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Everything posted by EricJ

  1. True, but a Harrier can't carry ECM. I'm telling you in some places it saves you. The F-35 has it internal, so no loss in weapon carrying capability.
  2. And what makes me sick is this is about to take a turn for the worst. It's nothing wrong to be proud of your nationality, this just isn't the place to voice it. BUT back on Topic, looking pretty cool Erwin, looking really for the Berkut!
  3. And more than likely a quashed topic. There are various 3D models (small selection due to other reasons) available in the Downloads section. THere's one in the F/A-18 and the "What If" section if I'm not mistaken.
  4. Unfortunately not. Most "advanced" things are just what modders have pushed, and given the creativity, which is endless, it still requires the game engine for support. Given that TK isn't pushing past the 80's, well... unless somebody figures it out, then no, just strictly forward aspect.
  5. Just be advised.. it's good for solo flying only. I've been trying (somewhat unsuccessfully....) to accommodate AI flights. I found a decent spot, just have to tweak it
  6. http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showt...st&p=217405 Since you're using Harriers...
  7. Did some brainstorming, and some thinking...... Figured since I don't have WOE, I could see what I could do elsewhere... It's usable for sure, rough field landings but if JSF_Aggie is still modding, then only suggestion is a "dirt" or "runway" for this. It works on landing, but the thing is, the "runway" would have to have the emergency wire that the USAF had for like the F-15, or F-16? for hook capable a/c Included in the zip is the last set of images, modded ini file. Note you will JSF_Aggie's Highway Runway mod in the Downloads section, and add his target types to the AMERICA_NW_TYPES.ini The included zip has the one pictured below... moved slightly though but still workable.
  8. Looks pretty impressive for a set. Maybe the latter timeframe the F-35?
  9. That's cool man, and I need to tweak some locations. I ran a mission this morning on a Scud site and it was on the face of a mountain. It was a tight shot but I eventually got it. So what I can do is tweak the location and then I'll just post the fixes here, so we're not holding each other up.
  10. Baltika, did some messing around with KMD and your TARGETS.ini, and managed to get a few things added. I've figured out how to add other types of targets through experiments with the old Range terrain. The zip has your modded ini plus some "enemy spy" targets, and a commo retrans site, as well as some Scud launchers placed randomly. I managed through the single mission cycling, to get a Scud site. Baltika.zip
  11. And that's true on the placement, I'll see what I can add as far as bombable targets, but 500 x 500km is still o'plenty for most attacks. Yeah the air threat level seems "more" than the usual. Could be just I'm getting High for Randomness on the single mission selection. Overall it does have a different feel to it.
  12. Well I took a spin and it's not really a SAM issue (least on the Red side) but not sure if the Stingers work. I'll actually fly a Red mission and see how it pans out. Actually a "Roving Sands" style targets, i.e. Scud hunting in the backwoods of the mountains would be cool, and in really crappy spots so you have to work rather than just letting a JDAM (really great for those depot targets) loose and getting a Mission Complete. Noticed though the air count higher, something like DBS, where now instead of scampering around, you got threats. Matter of fact I had a MIG-23 chase me and I dodged into some mountains, but he wasn't slick enough as I jinked him into the mountain... And I really can't resist due to your avatar, but he tried to EXTERMINATE, EXTERMINATE me...
  13. And since I'm really more into contemporary flying... is there a way you can make an update for the terrain itself? I downloaded the campaign specifically for the additions you made (SAMs... need more to worry about, though may have fixed the Stinger issue) so going to test fly it soon and will be back later on for AAR.
  14. Yeah I don't care either way, would be nice.
  15. Managed to finally look it over, it's going to take awhile redoing the lines and such, unless somebody has the original PSDs it'll go by quicker...
  16. Yeah man... gonna have to upload it, and I know where I can find schemes. Haven't done any projects in a long time...
  17. I downloaded it but not tried it out, seems like it is worth it.... Though you going to upload PSDs? So if you get the OA-4M, we can do it in the "new" grey scheme that was in effect?
  18. Yeah... but I think it was a little overdone IMHO, but it is a step up from the default "traffic" nonetheless....
  19. Nah it's cool man, though I would think the same files would be in there (I mean, the same sounds are), but it's all good man, as long as I don't blow up on takeoff I'll be good
  20. It may be WOI, but I don't think I did the normal CAT copy routine, will do it later...
  21. Yeah... may be the issue. Not a total loss per se but it's odd. Also, read the KB article on adding carriers... but don't seem to have worked it right. This terrain... it needs one, though I do enjoy long missions where drop tanks are needed, but Wrench, I think you figured out how to add the carriers for your Midway terrain?

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