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Everything posted by EricJ

  1. Well... I think I added a new target base, a Scud launcher and some AAA and a munitions depot. It hasn't so far cycled to the target so I can get a snapshot, but after viewing through the KMD... it's definitely enemy. Now my question is.. do I have to make waypoints or does the game, when selecting that target, automatically make them? Also, depending on what aircraft you use.. be advised, a friendly warning to bring ECM if you're using modern SAMs and AAA. It's not too bad in the Bagram-Jbad road, but I took out a Harrier and got shot down...
  2. The Sniper? Yeah it's good, money actually
  3. If somebody would get off their butt and do a real SuperBug for WoX, I'd be glad to fly. But as said, welcome to the jungle!
  4. Well don't worry I just look at the screen as well, so it's all good, not expecting you to know man, so it's all good. Yeah I like the idea though, and the Sniper addition is a good update for the ol' bird in order to keep it up to date.
  5. I'm exactly not sure either, but I followed your instructions and it worked Personally, I don't understand why there's not a stablization feature in the code. I've seen many a pod stay locked on despite cloud cover.
  6. Well yeah looks like it's Bear huntin season
  7. Nah "(sp?)" equals "did I spell it correctly?" I know it's not an error on your part, which is cool, but thought I spelled it wrong, and apparently I have
  8. File Name: F-18F PSD Template File Submitter: EricJ File Submitted: 18 Nov 2008 File Category: Skin Templates / Decal Sets This is a PSD Template of Erwin_Hans's F-18F. It's more refined, adding layers and other additional bits. Includes the original work as reference. Click here to download this file
  9. Version


    This is a PSD Template of Erwin_Hans's F-18F. It's more refined, adding layers and other additional bits. Includes the original work as reference.
  10. Did a CAS mission in 'ghan map, and found out that the T-72s fired waaaay before the M1s. In real life? No it's wrong, so I looked at the values and readjusted it. T-72 2A45 is correct, as well as the M1 range (well not totally correct I'll give you that). I figured I just post it here as it's a pretty small mod/tweak.
  11. You know, I need to learn how to place objects in the maps. The sheer scale of targets and targetable objects... is going to be ALOT of work. Flew from Masar-I-Sharif (I "opened" it up) and yeah, it's quite a bit of work to do....
  12. I think, like most sims, elements like damage, are based on abstractness, due to the fact that aircraft values are more detailed (of course) than "other" ones. Stuff like Operation Flashpoint/ArmA/VBS1 have their own values to focus on for individual vehicles. Still, if a 57mm rocket pops a tank, that's just not right.
  13. Yeah but the L/55 AFAIK was only put on Leo2s, not the M1A1/2. I know there was talk on it, but I could just be out of the loop and not know if they've upgunned it.
  14. No worries man, I'm quite familiar with the nomenclature, I just got alot of things on the plate right now and was too tired to care too much about designations, and that is what is in the GUNDATA.INI anyways
  15. Update: Added Wrench's (except for the MG, not sure if Marcfighter's tank supports it....) values as above. Also made Stabilization TRUE, while Marcfighter made an oversight, the A1 has a 120mm tube, not a 105mm M68 (I used the I think default 120mm_L44 in the Gundata.ini If the L44 isn't, somebody let me know, I think it's from the Marine vehicle pack, which had an A1 so.... M1_T_72update.zip
  16. Just a suggestion, an HSI would be a good addition...
  17. Did some experimenting, seems old Gerald has more bases set up. Still need tweaking, but if you have KMD... you can find out where they are. Figured on how to place object(s) I think.. whenever it comes up gonna have to get a screenie to see if it works or not, but there's Kandahar, Herat, Kundiz (sp?) And Masar i Sharif. They're all Neutral so obviously they don't come up but will post a screenie just to show it. And you can fly the hell out west. Did a recon mission and flew for a half hour, and flew back and checked out the assigned target. I know it's not complete... but there's some things to look around though... And if Gerald fully fills out the targets.... man it's what's called a "Target Rich Environment" Oh wait, it already is
  18. I'm gonna have to update it, as the Echoes here use the Sniper pod. And it really doesn't matter too much, thanks!
  19. Yah... that's what it probably really is, I've never gunned a tank so gotcha And finally able to get the code Wrench, will see how it pans out... whenever it gets in a fight!
  20. Yeah but sometimes you can get creative, almost "what if" as I use the KAB-500kr (GBU-15ski, roughly), and the KAB-500S (JDAMski) every so often to break the monotony. I just wish Erwin_Hans would fix his Supa Bug model so it looks better, but that's just me.. As for Navy Jets? yeah they've always had some kind of allure over me, just seems cooler than most..
  21. Nice, they fixing the Mavs? I still think they're too big...
  22. Yeah I do notice, SniperXR instead of AAQ-14.
  23. You know some of this stuff I've never messed with. So I'm just as blank as you are as far as figuring out stuff. Maybe Marcfighter doesn't know everything about an M1, which is fine, I've supported a Tank Battalion, nowhere TGST qualified, but.... I have a good idea and knowledge (some book, some actually riding in one) of it. I'll tweak it some more. As far as range? I used to know a tanker in 4ID who said further, so I used that as a rough guesstimate to be honest with you. And as far as Visual and MaxDetect, I'm assuming visual is with your eyeballs and MaxDetect the GPS.
  24. I would agree but then again it just probably saves on time and programming to just allow a Brazilian AMX have the capability to carry equipment made by the US.
  25. Cool beans, I really didn't notice that, but will do. The main reason is that the T-72.... should inflict damage, but it sho doesn't outrange the 120mm.... will apply it when I can though

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