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Everything posted by saisran

  1. I need to find the disc and product key for my WinXP. haha.
  2. While wandering around on a far away city i stumbled around a Logitech Extreme 3D Pro. It was on sale and it was the last one, so i bought it. It was nice and all. I can now sustain a turn and drag along with me because it can still fit in my luggage. (sadly i wasn't able to come across a cyborg fly). Now for the dilemma, While flying around in the Sabers and the Saders is easy due to having all controls fit in the stick, I'm having a bit of a trouble operating the more modern Jets especially the love of my life, "TMF's F-14 Tomcats." Operating the cat requires the use of different radar settings, HUD, and Cockpit display mode, flaps, targeting and so on. All of which doesn't fit in the stick. So the solution is to re-map the eys on the keyboard and have a select "most important" function on the stick. As i'm stupid and lazy, and quite busy working several position (and not getting any richer) i don't have time to thinker with the control set and would much rather be playing when i have time. So for all you good gentlemen out there who has a Extrem 3D Pro working on the SF2 series and flies the tomcat. i would really love to steal your control setups. Lots and lots of Thanks.
  3. This is quite late a reply but. Thanks! I really appreciate your response. I found a good mix to assign the flight and weapons use to the stick along with radar selection and targeting while all other function are left as they were on the keyboard. this way my left hand moves freely on the board towards the keys it was accustomed to and i can concentrate on flying with my right. THanks
  4. Games with the tomcats

    Is there any other game on the aside from the SF2 series where i can fly and blow up stuff in an F-14 Tomcat? I know the ace combat series have F-14s and there's an F-14 mod for MSFS but they're not what im looking for. Thanks guys.
  5. SF 2 MiG LFI 4.12

    Hey COCAS! What's with all this weird fictional planes? It's seems that from the time period that i was away you have lost your mind. Now DOWNLOADING all of them! Great Job! Thanks!
  6. MiG-25PU & RU "Foxbat-C"

    I'm assuming a new revamped combat version is in the works. :)
  7. max values on the Radar Cross section entry on the .INI
  8. SUKHOI SU-35 BM

