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Everything posted by EricJ

  1. Thanks but not really all praise goes to me, AmokFloo had done the original optimization (was like..... 200,000 polys? Good of course for a scene, but not for a simulation!), FC has done an excellent job getting it in, as well as JAT81500's great work with the Ini file. Without them man this project would have been dead in the water and no pony for Dave
  2. BSG

    Agreed. BSG is a TV show, you like it or love it, and not to make your life around it IMHO. I've thoroughly enjoyed the show. Thing is, the original series didn't have as much depth, was a Star Trek format. Sure it had development, but I think the writers in BSG really put alot of thought into alot of morality issues we face today. Sure it's based on fiction, but the added edge of the "heroes" being just as "evil" as the bad guys shows alot more depth that what makes the series alot better and more ready to watch, because sometimes there's you in there too. So if you can't look at yourself and say you haven't done evil things, then it's wrong. It's not the intent of the show yes, but again it's about depth of acting, and the storyline that drives it. And the original series never got as far as BSG has, so there's no comparison between the two past the "religious crusade". And on that note, it's not surprising in that situation that they were in, it was bound to happen. When you've been under alot of pressure people will crack, it's just human nature. Otherwise it wouldn't have been popular, and a one season wonder.
  3. Yep, and I knew the other version was not good. I got the MAX file that I seperated from the original model that FC is working on so if anybody wants to get it in WOX I'll PM it. We have talked about other things, such as tanks, ATFLIR, and ALQ-99 pods for the G model. Only thing is that FC is working on the aircraft itself, and as we've seen, the complexity of it is enormous. I'm a fan of course and the complexity of the aircraft from what we've had to digress is amazing IMHO. So it's not a surprise, but WIP.
  4. Well if a canard version can be done it'd be nice. I love the original prototype version so if all possible.... And no the aircraft isn't released yet.
  5. See what you can do man, that's all I ask. And nice man, awesome work.....
  6. The US Navy really never followed the practice of the USAF in mounting AMRAAMs on the wingtips. Not difficult since the same LAU-127 rail is used, but I think it's more of a structural or practical reason, so only 'winders are used. And talking with somebody, there's loadout limitations due to the angled pylons, I don't remember offhand but if it's workable fine, if not ce la vie. I like having preset loadouts as usually they're based on just single missions that I've played and found it acceptable for "combat".
  7. Re: Assymentrical loadouts.... not sure if it's doable. I asked FC if he could, but pretty much got the response of "not doable" I would prefer the main wing pylons, but your INI suggestion did tricks of course, so if possible yea, if not ce la vie..
  8. Yeah but that's differing branches though. It's known of course that foreign armies have it while on deployment, but you know how it goes... Honestly I'm not a heavy beer drinker meself but gonna knock a cool one tomorrow night, I'm tired as it is so no fun until then....
  9. Hell no, was enroute back home and in uniform, and made it quite clear if we did it, we better enjoy it because they would have sent me back, no no no. Heard some guy did that and he got sent back, so it sent the fear of God into me, but it was tempting...
  10. The sad part is that I was singing the chorus....
  11. It's up to you man, I can go either way, and was ready to upload it in Ireland but ran out of time unfortunately... but here's what JAT has done :
  12. Just a note, for ini work the R-73 rails are a permanent fixture, unless they're "hidden" for Sorbitsya pods..
  13. Yeah I should be in-country "today" so I'll get it to you, as well as JAT81500's skin. Just a warning JAT81500, it will still be a "prototype" skin format, as I haven't still finished it, so what you see on the topic here, is what you'll get, along with what I have. I can't work on any skin or a personal version until it's ready even for me, and it's not, so to be fair about the issue.
  14. In a few weeks F/A-18F should be around, so it will be known.
  15. Using the KMD you can assign it "transport" and pretty sure of course it doesn't require an objective so this'll be a nice addon for missions....
  16. Took a look at JAT81500s ini work, and the bombs, etc. are aligned properly now, i.e. canted along with the pylons. I'm in transit so I can't bust out the joystick to see how the FM tweaks he did worked out, but within a day or so should have a good feel. Other than that, good work, a few tweaks, but overall If they allowed use of thumbdrives, then I could upload the skin for JAT81500, and screenies showing his work, which is nice, considering it's accurate...
  17. Maybe put back the Supa Bug's intakes back? the squarish intakes doesn't look good IMHO, but then again it does look pretty cool
  18. Come on Dave, when I have to spot Tbans in rocks, the Bone is fairly easy to pick out, so no eel for you!
  19. I don't know the name offhand, but find the .cat extractor in the Downloads/WoX series/utilities. You have to extract the Netz_DATA.ini and find it yourself. Hate to be rude but I'm not working off my personal laptop.
  20. It's going to be fairly basic, how I usually keep them, so it leaves the skinner to have as much fun. So yeah, you'll get a panel layer, rivet layer, and "Details", which is all the extraneous stuff (gear, cockpit, etc.), and the basic two-tone camo layer. Yes it is two tone, just the Navy decided on a weird combination that depending on the light (as seen in the screenies above) seems like one. That's why in some cases I don't enjoy modern USN aircraft, because the light just causes problem over the colors, but such as it is.....
  21. Yeah man, it's working okay so far... I got a PM for ye when it uploads, just the only thing bugging me is the gear, but overall it's fine. JAT81500 submitted a tentative ini and loadout.ini, so I owe him a "non-clown" skin (still WIP, can't they make aircraft that don't require so many damn rivets?). That and travelling home is sorta kinda throwing wrenches in updates. I got most of the aircraft done, still working on refinements, and other bits, but I would guesstimate less than two real weeks it should be good to go. And I do appreciate the help from FC, column5, and JAT81500. I know SidDogg you want to help that's cool, but it's been so long since I've done real work that it's kinda fun doing a "new" skin, so I got you bro, but I'd like to do my part as well.
  22. Been out of the loop a bit, but here's a general progress.

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