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Maverhec last won the day on July 2 2011

Maverhec had the most liked content!

Community Reputation

7 Neutral

About Maverhec

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  • Interests
    Combat Aviation, Formula 1, and Half Life2, Also like GTA series and some Terraria stuff.
  1. Southern Ukraine and Crimean Peninsula Terrain

    Many thanks! is such a great map! hope You can add some targets on the Kiyv region and northern Ukraine and Belarus, would be even so much better.
  2. Southern Ukraine and Crimean Peninsula Terrain

    If I have the SF2 fully merged, will it work properly?
  3. Mi-24P Public Beta

    Well, I don't know if this worked a couple of years ago, but now in 2022 is quite useless. At least for me, the Chopper didn't allow me to arm it with any weapon, the weapon loadout stays just blank... It is a shame. Hope the developers can fix it, but I doubt it.
  4. South East Europe BETA

    I got the same question is not quite clear what to do with all those 3 files...
  5. GREAT NEWS!! I am able to play the mod now. I just low my graph specs to medium and it is perfectly playable!! Thank You Menrva for your kind support. 🙂
  6. Oh geez, yeah its a laptop. Its hard to hear that. But very reasonable, the same happened to me when I played GTA V it was playable but with very low performance.... Anyway I'll keep the game for when I can aford a new gaming PC. I even will turn the ISO file it into a DVD.
  7. Yes!! that happens exactly ". Does the game fail to load once you choose to fly?" R=The game totally fails to load once I choose a Plane to fly whenever I'm on a single mission or whenever I load a campaign. I also didn't have any trouble at all navigating through the menu screens, all menus can be navigated without trouble. My graphic card is a Radeon R6 M34000X 2GB capable. I don know if the drivers are up to date though. Thanks for your response!
  8. ***PLEASE HELP*** Dear developers of this fantastic mod. I am very sad as I just can't play the mod. Apparently, I did an OK installation as the.exe file located my SF2 folder in the right path. The problem just surges when I open the mod and I try to fly! I just simply can not load the game, this happens whenever I choose any plane to fly, the loading screen just remains black and kick me to the desktop irremediably. I have to mention I have SF2 Fully Merged and windows 10 like most of the users. I also couldn't find any "Read Me" file to sort out this sad issue. I hope You can help me. And thank You for your awesome job!
  9. Eritrea/Ethiopia Terrain for SF2

    Yeah imdid it, it was my bad, it doesnt work on SF2 Israel cat map file.
  10. Please help, this map is awesome but makes the whole game crashes when playing it, IDK if it's because I am not fully merged.
  11. Eritrea/Ethiopia Terrain for SF2

    This map is seriously flawed. The whole game crashes, the plane just freezes in mid-air due to terrible lag when playing it. Please tell me how can I fix this.
  12. [Fictional] Chengdu J-14 Stealth Fighter

    I can´t make it work, the cockpit doesn't fit at all!
  13. Mig-15 / Mig-15 bis / Mig-17 cockpit

    I checked and rechecked more than once, i have the Mig15 bis Pasko's and i installed this cokpit but for me it didn't work at all, it only showed the gunsight and non graphs at all, just the lonley gunsight in the middle of that clear sky. Maybe is a term of pilot's position i really don't know, but i'd love to see an stand alone mig15 mod with this cockpit, from the start not the a4 cockpit we're used to, maybe stray should start a whole mig15 mod project with this cockpit instead of using foreing models.

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