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Everything posted by JosefK

  1. For me, usually ground vehicles then air defenses. I try to keep any and all air-to-air ordinance I can... you never know when you'll need that AAM-5 or AIM-9.
  2. Humpday Heavies

    Very busy and my hump day is finally about over at 2 AM. Sadly not much time to play SF2 but here you go... some EC-767 action:
  3. Well @JamesWilson you customize the single mission. Look for the pen on the screen. I would recommend being patient with yourself. Learning how to build single missions takes time...
  4. "The War At Home" (I really tried to make Skyhawks vs. Flankers as anything but a Russian rout of the Kiwis... but that seems impossible.)
  5. Nothing like a Flanker lighting up the night sky....
  6. Maybe off-topic but I'd love to see some Romanian F-16s in-game please ;-). I'm good friends with a Romanian-American, one of the most mentally & physically strongest people I've gotten to know.
  7. I agree. Also: a) I would like it if there was a way to cleanse from campaigns & missions also any ripped off models. b) I think we really badly need a Su-34 and updated Su-35 in the game after the Su-57, of course. Seems to me the Russians are going to find ways to keep Su-57 development going... recognizing the era of big, radar reflecting Flanker superfighters supported by MiG-29s both originally designed in the 1970s and continuously upgraded with the latest weapons and thrust vectoring is coming to an end about 20 years too late!
  8. Some Su-30SM action... Apparently the Russian Air Force has learnt the importance of two humans in the cockpit for air-to-ground missions and the value of four eyes versus two in a dogfight after watching TopGun enough times!
  9. Really busy tonight @kblomkvist with stuff and just dived into here. Yes, GBU-54s and LGBs. I will try to do a test of GBU-38s soon. [Also worth noting: The screenshot was from beta testing where I found an excess fuel external tank ;-). Stuff like that drives me bonkers.] Yup, that's how I programmed the -54s into the F-2A. Will try the GBU-38 when able. Arguably, if this works for the F-2A it should work easily for the F-16 which in the real world does carry multiple -38s on a pylon.
  10. Some mission pak testing screenies that don't fit into a themed day...
  11. Can one just copy-paste into SF2? Not asking for any current project of mine, but potential future projects....
  12. For me, it's about load times. The faster the sim can load the game, the better.
  13. My recommendation is have the primary four-ship go after the primary and the secondary four-ships lob missiles at secondary targets. First, the primary target needs to be oversaturated. Second, timing the support flights takes a lot of work. A lot....
  14. I have as the final mission of Nihon Hitori 2020 (Japan Alone 2020) two flights of F-2As going after a Russian surface task force hell-bent on resupplying the Kurils and led by the Slava-class destroyer Varyag. It will take two, yes two, large groupings of F-2As lobbing anti-ship missiles (ASMs) to overwhelm the Varyag and its escorts. You are also highly recommended to pack IR-guided or Laser-guided bombs for many ASMs will not make it past the warships to the cargo ships. Also F-15Js will provide top cover as you can expect Foxhounds & Flankers to attempt to intercept. Just like the real world...
  15. Top Gun 2 Maverick Trailer (Official)

    Yup, that's a big historical error unless only in reference to the US Navy though. @fallenphoenix1986 might also want to think about the Israeli, Iranian and Iraqi Air Forces at some point...
  16. On Two-Seater Tuesday, I present the F-15DJ Aggressor...
  17. Well this sure gives confidence to all Russians that their air defenses work... NOT. The Drive: MiG-31 Shot Down Its Wingman The full article is full of great video and discussion, go check it out.
  18. ^THIS^ desperately needs to be in SF2.... thank you. Also can you plz do a Chinese version? With that, here's some Pacific Sukhoi Su-30SM beauty photos:
  19. Good ideas. Especially wingmates that can be better wingmen. Wowza. I'd love to fly thru downtown Hanoi in an A-6 with every single flak gun cooking off and then bomb 100 SA-2s on trailers just taunting the USA.
  20. Humpday Heavies

    By the nick of time, let me get my photos in....
  21. I really, sincerely like this....
  22. I chuckle because I'm sure that can easily be modded...

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