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Everything posted by Skyviper

  1. My First MRE experience

    I did check for an experation date but apparently it wasnt supposed to have one :lol:Oh well I post here in a day or two and let you know If i drop dead
  2. My First MRE experience

    And this one tasted really good too. Lol will do
  3. My First MRE experience

    Got this one off a tropper thats getting deployed...I got it free. Thanks for the correction
  4. :help:I need to renew my CA membership however CA fees are apart of entertainment budget. When all is said and done I'll have just enough to get one new movie and It down to these two...unless you are kind enough to recommend something better that happens to belong to the action, comedy, or sci fi genres. Thanks guys/gals
  5. Darth Vader robs bank!

    Now wouldn't it have sucked some serious stank if the dude ran into a Star Wars convention among thousands of other Vaders?
  6. Darth Vader robs bank!

    Well if I can see the tank then I'd be simply impressed. But if I couldnt and when he waved it around and it looks and sounds like the real thing I'd run...I mean make a tactical withdrawl.
  7. Darth Vader robs bank!

    I bet it was funny but I couldnt view the clip because of my countries copyright laws.
  8. Thanks! Oh I will I got plenty of time to save for a new shiny digital camera. My mother gets the opportunity to meet neat people. And these people happen to have the hook up. Even though the air show will be taking place in October I've already made plans with work to attend. I missed the worlds biggest airshow a few years ago. I'm not going to miss my chance to see the Thunderbirds. So let the count down begin. If I manage to snap digital pics though I'll post them ALL right here.Somebody please wave a wand and make it October 9th. Better yet put up one those countdown things. Air shows to me are heaven.
  9. I'm looking for bombsight for the B-52G and other bombers. Some of you have pointed out that the B-52 never used an actual sight its always been radar. However I have the urge to blow stuff up from thirty thousand feet and I dont have either a radar sight or a norden sight. I've tried employing the sight mods but I cant even find the necessary files to make the changes. All the files that are available for me to change are the stock aircraft files and that bites becasue the extracting program(or vista period) will not detect the .CAT files of the installed mods. Im decent at guessing where the bombs need to go but Im always off by a few yards however I really would like to get the sight working and I'm wondering just what the heck am I doing wrong. BTW I've tried to do everything according to the readme files however there isnt much I can do until I can find, extract, and edit the proper files. I've spent four frustraiting hours on tyring to get these things to work and Im on the verge of loosing my mind
  10. Darth Vader robs bank!

    Oh I can the see operation repo show now. Matt goes off and picks a fight with a storm trooper "look dude we're going to take this thing! So get out of my face and dont touch me punk" Why not repo the Super Star Destroyer they repoed everything else
  11. Darth Vader robs bank!

    Maybe the clerk would've just died from laughing so much
  12. Darth Vader robs bank!

    No No you're doing it all wrong man you don't use the gun! Use the death grip the death grip! What's that? Yeah I know it doesnt work in real life. It'll just be funnier watching you use it and get tackled like by five cops or something.
  13. WOE was installed in C:\Programs Files(86)\Wings of Europe. The mods I installed are in this file too but, Im going to use the advice in the information you've provided and put a file on the desktop.
  14. Joke and Funny Pic thread

    Know a good joke? I wanna hear it! Better yet if you got any funny pics then post those too! So much for a pot of gold.
  15. I'm looking for bombsight for the B-52G and other bombers. Some of you have pointed out that the B-52 never used an actual sight its always been radar. However I have the urge to blow stuff up from thirty thousand feet and I dont have a either a radar sight or a norden sight. I've tried employing the sight mods but I cant even find the necessary files to make the changes. All the files that are available for me to change are the stock aircraft files whic bites becasue the extracting program(or vista period) will not detect the .CAT files of the installed mods. I decent at guessing wher the bombs need to go however I really would like to get the sight working and I'm wondering just what the heck am I doing wrong. BTW I've tried to do everything arounding the readme flies however there isnt much I can do until I can find, extract, and eidit the proper files. I've spent four frustraiting hours on tyring to get these things to work and Im on the verge of loosing my mind
  16. Thank you. Sorry about the typos too.
  17. Joke and Funny Pic thread

    Crash and burn for this thread
  18. Sorry about the sexiest plane ever thing. Yeah the list was really FUBAR and hind site 20/20 it was a dumb idea. But I wish to make amends:sorry: . What's your favoriate aircraft and what are some of its unique qualities? Mine is the F-14(obviously) I like because she can(could, sorry) engage multiple targets at different speeds and altitudes at the same time
  19. How to treat 'older' women

    Greast Post! I'm printing this one off.
  20. Nuclear delivery techniques

    Man I should have read this before my little nuking campaign last night. I found that my A-6, F-5, and another small plane as well as the F-4 can deliver the nukes...but not the B-52..I guess I need to work on that. I'll try some of these tactics with a smaller bomb however I did find, by trail and error, last night that the dive bombing meathod works too. (I"m no real pilot obviously...bad eye sight(hind site twenty twenty I could've had eye survery oh well too late now) 5-10 miles from target and depending on my current alititude I'll pull up to about fifteen thousand feet. Split S over the target and come straight down release at nine to ten thousand feet and get the hell out of doge. In virtual world it worked for me just fine...I may not have hit the target on the nose but the target was at least in the blast range. As far as the real world goes you guys must have nerves or steel to do something like that...with a nuke. Something tells me that my maneuver would get me killed in the real world. I'm thining to much stress on the plane and then some.
  21. What's Your Favoriate plane?

    Yup single engine ones. I also remember two F-14's flying low over my house too, and some years later a pair Chinooks flew overhead and shook every freakin thing in the house....awesome. but not these the ones I saw were solid green...can't remember any of the markings.
  22. What's Your Favoriate plane?

    By the way folks(I just found the name of the one that came up with this idea) Uk_Widomaker...I give credit where credit is due...sorry for the tardiness UK_Widomaker. UK_Widomaker suggested in another thread that instead of polling on the sexiest plane ever we should say what's our favorate plane(s) and without the poll option. When I was little I saw four this babbies fly over my house....I was so little I thought we were under attack acutally...I just and I mean just finished watching a show about them when they flew over. Either four or eight I can't remember but they were really low. Still a cool experience.
  23. I'm sticking with the F-14 she's all time favorate(even though the US navy got rid of her..

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