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Everything posted by ReDDoT

  1. Johnny G, I want Turkish Raki with ice on it Safe Landings
  2. New system question

    I don`t like transferring programs from another drive. Prefer always fresh install.
  3. Olham's Porn

    Upgraded my processor today OFF is running with 50-60 FPS (5-3-3-5-5) and have 30-40 FPS with 5-3-4-5-5 settings WHAT A WONDERFUL WORLD
  4. PC Dying? Need Help

    CaptSopwith, Plug your internet connection cable out from your PC or disable your wireless bluetooth connection and restart it again. If your pc works without the cable. Uninstall your ethernet driver and install it again.
  5. yutub

    From the album My OFF Collection

  6. My OFF Collection

  7. Puahaha Spending so much time flying OFF. My wife put it there for me. There will be useful either for me or her Shiloh, print out Rabu & Olham`s 4 part OFF Map and glue them together: Click - OFF Map Rabu & Olham - Parts 1 - 4
  8. OK, startet a new campaign with Jasta2 now. "Drück mir die Daumen"
  9. Shiloh, My desk looks similar to yours
  10. My Work

    From the album My OFF Collection

  11. Olham's Porn

    My fatherboard has LGA775 Socket. I think thats the best processor in his category. For a better processor I have to change my mobo and have to buy new DDR3 sdram = $$$ Thats why I am going the cheapest way. My OFF is running perfect now 5-3-3-5-5 with stoned 30 fps. My target is one up with scenery slider and 40+ fps. I hope I can do it with E8500 (3.16 GHz)
  12. Olham's Porn

    Dear Von Paulus, Good to know! Thanks. Now I can sleep well Because I am upgrading my pc only for OFF.
  13. Beautiful report and screenies again Olham Thank you PS: My pilot died again before August 1916. I crashed on the rooftop of a building while attacking a Railyard... I gave up with the Eindecker.
  14. Olham's Porn

    Do not forget thermal paste Olham I am thinking to upgrade my processor in a few days. My 2.5 GHz with 2MB is not enough sometimes. The new one: Intel E8500 (Dual Core, 3.16Ghz, Socket 775, 6MB, 65W, 1333Mhz)
  15. Dear OFF Community, I am new to the Forum and need some help with my graphic settings on a HD5770 Radeon. I am running Catalyst version 11.2 (My OS is Win7 x64) My OFF DVD didn`t arrived yet but I want prepare my CPU for the Simulation. Just formatted my CPU and changed settings below: Smoothvision HD:Anti-Aliasing= 2x Box Smoothvision HD:Anisotropic Filtering= 2x MipMap Detail Level= Performance Anti-Aliasing Mode= Performance (Multi-sample AA) OpenGL Settings: Triple buffering [Ticked] Need help with those settings now: 1- I cannot disable the Catalyst A.I. the lowest setting for it is > Performance 2- What is "Enable Surface Format Optimization" ? under Catalyst A.I. 3- Tesellation Menu a)AMD Optimized b)Use application settings c)Level goes up to 64x
  16. Catalyst version 11.2

    Exact It`s really the best ATI combination for OFF. Notice: I have only 2.5 GHz processor speed and happy with my results. Thanks
  17. Pilot friends, I want to record some OFF videos and upload them. Does anyone know an alternative to FRAPS ? I don`t want to pay 37$ for that thing Thanks -=ReDDoT=-
  18. Olham's Porn

    Dear Olham, I don`t like the Eindecker I think in August are the Halberstadt`s coming. Flying Jasta5... BTW, Why do you want to overclock your PC? I think there is no need. It`s a powerful engine you have. Greetings
  19. Olham's Porn

    Thank you very much for the pilot picture(s) Olham, The other picture is busy right now
  20. Its Me

    From the album My OFF Collection

  21. Olham's Porn

    Olham, Very nice upgrade! Which i5 Processor do you have? and where are your ingame sliders now?
  22. Gratulerer med bursdagen !
  23. Catalyst version 11.2

    Dear BirdDogICT, I agree with you. The difference between version 11.2 and 11.3 was only the SuperSample AA option. I don`t know why but Multi-sample AA works fine only with version 11.3 If I switch to Super-sample AA (on 11.3) the ground objects (trees, buildings, rivers etc.) looks broken from far distances. Your recommendation with Morphological filtering option helped me a lot with the white/blue triangle jaggies. But I noticed one more important thing: After any change in ATI Catalyst Center I clicked in the OFF menu Reset `CFS3` Files and configured everything all over again (Screen Resolution, Image Quality, Overrides and Texture Info) I think thats the bridge between ATI Catalyst Center and CFS3 graphic files. After a long dog-fight with ATI Catalyst settings have now eye candy graphics and incredible performance. PS: -Double-Checked- To be sure, I formatted my PC completely and installed everything again new > got the same results.
  24. Catalyst version 11.2

    Dear Polovski, Yes, of course you can do that. Those settings are without any third party add-ons, without any overclocking tweaks. Did everything with standart hardware and software configurations. Best Regards Feridun

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