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Everything posted by ezlead

  1. The real John McClane

    And we all thought that Walker,Texas Ranger(Chuck Norris) was a bad ass!! That's what you call--Gettin' the job done! :yes:
  2. Version


    This is a mod of Starys excellent Ejecting Pilots Beta mod. This mod was made by my brother(ezmonee),who is a huge FE2 fan. Make sure to read the Readme for install instructions.
  3. 70 years ago: Here they come !

    Typical political outcome. When the politicians think they are smarter than the Generals and Admirals. We have seen this many times here in the U.S.. IMHO: The only smart one was George H. W. Bush. Put Gen. Norm Swartzkopf in charge and leave him alone to get the job done. OOOHRAAH!
  4. Air power in 'Nam

    Not real sure what they were,SA-7 sounds right. They were widely scattered all over(North and South). Usually about 2 or 3 shots at aircraft a day. Not many when your talking about several hundred sorties a day. You had to be ready for them,because you wouldn't know where they were. If a FAC was on station,he would watch for them and give you a "break" call on the radio. Otherwise ,the number 4 man in the formation would watch until lead was off target and then lead would watch. They would take turns if there was more than one pass. Of course,the SA-7 shooter had to haul ass after he fired,because the next aircraft in would target him.
  5. Quack: I am using older graphics card and I set my AntiAliasing in the FE2 options.ini file to 8. For my card it runs better. Just a thought.
  6. Stratos: Check this link. http://forum.combatace.com/topic/44027-extracting-files-from-sf2-series-cat-files-by-migbuster/ Then read this link about what files are in what Cats. http://forum.combatace.com/topic/40588-sf2sf2v-knowledge-base/
  7. NATO Award for 'Courageous Restraint'

    The ONLY people trying to NOT kill civilians are the U.S. and the other Allies. Al-Queada and the Taliban could care less. If you really watch the reports,They are killing more of their own people than they are the military. A medal for "restraint",I don't think so. "Restraint" is all part of a soldiers job. Otherwise:I want my MOH for NOT killing a couple thousand VC or NVA because civilians were nearby. That's about how much sense it makes.
  8. Air power in 'Nam

    The A-10 would most definately have made a large impact. Slower speed over the target,longer loiter time,manueverability,plus the awesome weapon load would have made it a great asset. Put the newer precision guided munitions on it and look out. Don't forget to put flares and chaff on your 'what-if' aircraft. We had them! Most all aircraft were being fitted or retro fitted for them by late '72. NVA also had some Soviet versions of Stinger by mid '72. In July '72,My buddy came off target,saw the stinger launch and broke left. He lost the entire left stabilator on his A-6 when it hit. He nursed it back to Danang and landed safely. Everybody started carrying flares of some sort after that.
  9. Air power in 'Nam

    During Linebacker II we flew 2 or 3 "Alpha " strikes a day,7 days a week. An "Alpha" strike was 1 or 2 carriers total aircraft involved in each strike. That means 60 to 100 aircraft involved in each strike. In the EA-6A we "jammed" all enemy radars and comm. for every strike. We would have "jammed" the SA-3 radars as well as the SA-2's. The Air Force did almost the same thing out of South Vietnam and Thailand. A-6B's(Navy) and F-4's(Air Force) did "Iron Hand". We still couldn't go 'downtown'(Hanoi and Haiphong). When Nixon finally got pissed at North Vietnamese he instituted Linebacker III. Full UNRESTRICTED bombing of the North. That meant F-4's,B-52's and "Alpha" strikes everywhere up North. Contrary to popular belief most of our 'frags'(strike orders) came out of D.C. not local command. Newer aircraft would not have made as big an impact on the war as precision guided munitions. We just started getting Walleyes and LGB's. They would have made an incredible impact on the prosecution of the war. Less aircraft involved with much more precision hits on targets. If your looking to make an increase in the War,make China start getting more involved(non-nuclear)like in Korea. That would make a good 'what-if' scenario for the newer airframes (Ours and Theirs). Sorry to 'ramble on' about this ,but been there-done that.
  10. Happy Birthday Column5 and Crab_02

    Have a GREAT day! And again,THANKS for all your wonderful work.
  11. In my best Bart Simpson voice:"OH MAN!"
  12. I used to love playing the Tank game in the arcade. A SF Tank Sim would be really COOL!
  13. I am running FE2 on XP SP3 with a whole bunch of modded aircraft,ground objects and terrains and it works GREAT! It is so much better than FE1. The improvements are too numerous to mention. Load it up and run it. You will be amazed.
  14. Dutch Marines

    OOOOH F$%^&* in' RAH! Marines are Marines,no matter what country!
  15. I have had some success adding the carriers to the (terrain)_types.ini. I don't know why,but sometimes they work. You might want to try this for a little more realism. The target ships stay in one place,while the carrier moves,but it's more realistic. It gives the "boat" some support ships. There are some really cool support ships to add. [TargetArea094] Name=Delta Station Position=368282,453825 Radius=5657 ActiveYear=0 Location=1 Alignment=FRIENDLY CarrierStation=TRUE Target[001].Type=Benham Target[001].Offset=920.07,860.34 Target[001].Heading=267 Target[002].Type=Brooklyn Target[002].Offset=-920.07,-860.34 Target[002].Heading=267 Target[003].Type=CargoShip Target[003].Offset=-920.07,500.00 Target[003].Heading=267 Target[004].Type=Jaccard Target[004].Offset=920.07,500.00 Target[004].Heading=267
  16. Starting my glider license

