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Everything posted by yubba

  1. Free Falcon 6

    Aw fiddle sticks nothing like being a nub in a new game,, ok found the in game selector didnt know you could pick what airbase to fly out of and they have a different change out of planes meaning that the B-52 could still be lurking in all those theaters I downloaded for free falcon six
  2. Free Falcon 6

    Ok I found that folder you mentioned it had the above theaters,, I didn't see a selecter in game ,, like they have in free falcon 6..I'll go back an look,,, the next thing I'll have too work on is comms
  3. Free Falcon 6

    Where would one find those theaters,,I have f4af patched to it's latest and also have free falcon 6 with all the extra theaters,,with all the extra aircraft they pervide,, got tease couldn't find the B-52 they showed a cockpit for it but darn if I could find it
  4. Free Falcon 6

    My freind stop by and I loaded falon 4 allied force along side the free falon 6 so I'm setting both up each has there pros and cons,I like the terrain in falcon 4 better, just getting the keyboard set up to my likeing is becomeing a pain free falcon six wasted alot of time figuring out steering front landing gear
  5. Free Falcon 6

    I was on the cheap,, it downloaded in an hour,, it loaded up,, I flew a free flight steap learning curve by the looks of it,, not happy with camera panning,,though,, not ready to hang up sfp-1 yet would like to see interactive cockpits in sfp-1
  6. Check if there is a map in the cockpit folder,,, open up the aircraft folder of another aircraft that you know has a working map and compare files
  7. That is a shame,, I do love to fly online with IL-2 1946 HSFX,, I was in hopes that we could at least get Strike Fighters 1 online with a few tweaks to make it more interesting and user freindly,, I have in the last week gone on the hyperlobby sfp-1 and flown around a bit,,I am interested if there is a way to network 2 computers to fly against one another SFP-1 with maps that you takeoff from a base
  8. Are you sure funny person only the bigger picture makes it look bigger so they tell me
  9. Hate it when you are on a bomb run and after you release,, you have to jump out of the plane to watch your handy work ,, fun yes,, not very realistic you wanta see it like they do it in real life all you have do is edit the Tv..I found the F-111g over at nato fighters column5 it had the optics pod in the bomb bay after an epoisode of wings on youtube it showed a f-111 with that pod and you could watch the bombs in a 360 veiw ... well with out further adue // Electronic Pods ---------------------------------- [LANTIRN] SystemType=LASER_DESIGNATOR ModelNodeName=AN/AAQ-14 CameraFOV=2.500000 SightTexture=avq23sight1.tga CameraPosition=-0.800000,0.125000,-1.00000 CameraYaw=0.000000 CameraPitch=0.000000 CameraRoll=0.000000 EODisplayFlags=268697600 SeekerRange=30.000000 SeekerGimbleLimit=120.000000 <---------- change to 360.00000 SearchFOV=5.000000 SearchTexture=avq23sight2.tga [TV] SystemType=EO_CAMERA ModelNodeName=AN/AAQ-13 CameraFOV=2.500000 CameraPosition=8.000000,0.125000,-1.000000 CameraYaw=0.000000 CameraPitch=0.000000 CameraRoll=0.000000 EODisplayFlags=268697600 SeekerRange=30.000000 SeekerGimbleLimit=60.000000 <----------360.0000 oh, but yubba that only works on LGBs,, oh contair the TV locks on the targeted objects no matter what munitions you use ,, cluster bombs are fun to watch,, was a big hit on the frame rate though,, with mirrors on about threw me through the windscreen
  10. you set the tv and laser gimble to 360 you can fire the weapon,, get out of dodge and watch the carnage all at the same time.
  11. If you ain't dyin you're not tryin,,,http://stats.acesovereurope.org/playerdetails.php?id=1659
  12. If no one is interested, it's not worth one's time and energy,, I hope this thread would spark some interest and we could talk it out and go from there I don't know the limitations of the game online ,, I like how IL-2 servers are set up where you can pop in the middle of the game pick a plane pick what you wanted to do and take off from a base
  13. well the opportunity to fly online is there,,, what we do with it is up to us,, we could set up a mission board here with times people would want to fly,,, just starting out this would be familarization flights such as formation flying and ,, to see what else we can do with it, and post here , If there was a way to change the dog fight arena in hyperlobby to get aircraft to carry all ordinance would be a start.
  14. I see you like those snake eyes,, I think I'm good,,I haven't been able to tune back the magnification of the TV to get a better veiw of the target,,or be able to pitch it down when the camera is parked to use it as a bomb sight,,, oh well we got 2 ways to plant iron,, there was another avionics folder in the f-111g folder it sorta looked like what I already done.
  15. nice,, I must apologize, I put some bum scoop out there about tv lock with any munitions,, I tested with the f-111g last night with a couple paveways and some gp 500s and I was dropping sets of 3 gp 500s and the tv was locked on targets before and after I expended the paveways,, I tested the B-47 with a load of gp 500s and the tv would not lock on target I guess if you go up with a mix bag of munitions with paveways aboard,it will work, the B-52 I set up carries a mix bag I'll test it and get back with ya ,,again sorry about the bum scoop,, this might be agood project for some one that has better skills than I to get the TV to lock on to designated targets.
  16. Credit goes to Alexis 99 for pointing me in the right direction with this,, this is the same set up that I did with the f-4 hud,,useing the F-15E avionics, and the hud radar rwr folders and files from the f-15 cockpit.
  17. OH YEAH,,,hope you ain't made plans for tonight,,, set tv gimble to 360,,, and laser disignator gimble to 360 worked perfectly comming and going ,,,paveways don't appear in right number on pylons though and could some one please come up with a way to get rid of those mirrors in the f-111 please
  18. what's on tv ???? the f-111g look at the underbelly Your wish is my command,, I don't think I can put anything more on this bird ,, except I haven't tweaked the gimble on the seeker camera I'm going for the full monty 360 degrees I'll let you know that works
  19. img00006

    From the album Untitled Album

  20. img00010

    From the album Untitled Album

  21. I went to nato fighters colunm5 and got the f-111a and f-111g-they call the pig,, I had stock f-111a I couldn't get a copilot to show up in the pit ,, so I downloaded some new blood both had copilots showing ,, later I added the f-15 gear I still have to load the laser designator that will look like this... Data Config file ,, ,,,SystemName[036]=LANTIRN SystemName[037]=TV,, and add LGB to the external bomb racks // Electronic Pods ---------------------------------- <---------------- add this [LANTIRN] SystemType=LASER_DESIGNATOR ModelNodeName=AN/AAQ-14 CameraFOV=2.500000 SightTexture=avq23sight1.tga CameraPosition=-0.800000,0.125000,-1.00000 CameraYaw=0.000000 CameraPitch=0.000000 CameraRoll=0.000000 EODisplayFlags=268697600 SeekerRange=30.000000 SeekerGimbleLimit=120.000000 SearchFOV=5.000000 SearchTexture=avq23sight2.tga [TV] SystemType=EO_CAMERA ModelNodeName=AN/AAQ-13 CameraFOV=2.500000 CameraPosition=8.000000,0.125000,-1.000000 CameraYaw=0.000000 CameraPitch=0.000000 CameraRoll=0.000000 EODisplayFlags=268697600 SeekerRange=30.000000 SeekerGimbleLimit=60.000000
  22. img00006

    From the album Untitled Album

  23. img00006

    From the album Untitled Album


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