    isn't this also the one from marcelo?
  9. I have planes from the sabers and hunter era up to the Raptors and Lightning era. Except for the tomcat i just download the package, try them all out then pick a variant of the plane and edit the ini to match the load out per year. having a _77 _86 _91 _95 variants would result in a huge install and too many eagles and mig's to choose from. Picking the best from the lot works for me.
  10. Still cant get the screenshot's will try a direct approach later for this. As earlier i took the TW F-14A VS the F-15C. The engagement was guns only. The game set us 100nm apart so we had to travel a long while to get into range. Wen't into the merge and it's all boring from here. The eagle banked left and turned trying to get to my tail but i'm inside its turn and i have a much clearer view of his tail. I got a phoen call and just held the position adjusting my throttle, flaps to keep me flying and playing with the rudder to adjust my angle. I was flying real slow at around 170 to 240 while hes going round the 300 region. by the end of the phone call our position stayed the same. I decided to be lazy and just kept on it and see if he will crash to the deck. by now were below 3000ft. Pity, Just before he hit the ground at around 500ft the eagle leveled and climbed but i missed the chance to try for a gun Kill. I plugged in the burner to gave chase only for him to try the same again after passing the 3Kft mark. At this point i got bored. Brakes on, full flaps and i got inside the eagles turn with my piper exactly where he would be a second later. A generous burst of the Cat's gun and one roasted chicken flew past and ended up spiraling down to the ground below. A lot of complain was made on the TW tomcat's handling when it was released but i found the slower but more stable handling of the TW tomcat to be easier on getting gun kills.
  11. Haven't played for a while till today. Now i feel doing an F-14 VS F-15. Had a good mission earlier. My squad successfully intercepted a flight of Mig-29. of course we had a run in with the escorts who refused to bug out. No 3 has a flogger on his tail but managed to evade everything the flogger threw at him and is now intent on a gun kill. After flying the deck with the last surviving Fulcrum, no 2 and i was on an intercept course to save no 3. the flogger challenged me to a head to head and i concurred. Merged both guns blazing! No hits (really i suck at guns). My tomcat was able to get round faster, burners on full and i was inside his turn setting up the gun kill... FOX ONE calls over the radio. smoke trails passes overhead and straight into the flogger. Bandits dead, I also almost went with it. Map view and a squad of 8 F-15 flying on our lonesome battle space. while Friendly bases are being attacked elsewhere. (BTW i can't get screenshots to save on my pc? any quick fix suggestions?) Now time to get me some eagles.
  12. Maybe you guys could post DACT missions flying the F-5. For casual players with limited knowledge on actual dog fights it could be very helpful http://combatace.com/topic/62762-sf2-series-dact-reports-and-related-a2a-discussions-game-only/
  13. Wow... I really don't think it had been that long but i do feel like it has been ages since i placed my hand on this Strike Fighters series. Got the latest patch and a full merged... nw im staring at the download section trying to decide what to download and install first.... is it the planes? the Terrains? campaigns? weapons pack? etc... It seems i have completely forgotten how to mod! Lolz! Any advice on building a Tomcat-centric mod? Haha. Hey Eric Whatz up?
  14. Hi Jonathan. Love your mods for NA! The games new updater works quite well. Weapons pack. That's what i was thinking. Then The NA expansion pack then the Planes. The TMF V21 is already downloading. :P
  15. Hello guys and Happy Holidays. its 11:30PM at where i'm at and i just got about 30 Mins before i hit the sack for tomorrows work. I've finally got a new notebook which i was confident could run the SF2 Series. Just installed VIetnam and NA earlier for a trial run and was surprised to see the game freezing especially on 3rd person views. The Unit is a SAMSUNG ATIV BOOK 2 NP270E4E-X06PH Operating Sysytem : Windows 8 Processor / Chipset : IntelCore i3-3120M Processor (2.5 GHz, 3 MB L2 Cache) Intel HM70 Graphics : 2GB nVidia GForce HD710 Graphics Hard Drive : 500GB 4GB DDR3 System Is the specification on this laptop really that bad? (my old faithful has half the specs and was able to run the SF series on low to medium setting) Is windows 8 really that unsuitable for this game and i should just install a different OS? ( im already thinking of purchasing Win7) Could it be just a patching issue or just a problem that is already fixed by the community mods ever since i was away from gaming? Do i really need to buy a more expensive unit? ugh... and it was such a lovely sunset.... I'm so lazy... much appreciated guys thanks!
  16. Re Downloading and Installing... The laptop i bought have a significant defect in the battery. Good thing that the Samsung store was gracious enough to give me a new stock fresh from delivery.
  17. Nah. Fortunately I wasnt in that part of the country at that moment... right now im working high up the mountain. Just went downt to get supplies. And thanks for the advice guys. I'll let you know what happened
  18. So it is really my GPU that is bad... Tsk. I don't think any manufacturer offers a better GPU for a laptop right now even at a higher price range. Any advice? (can't build a PC as most often than not i'm someplace new.
  19. Race, If your not getting the hot trigger light.. this could mean your out of missile range or not in a profile ideal to launch the missile or your being jammed by AI. If your up against newer fighters with advanced ECM suite or if enemy is hidden by terrain or cloud cover you may not be able to get a firing lock even with a tomcat's radar. It happened to me before. I just make sure my nose is pointed in the right direction or change my altitude. i maybe too low or too high. sometimes i get a good lock firing from an angle.
  20. after my 7 year old system died. I finally got my hands on a new laptop. problem is, it came standard with windows 8. I downloaded the latest patch in hopes it fixes the problem. but no luck. Can't select load outs or configure settings as when you click on a drop down selection it flickers. loading time takes longer as well. and i believe it crashed once. Any advice?
  21. yeah i can run the exe. on admin. If i don't find a fix soon. i guess i'll be starve from SF2 until im home on the PC. Don't have the cash at the moment to get a new windows. Don't think my xp is compatible with Acer. Cant wait for Christmas to get a different machine. :)
  22. I was just dropping by to see if there's any major changes and now i see a brand new sexy Fury! do tell me it has a tail hook???
  23. really cool. Downloading. are you going to make further updates on the K?

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