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Everything posted by EricJ

  1. I know man, like handing the keys to a Lamborghini and no car...
  2. I think the lack of replies... is that we're just as baffled as you are man. Like to help... but honestly don't know how.
  3. The difference is that... LOMAC is more finely tuned as a whole. So the fedelity is more finer. Not to say the modders (Mirage Factory especially) are half-assed, but LOMAC just is better. But then again it's not modder friendly so I don't play it anymore. After years of flying the Su-33 it was time to move on. So I've been Russian'd out and fly US/Western aircraft, and WOI as a whole, lets me pick and choose.

    There things you just don't inquire any further about...
  5. DCS: A-10C Warthog

    I disagree, but that's depending on the environment you work in..
  6. The Terrain Editor Thread

    I got a q, can you extend "The Wall" on maps? I've been hankering to check out the water SW of the ANW map, and was wondering if it can be extended so I can check that out..
  7. Guess it's just a Phantom kind of day... Sending some Christmas presents to the Taliban...
  8. F-15Es, A-10s (N/AW was a demonstrator only), F-16s, AV-8s, B-1Bs, F/A-18A/B/C/D/E/F, M2000D, Rafale, Super Entard. WP Su-25 seems to be the only dedicated CAS platform for the Warsaw Pact. I'm sure the rest with secondary ground attack capability has been trained, but overall the Su-25 is the only one that immediately pops in the head.
  9. Yeah but flares aren't really used to mark friendly locations. That's more of "talking on" the FAC or pilot to your location. Here it's just too easy if you know how to do it. Also, typically smoke is used, rather than something like that. CAS at night is different nowadays, and really required alot of coordination, and I may be wrong, but CAS really wasn't used at night, due to the fact that NVGs during that period were never around.
  10. Help with russian

    Okay.. moved it because we've gotten over the precipice on the topic...
  11. So would some Humvees, and like Silverbolt, got some good references..
  12. Have to check it out, the old IDS I'm not getting the German markings.
  13. Egressing from a successful strike. It turns out I got confused and thought I was flying The Range map, hence no 'winders, so I was a little more than enthusiastic when I got CAP from Hornets and boogie'd back to base.
  14. Here's what I've done so far... I downloaded the TA-4H, but is there any way to remove the hump?

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