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Everything posted by Skyviper

  1. Will do. And this is so true it's never too late to start learning. Of all the languages you use. Which is your preferred language and why?
  2. @Wrench That bad huh? Here I am about to jot down another language to learn and I'm seeing a definition from Wookieepedia. You got me, sir, well played. lol.
  3. Situation is bad, video games wise

    @Nesher @Capitaine Vengeur @Wrench Epic is doing a free game every day until Christmas it looks like. So the free game is City Skylines however you get a $10.00 off coupon. Star Wars Squadrons is on sale for $23.99 ...
  4. Situation is bad, video games wise

    @Nesher @Wrench Epic Game Launcher is your friend. New free games every week. Sometimes you get some really good ones for free. For instance I got Assassin Creed for free. I got Watchdogs 1 and 2 for free. Farming Simulator 19 (I have a crop duster mod in there so I can get the flying going in a relaxing game :D) Troy was given away fore free there too along with Borderlands 2. I mean the games are old but I don't care because they're free and bug free as well. Elite Dangerous was the free game there a couple of weeks ago I think.
  5. RIP Chuck Yeager

    Article From the Guardian Hearing the news of his death this morning was a shock. I mean get that he lived a long life but still it was a shock to see the news. Allow me to share with you a couple of fond memories. Back in '96 I got a chance to fly for the first time with the EAA's Young Eagle program of which hew as an honorary member. That program really fueled my love for aviation. Sadly I never went to college and flew in the air force; however, my love of aviation has never diminished. Even got a chance to interview him; however, I never published his interview here because he didn't time to answer a lot of the questions and most of the questions could be answered by reading his book. But I do remember when his answer to one question though about what he felt when he broke the sound barrier and his reply was "A sense of accomplishment". I have some pics of that certificate I got back in '96. I flew that small plane for all 10 seconds :) went down, went up, turned left, turned right, a total of 10 inches in either direction lol. The pilot said "you sure that's all you wanted to do?" Me: "yup I'm good".
  6. The future of Air Traffic control

    This is pretty awesome. For a second I thought it was a video game. I heard this job was really stressful and I think this system would be greatly beneficial.
  7. USMC Entrance Exam

    Saw this on Imgur had to share it here. I'm not military but I do enjoy how all the branches don't pull punches when making fun of each other.
  8. It's not that hard mkay

    https://i.imgur.com/YPlRSt4.mp4 Ah dang this video is too funny y'all. YPlRSt4.mp4
  9. F-22 Raptor Quick Aircraft Facts

    The F-22 Raptor was developed to counter a growing threat during the cold war. However as hostilities subsided the need for this aircraft went away according to some. To others there's still a great need for this aircraft. Moving beyond the drama and focusing on the facts, the F-22 Raptor isn't something to scoff at and we'll quickly explain this aircraft history in this presentation.
  10. Okay I've seen the charts before but this video really helps put things into perspective. What's your favorite fictional air or space craft? Not going to lie, some of these are much smaller than I thought they'd be and others a larger than I thought they'd be as well.
  11. So ... explain to me why basic training has to be like a day camp now?
  12. Don't Call Me Mad Dog

    Can there be a movie about General Mattis? I'd love to watch a movie about him.
  13. Show of Hands! Who Would Fly/Ride This?

    I'd like to think that soon after they took off, someone happily mowed that patch of grass. It looks to me they like to keep their field looking good.
  14. https://i.imgur.com/f41tDH8.mp4 I remember reading about these things but it's so great to actually see one on video! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lun-class_ekranoplan
  15. The AH-1w Super Cobra

    This segment is all about the AH-1w Super Cobra. The AH-1w Super Cobra was introduced to service in 1986 and is being replaced by the AH-1z Viper or "Zulu Cobra" the difference with the Zulu Cobra is that it features 4 rotor blades and the Target Sighting System or TSS. In this video you'll learn about this aircraft's routes in Vietnam as well as a brief history about the Cobra.
  16. My question ... is wearing this at all times like something they did in the 50s?
  17. Yeah This Is Pretty Awesome

    https://i.imgur.com/WWLB1cp.mp4 ... do we still have a video player here?
  18. This reminds me of the time McAfee was trying to shake this site down for money.
  19. Hold Her Steady Now!

    I'm researching for my QAF video of season 2 and came across this photo. I just had to share this here.
  20. Apache aerobatics flight video

    Dude that's awesome! Good find.
  21. Agreed. It even waved goodbye before leaving.
  22. American press, especially Fox, loves dressing things up. Like that time a concrete practice bomb was dropped in Japan ... American press: US BOMBS JAPAN IS WAR COMING? ... People that know better: It's a chunk of concrete ... things are good here. Shit happens.
  23. Don't Miss

    https://i.imgur.com/EMGokbt.mp4 I don't know what kind of gun this is. It's snub nose something or other. I'm wondering what kind of damage this thing can do though.

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