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Everything posted by Heberth

  1. Massive Earthquake in Japan

    please members from japan, stay safe
  2. Atlantic moder team

    Si jota243, estamos trabajando en este tucán, pero aún falta la piel y FM. sería fantástico si lo terminó a tiempo para participar en el SudOps.
  3. Atlantic moder team

    kingfish one: "splash three raptors...."
  4. question 3 : i am using ,to modern figthers like the f-22 and su-35BM ,an JammerStrength=90-95, in this case the "lock" from a enemy become more hard. but its my opinion, you can use others values.
  5. Heberth Thaylon (cadeteBRA) reporting for duty SIRRRRR!
  6. that mig are AMAZING! nice shot Sundowner
  7. but of course! but he loses the ability to supercruise, which is possible in WOI...
  8. http://combatace.com/files/file/7577-wov-update-oct2008b/ here cianw1,good luck
  9. Feliz Cumpleaños a .....!

    happy birthday Marcos!!!!!
  10. what resolution your monitor uses? WOV is maybe starting with a resolution not supportedby your monitor ...
  11. MQ-10A Kodiak

    Nice plane man!
  12. WIP o Trabajos en progreso

    le gustaba? Fenrir, de Ace Combat
  13. SudOPS: Ejercicios Conjuntos

    Sabado!!!!!!!!! "let's fly kids!"
  14. Topic de presentación

    saludos KEF!
  15. WIP o Trabajos en progreso

  16. here is my screenshot: coming soon...
  17. nice shots Stick! did you used some photoshop in this images?
  18. more one week fedee...more one week you will like

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