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Everything posted by citizen67

  1. You can switch from pilot's to back seat in the Guuruu's Tornadoes but, as daddyairplanes said, you are not allowed to operate as RIO/WSO.
  2. View File Strike Fighters 2: Operation Odyssey Dawn Menu Screens Strike Fighters 2: Operation Odyssey Dawn Menu Screens 1920x1080 menu screens for Strike Fighters 2: Operation Odyssey Dawn 2.0 HD by FRPignon This is a set of images only; to install just drag&drop, copy/paste, etc. into your Menu Folder in C:\Users\<YOU>\Saved Games\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2 .../ If you don't have a Menu folder, simply create it in the main directory. Thanks to FRPignon for his great mod and to Chris “BeachAV8R” Frishmuth, who kindly gave me the permission to use his in-game screenshots. -- Citizen67 Submitter citizen67 Submitted 05/25/2020 Category Menus  
  3. Version 1.0.0


    Strike Fighters 2: Operation Odyssey Dawn Menu Screens 1920x1080 menu screens for Strike Fighters 2: Operation Odyssey Dawn 2.0 HD by FRPignon This is a set of images only; to install just drag&drop, copy/paste, etc. into your Menu Folder in C:\Users\<YOU>\Saved Games\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2 .../ If you don't have a Menu folder, simply create it in the main directory. Thanks to FRPignon for his great mod and to Chris “BeachAV8R” Frishmuth, who kindly gave me the permission to use his in-game screenshots. -- Citizen67
  4. Starting a strike mission in Black Sea Crisis mod. Sometimes, selecting other tageting pods, they doesn't even appear under the wing...
  5. Yes, I see, but in the AV-8Bplus loadout screen is available for that wing station. I don't know why... I didn't touch anything...
  6. I know, MigBuster... Maybe one day, now I just lost my job because of Covid-19 lockdown. I got to be wise ;-) However look strange to me that AV-8B NA works in 1.5.8
  7. Great job Guuruu, Marineflieger Tonka is superb as usual. The cockpit is even better than before. Have you planned to update also your previous Tonkas (Italian AF, RAF, etc.)?
  8. My PC can't run DCS World 2.5 so I installed 1.5.8 version. I tried to install some module but... no way to fly. Launching game it ask me to insert the activation key... Except for AV-8B NA (I don't know why). Such a pity.
  9. Wow... My SF2 Europe's F-4G, has a totally different cockpit... Is yours a mod?
  10. Hi everybody, I was wondering if in SF2 there's a way to look around using mouse, when in cockpit view... Anyone knows? Thanks
  11. Well... right. Stupid question, thanks anyway.
  12. Scusate Il Ritardo! (ovvero, Terreno WIP)

    Eccomi, sono uno dei pochi italiani interessati a SF2, come dici tu ;-) Ottimo lavoro, attendo la release ufficiale. Chissà se a seguire arriverà anche una campagna sull'Operazione Allied Force del 1999... Speriamo! Ciao
  13. I was staring at the awesome DCS/Heatblur F-14 cockpit, and I was thinking that it would be great if some good willing man take care of the F-14 cockpit rearview mirror. Unfortunately my modding knowledge is below zero...
  14. The cockpit I'm talking about is included in the TMF F-14 Tomcat Super Pack v1.32 not the stock one from SF2:NA. And I'm referring only to the rearview mirror.
  15. I mean, it would be nice a little restyling, as Guuruu did for his beautiful Tornado.
  16. Well, I've been misundertood... I wasn't talking about the mirror angle, I don't care to view the pilot's helmet or things like this. I was talking about the good finishing of the DCS rearview mirrors. The SF2 F-14 cockpit is great, but the mirrors aren't so good as the DCS ones... They have angled lines and no frames, and are not consistent with the rest of the cockpit. Just that.
  17. Hi, I don't know how to solve this bug... I'm using SF2:Vietnam with "Air & Ground War Expansion Pack". Thanks in advance -- Citizen67
  18. Great, thank you all! That's sure better.
  19. AV-8B Harrier II Plus - SF2. ver.2019

    Well Yakarov... about the MFD it’s my fault: in the loadout I selected the “AI” LGBs... But regarding the “swing behavior” I noticed that even in flight the plane tend to lean on the left.
  20. AV-8B Harrier II Plus - SF2. ver.2019

    Hi Yakarow, I noticed that the plane swings left-right when it is on the runway, at start ... as if the gears of the wing were too short (or the main gear too long). See attachment. And it seems that the Litening Pod doesn't lock the target (no locked image of the target on the left MFD).
  21. AV-8B Harrier II Night Attack - SF2. ver.2019

    Thanks Yakarov. No problem with the download size, I was wondering if was mandatory to delete the older version from the mod folder, or is enough to apply the patch (simpler ;-).
  22. AV-8B Harrier II Night Attack - SF2. ver.2019

    Just a question, Yakarov: are the updates (for both the Harriers) appliable on top of the previous version, or is required to re-install the whole aircraft? Thanks

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