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Everything posted by Menrva

  1. Thanks for posting this, a truly touching story.
  2. I'd say Europe, it has many (probably the highest number) of the flyable planes of the series and an interesting what if scenario. Otherwise I'd say Vietnam because of the immersion factor. Here at CombatACE there are great mod packs for all titles anyway. BTW welcome to the best site in the world.
  3. This terrain is known to have HFD and tiling issues, it was one of the first terrains made for the first SF generation. I suggest you to check JSF_Aggie's remake of the Southern California terrain, it should be available in the SF2 terrain downloads section. The area depicted is the same, it only doesn't have any cities or fictional targets but includes new realistic airbase layouts as well as target ranges. EDIT: apologies since I intervened, your post was for Wrench.
  4. IA 58 A Pucara (fortress)

    Very very nice! The cockpit is impressive, as well as the exterior 3D model. Many thanks for sharing.
  5. Thought you knew about Archery

    Just awesome! It requires lots of skills, I have never thought archery could be so 'effective'.
  6. I'm sorry to hear that. I keep my all-inclusive mod folder on an external hard drive too. I hope it never crashes. Anyway IIRC Wrench once advised someone to buy some kind of device to restore files which works according to him, atm I have failed to find that thread, you may want to ask him.
  7. It seems I got inspired to correct some of the terrain issues; at the moment I corrected most of the TFD thanks to Gerwin's TFDTool, so no more trees in the runways affected by this "bug". I also noticed an airfield which was over water. Open targets.ini and find this: [TargetArea067] Name=UME UMEA Position=674000.000000,740000.000000 Position=676000.000000,740000.000000 <----------- change to this I have no idea how to quickly correct the airfield flattening problems atm. eburger68, let me know if you want the TFD in case you are planning an update.
  8. First of all, many thanks for another campaign package, eburger68. You are right, probably someone will be inspired to complete such terrain. My wish would be to see this great terrain by Baltika completed, so we can use it even for most of The Scandinavian Front campaigns by JonathanRL. IIRC this tiles are used in the Kamchatka terrain, and Stary made some unreleased hi-res tiles for it. However, the North Cape terrain has much more tiles, so a whole new tileset needs to be made.
  9. Yeah, Mi-24s in Vietnam... I wonder why game developers can't take a look at Wikipedia in regards to historical accuracy for armaments of every kind. Anyway, that BF3 mission is nice but arcadish. You have the feeling of being inside a fighter jet plane, but unlimited ammo is Ace Combat style (btw good old Playstation 2 era Ace Combat rocks, if you play it as a game, not as a simulator of course).
  10. This is a great and well thought pack. Good job, viper63a.
  11. Typhoons over Grand Canyon

    Nice find as always, MiGBuster. Awesome pictures. Thanks.
  12. FA-18 Series Update by The Hornet Team

    Thank you very much! I like Cold War era Hornets more than Super Hornets.
  13. Thank you America

    My apologies, you're right mate. I really need to improve my English, sometimes I use the wrong words.
  14. Salut! to the French GIGN!

    I should have guessed, pretty stupid my question was. Thanks, I'll probably see it in French then.
  15. Salut! to the French GIGN!

    Yep, they really did a good job, well executed. G.I.G.N is like the Italian G.I.S. of Carabinieri, a military police as well. I wonder how many countries have such forces. Thanks for the movie advice Emp_Palpatine, is it available in other languages as well? My French is a little rusty.
  16. Thank you America

    Ha! I didn't know that, well said mate.
  17. Thank you America

    I'd agree, unfortunately many of them like to die as martyrs for their followers. Look at what happened in France. Those animals obliged the GIGN troops to return fire and so they died. I wished they could suffer all pains of hell while imprisoned here on Earth.
  18. RA-5C Skinpack

    Thanks for sharing! Much needed improvement for sure.
  19. Good question. It might be menu-related, since by modifying menu screens .ini files you can add the lens-flare option on or off, which is present in the first generation of SF.
  20. SF2_X31_SKIN

    Very nice skin, we really needed a real one for the X-31. Thanks for sharing!
  21. Thanks for all the info, Stwa, very appreciated. I really like your idea of making everything sort of stock, planes and screens included. BTW, I am working (actually I've stopped for a while) on a new Iraq-Iran map that uses the same area as the one showed in your planning map. In fact the one that you are using is pretty inaccurate since targets and cities are not where they should according to real life. It was one of the first terrains for Strike Fighters, indeed a nice area.
  22. This is very interesting stuff, I am trying to do the same in SF2, although I prefer enhancing the terrains with the great tiles made by our CombatACE artists. I wonder how you managed to create planning maps similar to those of the stock terrains, to me it seems pretty difficult.
  23. It is not a glitch, actually. If you look inside the mod folders you should find (maybe in /Flight or /Menu folder, don't remember which) the new map icons. The U.S. flags replace the stock blue icons, while Iraqi ones replace the red icons. You may want to remove these new files to solve this problem. There is no other way, I think. Regarding the possibility to fly the campaign for Kuwait or the RSAF, I don't remember that it was possible in the past. However I checked the campaign _data.ini and found that there are RSAF and Kuwaiti units flying during the campaign. With little editing you can make such units flyable.
  24. Thank you very very much, Gerwin. Your tool has become necessary for any terrain work and now, with the new feature, terrain modding in Strike Fighters has even reached new heights.
  25. Awesome project, Centurion-1! You have thought of everything, I'd say. I'm just not sure about the Map Scale thing, if I'm correct according to Wrench it should be around 126%, because a Map Scale of 100% in the TerrainEditor equals to the 63% of the real-world distances in-game. Moreover I'd suggest you try experimenting with the Texture Tile Resolution: a lower value (1000m is good enough) gives more precision than 2000m, meaning that the tiles are smaller and can cover more details of the HFD. I hope this proves useful. BTW (I don't want to hijack this thread) Gerwin's TFDtool new feature might prompt me to resume my tiling work (damned rivers!) with the Iran/Iraq terrain for your mod. I just wanted to let you know in case you were wondering. Thanks and keep it up.

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