patches a shadow LOD isn't needed.
  6. It's all good Dave, first Cold War Era bomb truck I love to fly Had a good time until I got shredded by Shilkas (my fault for running in but I'll be allright)
  7. Speaking of that.. preliminary textures for the probe.
  8. Hey Blackbird.. the Supa Bug is taking more and more priority, I'll upload Syrinx's work here, as well.. the Bug is quite alot of work.. It's untouched from what she did, so it's still all her work. X29_Nasa.rar
  9. That's it! This download sucks! :lol:
  10. Guys just as a request, please don't quote images when replying? I accidentally nuked Spinners shot because the F-4 was quoted, so thanks!
  11. Not to steal your thunder brother, but also: Column5 - Permission to adapt the A Hornet textures Jarhead1- Beta Tester. Superior work man, it's just beautiful
  12. Again gotta thank JAT81500's hand in this Animations currently:
  13. Just reading the readme and following the instructions I will say that flying this plane made me think of Red Storm Rising though...
  14. As always, it's the community that supports the various aspects that makes it all worthwhile , and just so it's known, Jarhead1 is also beta testing this for an additional perspective. I guess you gotta let the Marines do something every once in awhile that's constructive
  15. Now that the engine tunnels are seated. It should be noted skinning will be delayed with the latest updates
  16. Found out the damage model the hard way, more as to show the difference between the previous images and the model. And no problem, great work FC! And besides it's just shifting the texture lines to account for the new position. As far as the ATFLIR is concerned. Officially I'm against it for being "fixed" for practical reasons. Simply for places like the Bering Streits map, I carry non laser guided weapons and need that spot for AMRAAMs, as that's a map where I have to swallow my pride as a mud mover and put more priority on self-defense missiles rather than bombs. If there's a such a demand for a "fixed" pod, then I don't mind, but as far as for my personal taste, I like to have the option to load it or not.
  17. I think you're on the ball FC, check out these:
  18. That's beautiful FC, just outright beautiful.
  19. If there's one thing that ticks me off, it's the US Navy. Why? they have to pick the most complex color in the world. Effective yes, but I think I finally got it (I hope this time!):
  20. Thanks! More work, more details and such. I passed along the model to Dave for decalling, more or less for my favorite E squadron anyways. Pending refinements it's not going to be long really I would surmise.
  21. I'd say do it, would help get a read on what to look forward to

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