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Everything posted by EricJ

  1. Got some good news, my reinstall somehow gave me my trees back, so I was able to error check some spots. I managed to find a fifth spot for the Alliance side, now got to hunt on the GS side. I'm sorry about the lack of sending you the files jtin, but a custom texture would be nice for this, but given the geometries and how the hills work sometime.. not sure if it's worth it?
  2. Well yours is different than mine, so yeah... besides my version has the mirrors in the wrong spot, or don't know what the deelio is..
  3. That's cool, I'd rather wait for the final result
  4. Pretty much, the only reference I got, and practically a good one.
  5. I'll be working concurrently for a skin for triplethreat, but this one should be a quick one.
  6. Realistically that's dependant on FC, I just did the skin work.
  7. Just an update, finally got all the errors fixed, sent to FC and it got approved. Also slowly working on another scheme to represent the more current scheme used by the IRIAF.
  8. Nah, lindr2 thought I was ordering him around, so no. Reason I always ask for stuff to be uploaded or Pm'd is because the MWR computers here block Rapidshare.
  9. Silverbolt, too bad we don't rate photos, that Super Grach pic is one of the best
  10. I got to apologize... been under some business and drama. So apologize if I came off as curt, no offense taken and sorry about that one..
  11. Would you mind PMing me it lindr2?
  12. That is a good idea, would make making targets more dynamically placed, and allow you to make more custom stuff..
  13. Yah but something like that is always good to know for somebody, so it's all good
  14. Only thing I would suggest though, but my mind could be fuzzy, that the outer ring was yellow right? Got a few tweaks and should be good to go..
  15. And also reference which Mig-29 to use?
  16. I'd PM like column5 or FastCargo, or lindr2, or Veltro2K, Julhelm, they might be able to sort you out.
  17. Tu-22KD

    Just a dumb question. I downloaded this, decided to fly something heavier... and no cockpit worky. Is this supposed to be an AI aircraft because it's listed in the Player flyable dropdown menu, so...
  18. Damn would be nice to have that terrain... but you planning on doing that for the Black Sea map?
  19. I really had hoped to bring screenshots, but accidentally deleted them, but FC has a couple fixed errors, and going to try and figure out the rest..
  20. Use the Weapon Editor in the downloads section. That's why, because you need to open the Weapondata.ini with the Editor, and verify your weapons are there, and then save it, and viola! fuel tanks and Pheonixes galore..
  21. After settling down and fixing issues, finding one and quashing it, I'm back up in business, so tonight I'll start back to work on it

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