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Everything posted by EricJ

  1. From what I understand, the AA-11 and AA-10 were developed for the (then) newer generation fighters, Fulcrum and Flanker.
  2. small work. Thankfully the panel lines aren't numerous so the initial work is relatively easy. Gotta touchup and probably start weathering pretty soon.
  3. Cool stuff! It's only too bad you can't aerial refuel...
  4. Okay, I can skin the roundels and stuff on there, but not a decaller... I don't honestly believe in them, so if you got somebody to help...
  5. Also FC... you just want the bird's camo, detailing and that's it? Not sure if you're going to apply decals to this...
  6. I've been getting the same problem meself. First I thought it was just me... but no, it's becoming apparent the AI needs more tweaking...
  7. This is from Don Color, and generally using this scheme. Also when I posted earlier I forgot my thumbdrive. Small additions, but still progress:
  8. Well thankfully it's not too detailed for what I'm using, so the main problem was getting the pattern lined up. Still touchups for line work, but be advised I'm using a single-seat pattern on a two-seater, which right now isn't too shabby
  9. As I recall, every section within Combatace.com has it's own "area" So the ruling gumpy is that you're in error, and the shot removed. Nice one I'll give it that, but not in the right spot. Besides, if a non-moderator kinda hints that it's the wrong spot, do the right thing man and don't get all argumentative. Double-check yourself and realize where you're at. After a long day at work, it's nice sometimes to just drop a bomb here and there...
  10. Got the lines finalized to an extent, least the main ones. I figure within a week in a half it should be near finished.
  11. And agreed Jug, but I don't have much experience first hand with a/c, other than directing them. So that's what I'm used to, and probably just spoiled on the lift capabilities. Older aircraft I've had to rotate down the runway I get better performance so while it's a bad example, I'm going from at least simulated to real world experience, and trying to get an idea really, if that's really the performance the E/F had. Which of course somebody who's really flown the aircraft, has experienced.
  12. And obviously you're right, since the SH is optimized for STOL capabilities, but just wanted to make sure my suspicions were correct. Still working on it though it's kinda busy tonight so will continue to plug at it.
  13. Ahh yeah, not really particularly interested in schemes, it's been a while since I dealt with BattleTech.
  14. Which may help the takeoff. I've had to start rotating at 180+ knots. Using the Super Bug as an example, I rotate past 120 knots and while essentially the SH has been optimized for STOL takeoffs, there's no reason a plane that's overall.... 3 to 4 times as heavy should takeoff that easy. Then again I'm no pilot with experience with any F-5 version but it does seem odd.
  15. From Matt Wagner via Lockon.ru PM: Just giving you a heads up. So you're going to have to do the hard work and do your own textures.
  16. It should be advised, that I'm also in good with Eagle Dynamics, and know Matt Wagner. So do it if you want, but you're going to be banned from here, and slammed by ED. I can ask about the skins, but modelling has to be 100% yours, understand? So keep up the work 101tfs, but do it legally. It should be put out that most of us moderators work with other simulations, so we know the business pretty well. There aren't many simulations out there... and it's a small community as it is here.
  17. Which is one of the cooler fighters, House Kurita correct?
  18. More work, getting more details, and panel lines.
  19. I just hope the frakking thing works!
  20. I think it's certain missions, same with me. Once you cross the "border" as defined in the (Mapname)_Movment.ini file. The enemy tends to do the same. I've noticed that on the NW map, the Norway map, and I am sure others as well. But that's my speculation anyways..
  21. I just hope it's better than it is currently...

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