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Everything posted by citizen67

  1. Version 1.0.0


    Strike Fighters 2: Europe - NATO Fighters 5 Menu Screens 1920x1080 menu screens for Strike Fighters 2: Europe - NATO Fighters 5 by eburger68 This is a set of images only; to install just drag&drop, copy/paste, etc. into your Menu Folder in C:\Users\<YOU>\Saved Games\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2 .../ If you don't have a Menu folder, simply create it in the main directory. Thanks to eburger68 for his great mod. -- Citizen67
  2. Scusate Il Ritardo! (ovvero, Terreno WIP)

    Se può esserti di consolazione i tuoi terreni sono di gran lunga i migliori mai realizzati per SF2, mi sbilancerei a dire che sono pure meglio di quelli stock. Sto usando il terreno dell'Etiopia/Corno d'Africa in modo intenso ed è eccezionale. Forse - se posso permettermi un'ipotesi che spieghi la tua percezione di disinteresse da parte della community - ci sono dei terreni che nell'immaginario collettivo riportano a scenari più "affascinanti" di altri, più facili da usare per missioni e/o campagne e che richiamano momenti storici più facili da ricreare... L'Italia e i Balcani per esempio potrebbe essere tra questi. Comunque non ti abbattere, i tuoi lavori sono veramente eccezionali, lo dico sinceramente.
  3. I'm trying setting graphic on Medium and by now I haven't encountered issues. However it's a pity to me not to experience the real performance of this mod... In any case, it's a awesome work. Five stars!
  4. Hi Menrva, yes, 3.2GHz processor and 8Gb RAM... Lot of black skin and black cockpit texture, even the same I use in other installation without problems...
  5. CTD at 80% launching a campaign... With every aircraft and every graphic setting... Such a pity.
  6. Hi, everybody, I was wondering if there is a way - in a full 5 merged installation - to avoid aircraft that have nothing to do with a specific game, to appear in the single mission drop-down menu. In example: I plan a strike mission in SF2:Vietnam and when I open the drop-down menu to choose the aircraft, I find also A-4 "Ahit", F-16A "Netz" or F-15 belonging to SF2:Israel or Europe... I know that a similar issue is possible to solve for the campaign drop-down menu, putting in the Terrains folder of each game fake folders of the other game's terrain, maybe is there a way also for the aircraft? Thanks in advance
  7. That's what I found every time in the Single Mission of EBurger's Operation Desert Storm, the target is supposed to be a "SAM site"... Is this ok? A barrel? Or I miss something in ground objects? Thanks
  8. SAM Site?

    Wrench, you've got always the damn right answer!!!
  9. you're right Wrench, your last hint is the wisest... But my fussiness always prevails!
  10. SF2-WT Gulf Wars

    Are these SF2 screenshot?!
  11. Hi everybody, I have been playing SF2 in Hard mode except HUD settings for years, now I have decided to improve my skills, but it is very very difficult to me to locate the target on the ground... Hardened shelters, oil tanks, bridges and buildings are quite easy to see at the end, but when I have to attack a SCUD launcher or fly CAS missions against tanks or infantry, things become a real difficult. Have you guys some tips or tricks to me to follow? Thank you all.
  12. Sure, me too when I play on modern theater. But my favorite scenario is Vietnam, flying F-4s, F-5s or A-4s. It's a real nightmare to spot targets...
  13. NF-5A_RNLAF_Ver1.0.7z

    Really a great work, wonderful cockpit, but how to use LGBs? There's no sniper pods or Pave Tack...
  14. Hi everybody, just a question about one thing that bothers me: when you fly CAS mission in SF2, as you pass low level over the battlefield, you can hear the sounds of explosions and tank engines, that seems quite unrealistic to me. I never flew in a warplane over a battlefield in my life, but... I don't think external sounds are that loud. Is there a way to lower or to shut up them when flying in cockpit view? Thanks in advance Bye
  15. No, not worth. I agree. Thank you.
  16. The wheels into the tarmac, using Yakarov's AV-8B 83... Thanks in advance.
  17. Well, you all are convincing me to enter in the " better left un-messed with" world...
  18. More seriously: thanks everybody. I'll try out, now.
  19. Night Building Texture Beta

    Very good mod! Is it possible to know which ENVIRONMENTSYSTEM.ini and FLIGHTENGINE.ini lines are changed? Because I had already heavy-modified these two files and I'm afraid that overwrite them, will screw up everything... Thanks.
  20. TSF J 35 Draken Flygvapnet Package

    Such a pity it doesn't have its own cockpit...
  21. I never heard of a wheeled aircraft carrier! What the hell is this?!
  22. It's SF2: Vietnam, Single Mission. The only mod I added is Green Hell 3.5, NAVALMAP was already set on "TRUE".

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