    Mig: One of the perks of being in Naval Aviation. 76: Learn to fly gliders well. Powered flight is easier to learn after learning to fly gliders. Most WW2 Luftwaffe Aces started in gliders. Server:I don't know about you,but I usually find other thrilling things to do with my clothes off. Yes,even at my age! Although joining Mile-High Club with most clothes on was thrilling.
  17. Starting my glider license

    Hey 76: Good luck. You'll love it. You experienced a minny Cat Shot on take off. Now imagine: 60,000 lbs of high speed aluminum from 0 to 160 kts in 2 seconds. One of the most thrilling things you can do with your clothes on.
  18. Next d-bag of the week?

    It seems like more info is coming. As for defending yourself against a women: My first ex-wife and I were having an argument(we were still married and alcohol was involved). She came at me with a kitchen knife(I'm 6 ft/190 she was 5 ft 120). I deflected the knife with left arm and got scratched. I promptly clipped her on the chin with right cross. Sat her on her butt. Argument over. Police said(she called them) self-defense. Police officers said no one has to take physical abuse-women or otherwise.
  19. Dsawan and anyone else wanting to do multiple installs. Go to C:/Program Files/Thirdwire/StrikeFighters2 Europe.(Yours might be StrikeFighters2 Israel with the merged install) Copy StrikeFighters2 Europe.exe and StrikeFighters2 Europe.ini to somewhere else.(Like in terrains) Rename them: StrikeFighters2 Europe2 or whatever. Rename the .exe and the.ini the same. Put them in C:/Program Files/Thirdwire/StrikeFighters2 Europe or Israel besides the original .exe and .ini. That will give you 2 or more .exe's and 2 or more .ini's in that folder. Run the new .exe game once from that folder. When the game starts you should have StrikeFighters2 Europe mainscreen. The game engine will make a new Mods folder with the same name as your new .exe and .ini. Put a new shortcut to it and you have dual or more installs all running off the original "Core Files". Now put your Mods in that new folder and try it. I have 5 separate Strike Fighters2 games with 5 separate 'Mods' folders all running off of one "Core Files" install. I know it's a pain,but most modders recommend putting Israel as a standalone install because of the changes. If you have a problem PM me here and I'll try to help.
  20. F-8 Crusader vs MiG-17 in Vietnam

    In either case F-8 or F-4 it was pilot training that made the difference. You fought the airplane using its best parameters. The Mig-17 and Mig-21 were just like the Zero in WW2,you should not get in a turning fight with them. It was zoom and boom tactics. Most kills were made because the Mig driver made a mistake. As far as the missiles go,if you read about the fights during Vietnam,most pilots would fire 2 Sparrows or 2 Sidewinders to ensure that one would work.
  21. New to FE2

    Shea: No online play! Go to download section and get JanTuma's new terrains to start with. You get lots of trees and ground objects with changing seasons. They really make the game more realistic. They have a good Readme file for install. All mods go in "Mods"folders. "Mods" folder/folders is up in My Documents/Thirdwire for XP. Users for Vista and Win7. C:/Program Files/ThirdWire/FirstEagles2 are the "Core Files". You shouldn't need to put anything there. Look all over this site for Knowledge bases(there are several)and Read,Read,Read. It will help in answering many questions. You can also post in this section with specific questions. Welcome Aboard!! You will love this sim for WW1 action.
  22. All you should have to do is: Point the installer at C:/Program Files/ThirdWire and they should install separately. C:/Program Files/ThirdWire/StrikeFighters2 Vietnam C:/Program Files/ThirdWire/StrikeFighters2 Europe C:/Program Files/ThirdWire/StrikeFighters2 Israel That should give you 3 separate sets of "Core Files" When you patch: point the installer at the specific set of "Core Files" you want to patch.
  23. Check your video card drivers. NVIDIA put out some bad ones a while back. 196.75 were bad. There might be others.
  24. FE2 & Win 7

    I had to D/L the original Flanders and Vogesin terrains and then install(overite if needed) Jan's Flanders and Vogesin terrains to get them to work. I'm not sure,but it seems like Jan's upgrades do not contain all the files. After I did that they worked like a charm!! Well Done,Jan,the terrains are terrific!!
  25. You could change carriers in WOV. I don't know about SFP1. I can't give you WOV files as they are copyrighted by ThirdWire. You would have to buy the game from ThirdWire to get the files. If you get WOV,extract the Rolling Thunder campaign_data.ini. Scroll down to CarrierUnit001...CarrierUnit002..etc. It will show you how to change carriers. I don't know if it will work with SFP1 execute file.(game engine)

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