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Everything posted by EricJ

  1. I've had more success with "WP" than country specific, or ones that aren't "listed" in the Weapons Editor. I think the game engine recognizes them more.
  2. For a WWII plane, cool, but didn't Dassault say that for a plane to be aerodynamic, it has to be good looking? Obviously Dassault saw this thing and the first thought was "mon dieu!"
  3. Use of IHADSS gun targeting in real life?

    Over here? I'm sure quite alot. I personally don't know any Apache pilots, but if and when I talk to one I'll ask. And as far as tracking? Pretty fast, that I do know for sure. And as far as actual distances? If I knew I couldn't tell you, and I don't even honestly know myself.
  4. WombRaider is working on one, topic is below. http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showtopic=33879
  5. Ahh okay, never seen one, and yeah I'm used to the US ones
  6. Wouldn't that be like the GBU-16?
  7. Like I said bro, das ist gut!
  8. Finally got CS3 working... This is based off of SidDogg's VFA-213 skin, just trying to spruce it up..
  9. It's hard to produce, especially here in Afghanistan, where obviously there may be small streams, but nothing as significant as that. My only suggestion is add more of a riverbank... it just looks too tropical...
  10. Heading out on another Defense Suppression mission in Afghanistan.
  11. Inspiration

    Okay we're moving this topic.
  12. Well that sounds cool but do you really need to cut into terrain that much?
  13. Thanks! Once I finalize the PSD, I'm going to upload a generic one. Erwin_Han's is allright, but leaves much to be desired as far as usefulness..
  14. Yeah.... but I'm going off the MF paint scheme, it's just really laziness actually. I think it looks good though, enough for my tastes anyways
  15. Not sure if it is your SA-7L, or just the SA-7 in general, but I had it placed on The Range map and flew over it a few times and it didn't launch. It tracked me fine, but not sure about if it was just the fact that it doesn't fire....
  16. I was going to suggest that, but I don't know what "area" it's from. If it's fictional well that would be nice. Wouldn't it be possible to make a carrier a "base?" I guess they do that for WoV right?
  17. Almost finished... I wanted the more A-7E style pattern (monotone) rather than the two tone pattern that's used on real world Supa Bugs.
  18. Beautiful shot kct!! Rolling In, Cleared hot.
  19. I don't think having an imagination is bad WDH, which I assume the whole "Global Sedition" concept is anyways.. Besides not many people have done damn strikes with modern weapons anyways... I've scoured the air back in EF2000 and never did a bomb strike with a Paveway...
  20. I think I got it set, clouds are at 12 (or 12,000 ft) at this screenshot, so for the cloudlets.... not sure, could just be the widesky mod?

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