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Posts posted by Foxbat1966

  1. The first time I remember this accruing was on a bombing run in ODS in the USMC F-18 .Though It happens in all installs and aircraft across the board . I have seen it in all stock TW full 5 merge and in ODS ,Falklands ,KOREA ,Modern Korea and Green Hell.  I do use the T button and the target is just not there ( once just see what would happen I ran out of fuel look for the target visually ). I Have only seen this with ground targets. When this occurs the mission is all ways a FAIL hinse the back out and rerun.

  2. Why not a wormhole effect command to allow a Vulcan to tack off in  map a of England (BOB) ,fly to a given point on the map and JUMP to given point on the South Atlantic map (Falklands 82) for the target and then reverce for the return trip . I don't know how or if it is possable but it sounds good . Given maps could then be linked together without derangment to the maps. IE  Germany to Israel to Pershan gulf  and on and on till the hole of the world was covered . Just a thought !

  3. My first good ( !!!! ))) flight sim was B-17 on the INTELLEVISION !!  It dose not make me feel old, HELL, I AM !! But just like DC-3s and B-52 I plan on upgrades and Modernizing to at least 100 or better. With drones Gs don't matter bring on the kids we'll kick there  ^$$  !!!! Thanks for the blast from the past !

  4. Thanks for all the info, I look forward to the new skins/plane. The Falklands War occered at a impreshinable time in my life and made the Harrier one of my FAVERITE aircraft ! The sim/mod made me realize even more what a feet both sides had to deal with . A BIG THANK YOU !!!  gose out to all involved in both the first (SF1 mod) and the (SF2) redux !!! It took me back to an earlyer time and place in life that I needed to retouch !! He who sayes GAMES are a wast of time has wasted some of there life.



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  5.   I was diging around in some old books and found a referance to the FRS mk 1 in 1978 having a twin missile adaptor allowing for the carrie of 4 total sidewinders. Two on each outbord pylon. Anyone know if this was used in the Falklands and if so how ( or what to use ) to make it available in the SF2 Falklands campain ?   THANKS for the info and any suggestions  !


    Aso dose anyone know it this is an avallable skin ?


  6. Recently downloaded and built around SF2 .EXE ( with SF2NA, SF2E,SF2I ) and LOVE IT ! It worked perfectly for 2 weeks then aircraft file populated with ALL THE AIRCRAFT from all four mods. ( did not do that for two weeks ? ) I have removed extra aircraft , even deleated file and reinstalled only to have it repopulate on next start up. Terrian nations list are included , they apper to be apropreate ?? Have checked & rechecked MOD options.INI to make sure it is correct with install instructions. ANY clues as to Whats Up ! All so any one know of a skin for the Royal Navy Sea Harrier with the white bottom that will work in the mod.   THANKS for any help in addvance !!



    TheaterName=South Atlantic
    Location001=Royal Navy
    Location003=UK Taskgroups
    Location004=AR Taskgroups
    Location006=Ascension Island







    TheaterName=South Atlantic
    Location001=Royal Navy
    Location003=UK Taskgroups
    Location004=AR Taskgroups
    Location006=Ascension Island



















  7. First thank you Wrench, I hade not seen that info( very helpful Trully thankful ), But on my own I had all redy reset the possion of the cockpit. After WOE xtraction and install of F-4E info ( from K-bace )  with no improvement. I added CrazyhorseB34 info and got rid of the bouncing. With the increse of NearClipDistance from 0.01 to 2.01 and not finding anything in the cockpit.ini reading OpenCockipt, I have an aircraft that is PERFECTLY flyable XCEPT for the Brown streak on the windscreen that disapears from L to R or R to L as your view changes. THANKS for the HELP ! Will keep working on it .

  8. I recently upgraded my computer so I could move to some new games . Only to find that GAMERS have LOST THER $%#^^&%^$ MINDS !! After 1 expereance with STEAM, I no longer think the PC game world is worth a DAM !! But as a last atempt I will ask all of you ,   ARE there any NEW NON STEAM  F1 stile games/sims out there ?  F1 2010 was great  F1 2012 #%^&^%  SU*&^  !! I don't game online and think anyone who would give there computer to STEAM is ........... Well  ......... I'll be nice and not say! Thanks for any info !!


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