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Everything posted by gonchx

  1. Crotale SAM system

    Excellent!!!, thanks a lot GKABS
  2. Thanks Kjakker! I tested the M163/167, although less efective than the ZSU-23-4 seems to be pretty realistic, also the M940 ammunition seems to work better. Also the Bofors L70 should be corrected, the max effective range was 4000 meters and usually was supported by a fire control radar, like the Super Fledermaus. The Israelis use 200 pieces coupled with 40 Super Fledermaus fire control radars from the mid 60s to the late 70s, along the Hawks were the main Anti-Aicraft assets of that era. Thanks again. Gonzalo
  3. Hi Guys: Thanks a lot GKABS, your 3D models are great, I am a big fan of your work. but we already have the ZSU-23 model, maybe you can put your efforts on new models. Will be great to have the RAMTAs TCM-22, Crotales , Tigercats, Mistral Trepieds or AN/TPS-43 radars. Thanks KJakker for ZSU-23 data, following your example I tried to improve the M167 and M163 VADS data, trying to ahave a range only AN/VPS-2 radar. Here are my edits: M163: [DetectSystem] TargetType=AIR DataLink=TRUE OpticalSight=TRUE NightSight=TRUE VisualRange=10000.0 VisualSearchTime=6.0 ViewportPosition=0.0,0.0,2.30 MaxVisibleDistance=6000.0 RadarCrossSection=5 [WeaponSystem] TargetType=AIR TrackingRange=7000.0 RadarFamilyName=M163 GunRange=1200.0 PitchAngleRate=60 MaxPitch=80.0 MinPitch=-5.0 DefaultPitchAngle=0 YawLimited=FALSE YawAngleRate=75 DefaultYawAngle=0 ReloadGunAtAngle=FALSE GunRecoil=20 GunStabilization=TRUE GunRadarTracking=TRUE RangeFinder=7 BallisticComputer=6 YawModelNodeName=Turret PitchModelNodeName=Gun_Base M167 (Actually the same): [DetectSystem] TargetType=AIR DataLink=TRUE OpticalSight=TRUE NightSight=TRUE VisualRange=10000.0 VisualSearchTime=6.0 ViewportPosition=0.0, 2.0 ,3.28 MaxVisibleDistance=4800.0 RadarCrossSection=4 [WeaponSystem] TargetType=AIR TrackingRange=7000.0 RadarFamilyName=M163 GunRange=1200.0 PitchAngleRate=60 MaxPitch=78.0 MinPitch=-5.0 DefaultPitchAngle=30 YawAngleRate=75 DefaultYawAngle=0 YawLimited=FALSE MinYaw= MaxYaw= DefaultYawAngle=0.0 ReloadGunAtAngle=FALSE GunRecoil=20 GunStabilization=FALSE GunRadarTracking=TRUE RangeFinder=7 BallisticComputer=6 YawModelNodeName=Turret PitchModelNodeName=Gun Once again thanks a lot. All the best. Gonzalo

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