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Everything posted by dast24

  1. F-22 - Worth It?

    okay lets conclude: the raptor have to show his worth in combat. the worth in regard to "pushing the limit" and advance the technology is there. and it is a cool toy for the "big boys" it has a cool looking desgin with all baydoors closed. i hope cadeteBRA will release the new modeled F-22 for SF-2 as soon as possible :-D
  2. F-22 - Worth It?

    @ Migbuster the mentioned DACT Example was a example for the for American arrogance(we are the best, we are the greatest, USA, USA, USA, go USA!) of some individual(not you, not dave) in your country about other countries or military hardware. the fulcrum were/are fine aircrafts in dogfight and the version 4++ mig-35´s are also masterpieces in WVR and BVR it was not meant to be a example what could happen with the F-22. i´m completely aware that the DACT is nothing more than "G" Training :-) i´m also no saying that your weapons are useless, but here and there overestimaded.(like air to air missile in vietnam yeah it is a old example but i think you got the point) i´m also know that it is not possible to transfer a f-16 to 5th gen but you can bring them to 4+gen and this could MAYBE more cost effective. the other side of the coin is that Russia or China developed 5th Gen Fighter AFTER the USA. maybe they had never done if the USA hadn´t done it before. yeah and make a guess why they did it with the AIM-120 and not in dogfight with guns or IR missiles.....correct (besides other causes that are not know exactly why he selected the slammer.) because DACT against the mig-29´s in germany does make one point very clear: do not get into dogfight with the mig-29
  3. F-22 - Worth It?

    but if i remember correctly this is a forum were we can discuss such things and Gepard has a point.the text i quoted sounds a bit offense or snootily. only because he has done his duty in the cold war doesn´t mean that he and his thinking and knowledge isn´t anymore valid. from the cost effective perspective you have to admit i would have been much cheaper to not develope/build the F-22 because the "legacy" aircrafts are still very capable and upgrading these would have been much cheaper. or a new(stealth) mulitrole mass produced f-16 like jet would be a better choice for conflicts of the past (Irak 2003, Lybia...) but if i have to go to War. i would want the best tech avaible for my troops, because i dont want to fight fair. i want to win. and i would give a damn about if its overkill or not. i also have to say that the USA is a bit over confident about her own abilities and the technology much like that little Guy from austria and his "V" Weapons some time ago and if the US loose a conflict or fight it doesn´t happen or the other´s cheated! like the excersise against our mig-29´s against F-16´s they flew DACT 1vs1 and the flight was over after the F-16 pilot "killed" the Mig virtually but the fight process if the Mig kills the F-16. the F-16 pilots celebrated there Victories until debriefing... were thy learned that they were hit 10 or more times before they got the simulated kill on the Mig-29´s but instead to look what went wrong or what they can do about it they run out of the room like big babies crying that the have the better jets and they should have won EDIT: back to topic is it worth it. if i remember correctly ther was a plane called F-14 Tomcat it was also very overkill for it´s time and the Air to Air Victories in US Service are 4+? but that little Turkey was worth it because it protected the Fleet, Allies in Desert Storm and the US only with it´s presence and its Radar.
  4. here is the link: http://combatace.com...ee-upgrade-pak/ it is for SF2 but there should be a version for SF1 also
  5. IAI MiG-29I "Shunar"

