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Everything posted by Adger

  1. We run things bit different Olham.....AA=8 AF=16,i use Multi sample....and vertical refresh=off .unless application specifies,i think il have a little play around with your settings above,and see what happens sir
  2. Ha ha yeah Irfanview thats it Olham ,great free program.......RS,is your settings set to manual on your ATI/Nvidia card and not application controlled??
  3. No problem RamblingSid.....Cfs 3 settings 5,4,4,5,5.......ground object density high,got infraview that lets me mess around with colors of screenshots,bit of saturation etc,resolution 1920 x 1080 use Ati Control panel Anti alisiang x8,...Anistropic filtering x16 ,hope this helps mate
  4. Just a few Screenshots No 1.......Dawn Patrol Number 2 ....Got Ya !!!! No 3 ......The Gang !!!!
  5. November 9th my birthday,i did say Nov 11th myself 2 days ago when Erik 1st mentioned it,then had to delete my post as i jumped the gun a bit early ha ha And once again great gesture Erik,thank you.......so 148 days
  6. Health and Family always come first Pol,when its ready for release i know it will be worth the wait
  7. What a fantastic gesture sir,hoping its not to far away now,i know many of us are excited at the great things to come in WOFF thanks Erik Yeah,got a bit forward of myself sir ha ha
  8. Been using for about a week now.Thanks Lothar truly adds more immersion,also thanks to the great mod makers for there great mods,that make all this a wonderful package.
  9. They will be at my local airshow R.A.F Cosford next month,along with the only flying Vulcan Bomber,both put on great shows,fingers crossed for good weather
  10. Brilliant ,beautiful screenie again Louve
  11. Neil Armstrong Dead: First Man To Walk On Moon Dies, Aged 82 R.I.P NEIL ARMSTRONG..............SAFE JOURNEY
  12. Great screenies once again Shiloh,Fantastic use of colour and a very nice looking skin
  13. Hello guys just wondering if anybody has used Office in the download section link here http://combatace.com/files/file/12391-office-the-off-incomplete-campaign-editor/,i see it has quite a few downloads,could anybody possibly give me any feedback on this mod,it looks very interesting cheers guys
  14. Thanks Lothar for the heads up,and thanks for letting me know by mail,il be sure to give it a go and il review as well,many thanks.
  15. Absolutely spot on Olham,nobody else could have answered that so simply,yet so effective,brilliant wording sir
  16. Thank you for your quick reply Olham,gonna try with my nero photosnap see what i can produce.Thank you once again
  17. Thank you Olham.can i ask what photo software you use? ,ive picked up photobucket which is free ,but i seem to be struggling with it .i capture my screens using fraps then upload them.thank you
  18. Great shots as always Olham,love the lighting on the first work beautiful shots a couple of shots showing Lou's 1916 Strutt "Elephant" skin ,Great skin ,Many Thanks
  19. Thanks very much gents,very much appreciated,been playing this fine sim for some time now and always wanted to show some screenies just really got into it seriously and always loved the screenshots and reports posted.especially Olhams,Raf louverts,Shilohs and countless others ,i also love your videos Hellshade,your one of the reasons i bought this incredible sim.I hope the Devs arn't to long in giving you some OFF2 code to work with i look forward to more of the Vids .Thank you once again
  20. Olhams fantastic Jasta 10,Alb dv skin.Thank you sir
  21. Awesome guys,just simply awesome
  22. Just,thought id say a quick hello,purchased OFF and HITR last year,and i can honestly say its been the best money ive ever spent on anything,i know that thats a bold statement,and im sorry if it seems like im sucking up,but believe me its the truth. i dont fly as often as i would like, work commitments,2 young kids etc etc,but i frequent the forum every day,sometimes twice daily.i can honestly say ive learnt more from you guys Widowmaker,Olham,Carrick ,Lou and the Surly,but loved one Uncleal,than any history lesson ive still yet to purchase my track ir (christmas not coming cheap with 2 young kids)and then i will get everything and more out of this incredible sim.thank you to one and all for helping me choose this sim and this incredible forum,GOLDENEAGLE,and REDPIANO,welcome,and to POL,WINDER and the rest of the dev team thank you so much, PS anyone heard off SHILOH,he hasnt posted for a while and also hows UNCLEAL doin ,hope hes fine and enjoying his flying ha ha,pps any more Screenshots forthcoming POL,nudge ,nudge wink,wink ,take care boys be with you in the mess in a little while.ADGER over and out.
  23. OFF and Me

    He had forgotten to put lots of camouflage on his language. brilliant OLHAM,just glad the old boys doin fine

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