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Everything posted by EricJ

  1. Well to be quite honest with you, I was more interested in a Super Hornet than the progress of your skin....... I just got a little creative, that's all man
  2. I've started with Le Missioneur and wanted to just learn how to land on carriers, nothing fancy, so I set up the ships and aircraft. Now when I started I was above the carrier, and no power. Something I need to do?
  3. Ahh cool beans. Hey man, just a note, what is "Strategery?"
  4. Oh okay, some systems require model names, but okay.
  5. And wouldn't you have to edit the model anyways, to include the thruster positions?
  6. GRAW 2 PC Beta in April

    Just a note, I got an email this morning in asking to be part of the closed beta team. It was really more of a survey, but I'm likely to get a slot. I'm just too cool
  7. Yeah I've noticed the "E" on some Tomcatter birds, but I'm going to PM you my email address since everytime I try and download the images, they don't download right.
  8. lol given my list: -VF-31 Tomcatters CAG -Blue Angels Hornets -Custom F-15C skin for a person for LOMAC The VAQ-141 will have to be in the holding pattern, but I could have sworn a VAQ-141 skin was already done or I missed it in the Download section? Also something I've been meaning to ask, what about the "MUTHA" award? Is that along the same lines as the Pheonix award?
  9. Like I said, somewhere and totally forgot the link, and whatnot. However, check your PM
  10. As far as? this isn't my model, this is the F/A-18A by column5 so I have no clue.....
  11. Fortune favors the determined. Found a quite excellent Decal PDF from somewhere for a word search. One thing led to another:
  12. Thanks, but this is all the easy stuff..... BTW HrntFxr what font do you use for the "Blue Angels" part?
  13. File Name: F-14D VF-213 "Lions Head" Artwork File Submitter: Flanker562 File Submitted: 1 Apr 2007 File Category: F-14 Something I've always liked and once seen, for some reason fell in love with that scheme, so here it is... Also includes a Readme and custom textured drop tanks, instructions in the readme. Click here to download this file
  14. Honestlyl I'm not real sure myself, as most of the reference photos are just that, reference photos. I couldn't tell you when this aircraft scheme was in service, but points to a D model, so more than likely when the squadron upgraded to the D model. I may do a post end of tour one (2005-2006 timeframe) as I got some real good pics from a RIO's site of that squadron so it would be a nice adjunct to the VF-31 CAG I'm working on now.
  15. Kewl, great pics, but that Pheonix award is what I need the most, as eveything else is cake though.....
  16. He's about to get an honorable mention for the Superbugs, but his -27 is pretty cool too, I just don't fly it because I've flown quite alot of Russan A/C....
  17. Cool, if you could PM me them or post them here, I would appreciate it

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