    Version 1.0


    So here we go with the readme: Installation: as usual in your mod folder BACKGROUND During the first Iraq War in 1991, a group of iraqi MiG-29 decided to desert trying to escape the fate their comrades faced against the overwhelming power of the USAF, US Navy and their allies. Their escape ended over the Golan Heights, where they were intercepted by a entire squadron of F-15 Baz and F-16 Netz patrolling. Due to some misunderstanding between the deserters and the defending pilots, two MiG-29 were shot down and the remaining ones got escorted to the Ramat David Airbase. Israel handed the pilots over to the US for further interrogation and kept the MiGs for studies. The capabilities of the plane convinced the commanders of the IDF. Israel offered Mikoyan Gurevych a offer for the license they could not refuse to accept, since MiG suffered a lot financially after the dissolution of the Soviet Union. The MiG-29 was modified by IAI. Two years later, the first MiG-29I Shu'Al did it's maiden flight on the 24th of June 1992. After only one Year of Service the Major flaws were known to the IDF. So IAI further upgraded the MiG-29I the Updates were so intense that the Shu'Al recieved a new name now it´s called the Shunar(Lynx) the Mig recieved Following Upgrades: -ECM -Refuelprobe -new Radar -implementation of IDF Weapons -additional mounts for chaff an flare dispensers -laserpod station -ability to mount F-16 wingtanks IDF Command transfered the "Shunar" to the 105th Scorpion Squadron and sended them to Dhimar to Protect the Kingdom and to enforce the nofly zone under the command of Natasha "Black Widow" Romanov in November the 2nd 1994. several other squadron will replace the aging F-16A with the start of 1995 I´ve to thank: *ValAstur --> for inspiring me to do a updated Mig-29I --> Skin and decal work --> Testing *Crusader(Viper Team) --> for the avionic and updates *Mirage Factory --> for Mig-29 *ravenclaw_007 --> for awnsering stupid questions the refuel probe and the Bird-Slicer *Cocas --> Testing *strahi --> idea for the additional CM Pods *lindr2 --> BVP-50-60 CM Dispenser *SPinner --> KillMarking Info and the what if section :-P *Combatace Site --> for the Knowledgebase and really nice guys from the community there *anyone i forgot to mention a big sry, it was not intenional. contact me and you will be added ValAstur wishes to thank: Special thanks goes to ~fantasy-coolcat (Deviantart.com) for allowing us to use her Fox-tribal for this release. Special thanks to tattootabatha.com for the scorpion used in this package. THE WHOLE PACKAGE IS NOT COVERED BY THE FREE LICENSING AGREEMENT. IF YOU WANT TO REUSE SOMETHING, YOU HAVE TO ASK. Known Bugs: - no loadout.ini entries - some possible weapon loadouts look weird.( will fix it later )
  6. double check it. espacially if you have more then one decal folder. and if the naming is correct i cant remember if its "decal" or "decals"
  7. hey FastCargo, are there any plans to update the 3d Model of the F-35`s like the viper team have done it with the F-16´s?
  8. nice looking PAK/FA is there a release date for the 5th gen pack? (PAK/FA,F-22,S-37Berkut?)
  9. nice i asked for ages the skinners around to do a reallife HuAF Skin for the Mig29 package i´ve done and now there is one for a what if F-16 *jumping out of the window" for the german F/A-16 i would gou with a loviz grey nose. because black is very good visible in dogfight
  10. so now you need only some newer skins like the Norm 90 or so :-) but the one´s you already got a really good. you are gettin better with GIMP.
  11. ah nice. is the release only the skin? or the complete aircraft?
  12. nice! as complete package including the aircraft? have you noticed that they also painted the AV-8B without Radar in that Colors? i like the one were the radar nose is painted in lighter grey
  13. not for me. :-) i will also be happy if we only get the CTOL version. lets open a project thread for it so we didn´t spam the whole Screenshot thread or this one:
  14. really cool looking paint looks like the have glass 2 for the F-16. want a skin for the AV-8B+ from bobrock now! :-P
  15. i think it would look better to enlage the canopy a bit for the CTOL like on the original F-35 as far as information goes to this plane in size an so on...it should be the same size as the F-35 if you can get the original F-35 Model you work will be much easier.
  16. also very interessting: http://www.aerospaceweb.org/aircraft/fighter/jsf/astovl_superharrier_01.jpg additional info here: http://www.aerospaceweb.org/aircraft/fighter/jsf/pics02.shtml
  17. nice cocas. will there be a CTOL variant also? 3side view of the bird
  18. DCS World

    ich habe dcs world eigentlich nur wegen dem ka-50 installiert. und fliege aber auch kaum missionen sondern einfach nur aus jucks und tollerei sightseeing :-D also heli simulations mässig sind die jungs topp bei den jets auch. nur mod freundlich ist es leider nicht. ich werde beides auf der HDD behalten. je nachdem wo nach mir der sinn steht. aber wie soulfreak schon meinte: mach dir dein eigenes bild
  19. why not use the CFT´s and a re-shaped avionic hump for the ECM so you got enough room for the 30mm canons the israelis used or for additional ammo. and if you like you can also add additional CM Dispensers and a FLIR station. and if possible maybe a one piece windshield? i would also go with a low viz grey paint without the black nose. the black nose paint was removed from the falcons because it was very good visible. but in th end it´s you choice
  20. @fastcargo: is the modification for the Phyton you mentioned in your old thread still working in SF2 July patch? do you still know the exact modifications you made? maybe there is a possibility to update ravenclaws IDF/AF Weapons this way.
  21. looks very well. i think we got a good what iff standard for the mig-29

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