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      Upcoming changes to our Downloads   12/27/2024

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About ErcVitez

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  1. Green Hell 3

  2. L-39ZO 2nd hungarian skin

  3. Mirage 5F

  4. Hi! I saw in an old cockpit mod a head movement/rolling/shaking, as like in FC2 (the pit is not fixed in the center of the screen but moves a little bit when the plane is rolling). How can I do this? I guess that is in somewhere in an .ini file but wich one and what line is that? Is this question clear? My english is crap. :) Thanks. Érc
  5. SF2 Reloaded Community Mod

    From here: http://combatace.com/files/file/7228-hi-res-runway-textures-v20/
  6. Did you patch the SF2 for latest level? 2011 november. http://www.thirdwire.com/downloads.htm
  7. "Hey! come on I barely understand English! No, it's just to say that it's a technial referance that I don't understand." Sorry then I misunderstood you. Did you try deleting your whole mod directory and building from the scratch? 1) delete your mod dir 2) run the game then exit 3) install the mod(s) (some mods are interfere each others be careful) Sorry pal, I am not a real modder only an amateur. :/ And my english is crap I know but I am trying. :D Érc
  8. "Effects mod Update for SF2 I don't understand the words coming out of your mouth..." Is this an offense against me? Mondhatnám magyarul is de nem hiszem, hogy megértenéd, ezért próbáltam meg angolul leírni amennyire tudtam, hogy Te is értsd! Értékelhetnéd! ;) Érc
  9. I am agreed with Stary. Listen to him, he is a skilled modder.
  10. You are using another mod(s) as I see, so maybe there is some conflict... Try to download and install Stary's mods: - Unified Effects pack 1.0 http://combatace.com/files/file/11802-unified-effects-pack-10/ - Unified Effects Pack update 1.1 http://combatace.com/files/file/11985-unified-effects-pack-update-1/ I hope this helps. Érc
  11. SF2 Reloaded Community Mod

    Enjoy. :)

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