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Everything posted by EricJ

  1. Tha's where I've gone too. I use mainly PGMs anyways, and the odd iron bomb for practice, but other than that, if I like a specific weapon I'll use it...
  2. If you can add a "Black/White" filter, can make targeting pod use more "realistic"
  3. Tried to push north and got "stopped" in midair. No complaint per se, I'm sure you didn't model that far, not sure but anyways, tried to fly north 27 degrees from the Jbad airfield and got here:
  4. Just tried it out tonight
  5. Actually I'd go for the Supa and keep the USAF F-35A. The -C looks okay, but not as good as the -A
  6. Did a couple flights around your terrain man... and good work, though I gotta refigure out the heading from Jbad to where I'm at... but it's good man real good. THough I would suggest if you could... add more targets... this area ain't quiet.. Well the Korengal isn't, Chowkay, all around that area it's busy.
  7. It's cute, it's small and carries bombs, made me relook at this bird in a better way, smooth stuff
  8. I may have missed it, but why is that beautiful shot not in the screenshot topic...?
  9. And I'm thinking there's going to be a "Late" version with Sniper pod and JDAMs? And yeah, they're here in theatre, and yeah I've watched them drop (on a "Rover" like feed).
  10. Yeah.. gonna have to get a hold of that bird..
  11. Great Rafale shots Silverbolt, I'm guessing that it's the Skunk Works version?
  12. Dave, what bomb is that? Never seen that before...
  13. Photos from Afghanistan

    Just a few photos I'm starting to collect and post on my Myspace:
  14. Photos from Afghanistan

    Nah I'm three months into it so far, so not yet... or anytime soon..
  15. Nice work Brain32... bringing back well... not really memories...
  16. Photos from Afghanistan

    Thanks as always everybody!
  17. Photos from Afghanistan

    Thanks, and no Nesher, I'm not on R&R, we got satellite internet so I'm able to post while deployed. I don't go out as much as the others so (my position keeps me in the TOC) I got some more free time, while some others buy their own internet. Providers are Iran and China, so no, I'll stick to the Guvmint computers. And ravenclaw..... I'm assuming that's around Kabul?
  18. Photos from Afghanistan

    Gr.Viper: Yes it is a beautiful country, alot of stuff you see or haven't seen is just amazing. I got a really beautiful sunset picture that I'll put up in a sec. dwcace: Generally I'm starting to rotate with my FSO as far as patrolling, which is why pictures are showing up late in the game. And most of the time I have a "Rover" style feed, so I've seen some live footage of bombs from A-10s, and F-15Es. I've worked with them directly a couple times, but so far I've never controlled a live drop, it's relatively quiet in my sector and usually they boogie like cockroaches when any sort of air (CAS, CCA) shows up, but sometimes you get a treat, like an HVI drop I watched. Silverbolt: Yeah it could be Afghanistan, opium is common, along with cornfields. And overall thanks, and will always try to keep my head down..
  19. Yeah, too bad a Tornado had to be sacrificed... but nice

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