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Everything posted by EricJ

  1. Also, we're straying from the topic people. Sure some have posted image, but take it somewhere else as well. I really couldn't pass this image up, ran a CAS mission in DBS, and well... the eeeevil Fire Can radars oh my!
  2. For predesignated missions for single missions (not sure about Campaign) but hit "E" and it will "designate" it for you or your wingnut. Upon reaching the target area, it will be "active" until you destroy it. Note that Waypoint 5 is always your target waypoint, or where Waypoint 5 is, that is where your target is exactly at all times.
  3. Well here it's like the A-10s, when we here "HAWG" that's just known too.
  4. Yeah I would have figured he would have taken some time to update the sounds, or the very least get some accented voices. It's just odd hearing the same voices whether you're Red or Blue you know? But I don't have a mic so maybe Dave could lend some talent. I've worked with enough Chair Farce guys to speak their language, but sometimes I get mush mouth and voice is a bit deep.
  5. I want to say yes, the .lod file looks for the file, but the only route I'm sure is a hex editor, which will show you the location of the .bmp file. Rename it and it may work.
  6. It's been fairly heavy, especially in the Afghanistan terrain. Also was doing an anti-ship mission and got shot down. It's definitely becoming effective. Also if you get too low the BTR-60s take pot shots, and just as effective as AAA.
  7. Downloaded that sound mod STORM, and not sure about the quality, as when I talk FM to the aircraft, it's more clearer than that. Matter of fact one night I was talking to DUDE from roughly well... quite alot of kays away crystal clear. I know they have a lot of wattage... but most of the time it's easier talking to them than talking to the helos.
  8. Is it just me, or are there no runway textures???? I see obviously the tower, but is it a revisit of Firefox landing and taking off on the snow?
  9. You have to edit the particular pod data. Like for the AV-23-R from Wingwiner, it had that gay circle and crosshair, while I adjusted it so it has only four boxes around the designated target. There's a selection available in drop down menus in the Weapon Editor.
  10. Dunno about the SAMs, wasn't that bad the recon mission I just did (then again most are at Random so at that time must have gotten lucky). Was more concerned about the plethora of Migs that popped out of nowhere. First it was two Mig-21s, then all of a sudden it's Mig Central (thankfully no Sukhois!), I'm Winchester on missiles, and being chased by a Mig-23, wingnut still behind, he's going after his own tail, and won't splash him as I'm skimming the water as the Mig-23 is trying to lead me and make me take a bath in the water. So I get to the island (name I forgot at the moment) and he breaks off. Methinks the Hardened Stingers just don't work, along with the SA-7s. And utilizing ECM is something you should do....
  11. Yeah, and the Mud Hen unit here is DUDE, which makes in itself some wacky times "Hey Dude need you to drop a bomb man...." But I am going to check out the Sound Mod though, TK really needs to spend sometime and stop using the same ones all the way from SFP1...
  12. According to people on the ThirdWire forums, TK won't go past the 80s if I remember correctly. Sad because really, time is moving on and using Vietnam-era stuff is getting stale. Even "Shotgun" is reference to a Shrike launch, where the brevity term today is far different. Then again, I really don't pay attention to Red Crown unless she's calling up bogies...
  13. And one question, I do most of the setting of objects via KMD... the dumb question is, do I just put the targets in the "green" part of the terrain correct, since it uses the planning map?
  14. Well guess I'll have to snatch this one up later... I liked this one a bit, so when I get a chance I'll get it.
  15. That sucks, it's actually quite a good spot, as I did a suppression mission and lost a wingnut (RIP) there. Made another site and it worked alot better, but gotcha. I think I'll wait for the next update to get really more motivated to work on it more, don't want to have to redo alot of work.
  16. Success! Well... kinda... It cycled on the Defense Suppression mission, which is cool as it shows it's working, but maybe because of the propensity of the AAA and SAMs that I have there. Which is fine as it showed me I'm finally figuring out slowly how it works...
  17. If you get the .CAT extract utility, you can do that. The weapons packs have all modded Weapondata.ini files, so go to the Downloads section, the Tools & Utilities spot, and you'll find it.
  18. Yeah... I am using the Oct patch, so... not sure what the issue is. I'm going to reinstall it as I may have jacked it up..... Thanks!
  19. Not sure.. as I would think that a weapons pack wouldn't make a difference.. but then again, methinks WoV has specific weapons for that particular sim. So the 2006 pack you're using, doesn't have those weapons in there. That's the only thing I can think of as I use a mishmash and haven't had much issue..
  20. Got a question Wrench, how can you get trees on this map? I tried moving the .tod files from the winter terrain to the Thaw version I prefer better. I saw in the winter one there were trees.. but me see no trees...
  21. More high altitude precision bombing..
  22. okay got it, had an error anyways, the target marker showed up, but since I specified it as GROUND_ATTACK, I thought would work... but will try some more.
  23. Looks more like the South African Cheetah, or.. could be.

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