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Everything posted by EricJ

  1. http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showtopic=24566 Dumb question but did Marcelo ever make the plane downloadable?
  2. Well yeah I use WOI, not WOE. I edited an AIM-9X like the old AGM-122 Sidearm but it didn't work too well, though the function does work. Not working well as it didn't go for the radar, guess the ARM coding is still pretty much "point and shoot"
  3. Open the Weapons Editor, and then open the Weapondata.ini, then find a "Missile" you want to edit. Open the data up for that weapon and then in the middle area you will see "sea-skimming", "Terminal Pop-up", and "lofted" options, with the Lofted allowing you to specify how high, at what angle both at launch and when it comes down. There's no hard and fast on what works, but requires some testing to get it "right'.
  4. Yeah man it looks much better!
  5. Probably but it's also a violation of the EULA....
  6. Looking good but thin out the area near the 30mm by about half, and make it straight, the sides right near the cockpit on the lower fuselage do not slope in. That area is relatively boxy with rounded edges.
  7. Sometimes it's just nations... Going through the Brimstone the missile itself is set to "RAF" for a nation and is a "UK" attachment. You'll have to select something like a "USAF" attachment for NATO planes, as anything else to make it work. You have to play with it and hopefully it works..
  8. Well thanks to AmokFloo, with his help it may be implemented in the series.... hopefully since Marcfighter's issues and I'd like to see one, so I asked him to see what he could do, and this is what he did by reducing it to a more decent poly size. ETA so far is "two weeks" so whenever he gets it done, It'd be nice:
  9. AmokFloo got it to the point of animations, but his HD crashed and it obviously threw a wrench into things. It'd obviously need all the ini's, the main gear doors need to be redone, mapping, and animations.
  10. The benefits are the weapons clearing the pylons. The original design was as usual with straight pylons but for some reason the weapons weren't clearing the pylons as they should, so Boeing really had no choice. Sure it looks weird (I've gotten used to it) but dropping the weapons is more important than aesthetics. @serverandenforcer: I don't think it was hanging around the wrong circles, just nobody was particularly interested and it's not like I've kept it a secret either. When you make constant offers and ask to provide a model, and nobody bites sends the message.
  11. Fair enough, but who knows for sure though....
  12. Dead in the water right now. Reason being it's not really a popular aircraft so modellers really don't have any desire to make one. I mean I got both NATOPS manuals for the bird but again, nobody's interested or they would have done one. And it's not my fault the US Navy chose it though. That's pretty much why.
  13. Because TK isn't going past the 1980s for a weird reason. Alot of people naturally go for the modern versus the old, and he may be trying to accommodate both. Besides there is a mod coming out (Desert Storm) so it's not all too bad!
  14. Are You Serious?

    Seriously, this has to be a joke, I'm surprised The Onion didn't post this, this is right up their alley!
  15. I'm pretty sure he did, and Jedi Master knows what to say and what not to say as well and his sources.
  16. He better be since he's the CA Arms Dealer. Keeps me happy
  17. Mannie and planes are right... you can load it no problemo, but uh, you can't launch it...... It's actually a good thing I read this topic, been carrying them and didn't know of this problem. Good thing I haven't had to use them!
  18. But creates another problem...........
  19. Part of the issue is the weight allowable on each pylon. The reason you can mount two on each pylon... is because the weight capacity allows it to, not so much as it limiting the actual amount of weapons.
  20. Uh not really, you throw on a Conformal Fuel Tank system, two 370-gal tanks, two GBU-10s, two AMRAAMs, and two 'winders (or Pythons), two targeting pods, and nobody says anything (hell it didn't and doesn't bother me). That wouldn't load down an F-16 terribly given what they're throwing on them these days.
  21. Yup, was just musing to myself on what I could do, and found something to do

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