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Everything posted by EricJ

  1. Well realistically the weapons usage. I'm a big fan of anti-radiation missiles, so in 1.02 you can use them, in FC you can't. I have to use Kh-31As instead, but oh well I'll be allright.
  2. No, since I sent the model to Marcfighter, and he sent me what he was doing. The thing is, his is a lot more "cleaner" as far as modelling goes, so it'd take more time for him to try and fix the other one while his is pretty much "complete" via the pictures he sent. Sure there's the normal issues but overall it looks almost done. But no he did not give any indication of time or whatnot.
  3. Nah I've been sold on the Su-33 since Flanker 2.51, but unfortunately while you can't do as much in LOMAC/FC than 1.02, it's still fun to fly The F-15 would be great if it had some A2G capability, and the A-10 is always fun to fly around, while the others are just something I keep myself familiar with, though the MIG-29 isn't much differently modelled than the Su-27/33. Least as far as flight model anyways.
  4. Matter of fact, the Su-34 came before the -33KUB, not the other way around.
  5. Just a slight update, Marcfighter will be the primary modeller for the project. He's gotten quite ahead, so it's better for him to do it, and then go from there.
  6. Well if I do go over there again, I'll see about that one
  7. I was planning on an OEF version VF-213, but I got a few of the Last Cruise pics, and been actually wanting to do that one too. Besides as reference pics, the more the merrier :D
  8. It's probably the different learning curve that got him. Both Flanker 2.51 and LOMAC require a high learning curve, and patience. Once you figure stuff out it becomes easier quicker.
  9. Apparently so, I just like hitting them with Paveways..
  10. GRAW 2 PC Beta in April

    Yeah I never got into much of the online scene, mainly because I don't bother, but I agree, same old stuff gets boring fast, and just got tired of replaying the missions. Even hooking them up with more enemies, changing the stuff got stale because that's all I could do. Even one person got around to trying to make a mission from the ground up and still AFAIK (haven't checked honestly) not released. There's no rush really.
  11. Yeah I just came back from a test flight. Yes the target (main primary target) can be engaged, but not "opportunity" targets. So okay the verdict is it works for the primary target but not for any other targets.
  12. Hrm, the word from USAFMTL was that it required a designator pod, and flights have confirmed this, but is it the (v)4 or (v)1?
  13. If there's an extra spot, you have to put a target designator (i.e. Lightning Pod or Sniper XR or anything under that category)
  14. Yeah but my sinkrate was to high (probably because of that), but when I do that the tailplanes give me a nasty noseup attitude that makes it real difficult, i.e. I'm fighting the plane to get a little bit nosedown. I go full flaps in LOMAC and I get very few bolters, but this is maybe because of lack of real experience with this FM vs. LOMAC... An no Typhoid... not that bad... more or less I clipped the gear off, so if I had to land I would have skidded on deck..
  15. Yeah I saw that too and too bad it's just for looks. Marcfighter, I don't know if you got my PM, but it looks like my original helper fell through, so if you're interested in finishing the model (I know you started yours...) but if you can get it working I would appreciate it (model needs to be tweaked but does work in WOE) But these might work, they are part of the F-18E/F/G pack mentioned on the previous page. If I can refigure on getting them textured then I can just probably credit the original model maker but will try and contact him anyways:
  16. Though only one question I have, is that can you do the ARS for it? And can you script it for actual airborne refuelling or is it just there for looks as I've seen elsewhere?
  17. Well I finally figured out the issue with landings. Instead of dropping the flaps for landing, and leaving them on "takeoff" I got more controllability when making my run. Unfortunately I came in too low and clipped my landing gear off, but it's a lot better now
  18. Layers, that's what I mainly use for the effect. For the most part each image map has four to five dedicated weathering (grunge, dirt, etc.) layers, of really the same opacity, but different patterns, so I can get the effect. Some are shared, some are whatever. A "Fade" layer is merely a color based on the bitmap. I.e. I take the eyedropper tool, take a sample, then usually lighten the color a bit. Then I make the "fade" layer, then I use a 1 pixel brush and scribble the lines all over the texture, sometimes particular areas have a blob area, then I take a smudge tool and move it around, which does as the layer does, fades the texture a bit due to sun. I got a LOMAC tutorial which basically could be applied (same image format) on my site: http://562.50megs.com/LOMAC/Tutorials/LST.zip Plus some help came from the templates that USAFMTL hooked me up with as well ;)
  19. You mean same color pattern? If so I'll send the "sandwich" I use for the Tomcat...
  20. Nice stuff man, too bad they never made the landing gear more modern :D
  21. GRAW 2 PC Beta in April

    Yeah but the thing is, I've been and seen quite a lot of desert, and fixiing later on this year to see more. So yeah there's a little aversion to constant desert, but as long as the San Machismo, Kerplakistan, or Central Republic of the Gibbon countries have no desert I'll be okay. I'll more than likely get GRAW 2, but given the paltry modding scene for GRAW, I don't have much hope.
  22. kewl man, if you need any reference pics that I've gleaned let me know and I'll get them too you. Most of them are from Airliners.net but at the same time it'll save some trouble and possibly time...

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