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File Comments posted by VonBeerhofen

  1. By now people people should have learned that there's nothing to be gained from any OAW or UAW repacked version of EAWPRO. Nearly all available file types need extensive modifications to function with it, aircraft models, airfields, effects files, terrain sets, etc. You're welcome to try and change what ever you think will work but it's going to be a waste of time.

    Good luck anyway!


  2. I assume JelFixV2.exe is a self installing change to one of the previous exe's in the list. Possibly it needs to be applied after all of it is installed and will then find it's target and change something in one of them. What it changes can only be determined after comparison of pre and post sets. Sometimes the 7ZIP archive can be extracted before applying it, which may give some more insight. Not sure if one can also read the file's target location which would help in determining for which version it's intended. It even comes with an old fashioned OAW file manager. I think it's the last released thing before the latest UAW version gobbled it all up and made it all kind of obsolete.

  3. On 9/4/2014 at 6:39 PM, Jel said:

    No permission was sought, and none would be given at this juncture. The details of the files match exactly the ones in my beta version of TWF for the 1.29 platform.

    I find this a bit disturbing, coming from the guy who actually ripped EAWPRO and subsequently handed some of it's contents to his own modders to be incorporated into his version. Recent threads have shown that he's using much more of my creations without seeking permission or giving credit to the originator. In fact he tried to host the ENTIRE EAWPRO release version on his FTP site, a WIP which took me 15+ years to create.



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