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Everything posted by Richo

  1. You also can use the Single mission editer to see how your ship performs as well. This is a very handy tool to use for testing ground objects.
  2. Benson-Livermore Classes MDAP Destroyers (*)

    To get the Ward LOD file you need to get Risingsun3 from Yankee Air Pirates (YAP). Nice work Paulopanz
  3. Hi everyone, I would like to know how to make some ship Name Decals to put on the stern of the ships. I have got task force set up for a campaign in SF2V and my third party ships need some Decals on the stern and Numbers on the Hull. Can any one help? I have got Adobe elements 9. I would like to make them so you can see the name Like the Ark Royal name Decals.
  4. Thanks for the help I will check this out now. I hope I can get some done:) Yes that is a good one. I did some Decals using your link a while back and still use it. I guess I will keep trying. I see if I can up load one so everyone can see what I am talking about.
  5. Thanks for the Great information. I now need to make the name Decal it self like the one on the Hull of your ship. Which looks great by the way. I got a DD and would like the ship name displayed at the rear of the Boat. I am having Difficulty's making a Decal. I am using Adobe Photoshop 9. Is there a trick to this? I have looked around on forums and can not come up with anything on how to create one.
  6. yes for sure he has a done a good job on this cockpit and thanks Stary. keep up the good work. I sure do enjoy all your cockpits
  7. Good stuff and keep up the good work:)
  8. Very nice job on these skins. I am using them in SF2V. Thanks for the good job!!! Cheers
  9. Now THAT'S a Veteran :)

    What a great post!! Well done and thanks
  10. de Havilland DH.100 Vampire FB.9

    Nice job on the aircraft Paulopanz and to let you know I really enjoy your aircraft:)
  11. Thanks every one for the feed back on the 3d pro. I have been working away and now I am back and I will give window's 10 another shot.:)
  12. I did try to reload drivers. I went to Logitech web site and they did not have drivers for win10. However I did get drivers for my G13, G710+ and G9X. They worked very well. If I have to change compatability mode how do you do that?
  13. F-94C "Starfire" cockpit

    Hi Stary, What a great job you have done on your 94C Cockpit!!!. What good timing as well. I was trying to get a pit going in the 94B for some KAW action. Thanks for the nice work Stary, job well done:) Cheers Richo
  14. I did not get my Logitech Extreme 3D PRO to work and could not get drivers. That was the only issue I had with Win10. However that is the only type of joystick I have. So I have now went back to Win7. All my other Logitech gaming hardware worked fine when I got the driver's. I may have to wait till I can get some Win10 driver's for the Logitech Extreme 3D PRO.
  15. I had an issue with Win10. I could not get my Logitech Extreme 3D pro to work and could not get driver's. "So long Win10". Also did not like how long it took to get to the basic stuff like my computer and saved games folder. I just finished up putting Win7 back on PC.
  16. MiG-23 BN cockpit

    Very well done!!! I like it...I will enjoy this one for sure. Keep up the good work.
  17. MiG-21F "Fishbed-B"

    What a great job on the pit repaint!!! I did one my self and however yours is way better than mine... "thanks for a great job". I WILL ENJOY FLYING THIS MIG. WELL DONE! Cheers Richo
  18. What a nice job you did on this aircraft Wrench. I flew a Recon mission in KAW and seems to work fine, Carrier Landing on auto and she landed:) Nice job and keep up the good work, I will enjoy this aircraft. Cheers Richo
  19. Razbam F-102 Update NO.2

    Nice work on this update. For sure have to keep the RAZBAM weapons separate by renaming them. Nice work and I enjoy the mod along with Paulopanz work as well. Cheers and Thanks
  20. F-102A Delta Dagger (veltro2k)

    Nice work on this F102. I did add some guns to this aircraft and having a good time chasing MIGs Cheers and thanks for the good work. Cheers Richard
  21. F-102A Delta Dagger(*)

    Tanks Paulopanz keep up the nice work. You did a great job on this F-102 and I am enjoying it. Cheers Richard
  22. MiG-21UM Mongol by AmokFloo

    yea I will check this out. I will try this bird out. Cheers Richo
  23. Yak-38 Forger cockpit

    Hi Stary, What a nice job you did on this cockpit. please keep up the good work!! Cheers Richo
  24. Yak-38 Forger cockpit

    Hi Stary, What a fantastic job you did on this cockpit. I did get it to work:) I am new to SF2 mod's and I really enjoy your work. Please keep up the good work. Cheers
  25. SF2 Douglas C-54 Skymaster by Veltro2K

    Hi Wrench, You did it again!!! what a nice job you did on this aircraft. keep up the good work.

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