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Everything posted by EricJ

  1. Gotcha, PM it and I'll have a go tomorrow.
  2. What do you use? CS3 or GIMP? All you have to do is move the lines so they line up. Of course it could be just the texture is stretching for some reason....
  3. Hawk 200, a single seat version of the T.1A Hawk, or T-45A Goshawk (USN service). BAe tried to export it as a light combat aircraft but wasn't popular.
  4. A shot of the STOL capabilities. I tend to rotate around 120 knots, both in Erwin_Han's and this one.
  5. I would assume so. Hey man I got ICQ if that will help things too. Also took it amongst the mountains of the Black Sea map, and it's just nice JAT, good work!
  6. Yeah the only six-point MERs I see loaded are for training ops, not so much actual bomb use, though they use the two bomb unit for dumb bombs only. And no problem man
  7. http://www.ausairpower.net/000-Super-Bug-loadout.jpg Had to use my Google-Fu technique, but I have been trained by the Eel Shaolin Temple..
  8. http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?s=&am...st&p=233855 Yeh that's the only model I got though, checking around I didn't have the "good" one.. LAU-117 for Maverick: http://www.fas.org/man/dod-101/sys/ac/equi...117-990773a.jpg http://www.ordnance.org/lau117a.htm LAU-118/A for HARM: http://www.fas.org/man/dod-101/sys/ac/equi...N-7280M-002.jpg http://www.ordnance.org/lau118a.htm LAU-115 for AIM-7: http://www.ordnance.org/lau115.htm General file (PDF) http://www.globalsecurity.org/military/lib...c/14313_ch3.pdf
  9. http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=6631
  10. Guess I've been jetsetting too much and missed this topic... looking great!
  11. ATFLIR doesn't need an adapter per se, but I've already brought up that issue though.
  12. And FC Dave still wants the pony, so if you could Finally got a stick, and finally got flying again, so I took it to the Range. From what happens, the weapon, once launched or dropped, takes a "zero" launch direction, so I think it was rustiness that made me miss a couple times with the Paveways, not so much the angled pylons. As far as handling? I think it's allright, much like the Erwin_Hans F version, a tad lighter of course, but overall I feel it's pretty good, so JAT81500 pretty much IMHO hit it right on the spot as far as FM tweaking. It "feels" right, and that's always good
  13. Nah man it's all good dude, just I've been up since 330AM and half asleep/awake, and don't care man, it's your site!
  14. F/A-18A. There's peectures for the E/F versions, but not many enough to really consider a pit. I'd like a custom pit yes, but right now I don't think there's enough open source data on it. That can be down the road as really the A pit is fine, so it's not a real priority. Finally redid the textures for the chaff/flare boxes. Panel lines are at "production" opacity, which is 10%. Overall the Supa has a very clean appearance, when clean. And to show when a pylon is not in use (common practice to lessen drag) the mounting points will be there. Just more of a "wow" factor. I need to get some good pictures in order to make it more "realistic" but at least the holes are set for all the pylons.
  15. Nah if it's not textured on the a/c it won't crash, but it's just a notation that it "exists" The parts you copy give the x,y,z location on the airframe, so if it doesn't dispense where it's really supposed to, then it's just an artifact of the M2000's original positioning, but should work.
  16. Go to the DATA.ini of the M2000C, and go to the "Fuselage" section and you'll see the sections there, you have to copy that to the DATA.ini you want to add it to, and sequentially. You have to notate it in that area so the game logic "sees" the dispensers "there" and it will work.
  17. Thanks but not really all praise goes to me, AmokFloo had done the original optimization (was like..... 200,000 polys? Good of course for a scene, but not for a simulation!), FC has done an excellent job getting it in, as well as JAT81500's great work with the Ini file. Without them man this project would have been dead in the water and no pony for Dave
  18. BSG

    Agreed. BSG is a TV show, you like it or love it, and not to make your life around it IMHO. I've thoroughly enjoyed the show. Thing is, the original series didn't have as much depth, was a Star Trek format. Sure it had development, but I think the writers in BSG really put alot of thought into alot of morality issues we face today. Sure it's based on fiction, but the added edge of the "heroes" being just as "evil" as the bad guys shows alot more depth that what makes the series alot better and more ready to watch, because sometimes there's you in there too. So if you can't look at yourself and say you haven't done evil things, then it's wrong. It's not the intent of the show yes, but again it's about depth of acting, and the storyline that drives it. And the original series never got as far as BSG has, so there's no comparison between the two past the "religious crusade". And on that note, it's not surprising in that situation that they were in, it was bound to happen. When you've been under alot of pressure people will crack, it's just human nature. Otherwise it wouldn't have been popular, and a one season wonder.
  19. Yep, and I knew the other version was not good. I got the MAX file that I seperated from the original model that FC is working on so if anybody wants to get it in WOX I'll PM it. We have talked about other things, such as tanks, ATFLIR, and ALQ-99 pods for the G model. Only thing is that FC is working on the aircraft itself, and as we've seen, the complexity of it is enormous. I'm a fan of course and the complexity of the aircraft from what we've had to digress is amazing IMHO. So it's not a surprise, but WIP.
  20. Well if a canard version can be done it'd be nice. I love the original prototype version so if all possible.... And no the aircraft isn't released yet.
  21. See what you can do man, that's all I ask. And nice man, awesome work.....
  22. The US Navy really never followed the practice of the USAF in mounting AMRAAMs on the wingtips. Not difficult since the same LAU-127 rail is used, but I think it's more of a structural or practical reason, so only 'winders are used. And talking with somebody, there's loadout limitations due to the angled pylons, I don't remember offhand but if it's workable fine, if not ce la vie. I like having preset loadouts as usually they're based on just single missions that I've played and found it acceptable for "combat".

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