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Everything posted by saisran

  1. Another fellow SF2 fan. If you're just getting into the sim i highly recommend getting TMF's F-14 pack. I read the previous comments and it seems your as ham-fisted as i am. The TMF's F-14 may not be the most agile fighter but its deliberate and responsive and wont depart unless you really want it too. You can pull so hard on the stick until you broke it but the plane wont. Plus its the most gorgeous thing out there. :)
  2. Thanks for the reply. i have the Brimstone set for France with the Weapons editor. will try to add UK/RAF to the attachment type. As for the Weapons mounted backwards, will the fix work on the AGM-65 as well? In my case the AGM-65 is the one mounted backwards. i was thinking it was an issue with the Rafales data
  3. Is this the reason why Its hard to lock up USAF USN fighters with the F-14A_IR or other fighter originally from the same nation?
  4. Wish Marc would put up a naval version with a proper tailhook
  5. The Brimstone wont load for some reason but i can load them from the drop down menu ( if i started with I.e. Typhoon and switch to the rafale)and the game keeps on loading AGM-65D/E. If i select them from the drop down they're ok but if i let the game loads them its backwards.
  6. Nice plane but something has me stumped.. can anyone tell me why the AGM get mounted backwards in the game? and how to fix it?
  7. Another Mid Air Traffic.... Got the new updated F-5E uploaded by paulo and the avionics update by crusader. nice work guys... took it for a mission and tangled with A-4 my squad made quick work of the scooters but a couple of neshers and super mysteres joined in. We got into a gun fight and was about to the last mystere when no.3 acting like an ace/ass joined in trying to take my kill away... No freaking way i said. so we jostled for position as we try to get a gun solution of the Boom no 3 and had a mid air collision... killing both of us.... The top line indicates us getting a kill each followed with me missing with a winder then a long list of me being awful with the guns and the bottom is the end of two stupid pilots. If i'm in a Tom like i always am, i'll be surely missing goose.
  8. Would love to see the DACT masters do this one ^ got little success with anything other than a tomcat. :) To be honest man you did pretty well in my book. old planes aren't really the easiest to deal with.
  9. Real nice... The Viper has continued to grow on me mostly thans to the Viper team... so when you guys are done with all the active service vipers and still have time. I would suggest a revamp of the F-16XL for SF2 standards. i know it's only a prototype but that viper is exceptionally pretty. :)
  10. same here, is this fixed yet?
  11. Caesar. how do you turn on the debug again? which command or do i have to add a line to an ini somewhere?
  12. Died on the landing many many times. landed one single engined and smoking F-14B on a friendly field only to find out that i died on smoke ingestion. Guess the rescue crew failed to pull me out of the plane on time.
  13. here's the answer Took my plane to the other side of the runway. wingie saw enough room to take off and he did. He flew and and as soon as he was airborne he saw my plane in front below him and tried to fly in formation with a parked jet. :)
  14. I dunno if there's a way to code it. you can ask wrench and the others for that. But you if you find yourself overwhelmed by the opposition you can always ask the E2 for support or you can exit and refly the mission adding wingmen from the roster tab and then fly it again.
  15. In an airfield your wingmen are waiting for you to take off since your blocking the only runway available. in a carrier your wingman is in a separate cat. he can launch since there's no danger to him crashing into you. the ai just can fly in formation with a carrier. :)
  16. Lolz! I think that's coz they're trying to get into formation with you who is travelling at 30knts and 72ft above the water. Ofcourse thats gonna be impossible. One of my wingman almost crashed into the Atlantic. we were in close formation and i was about to Trap when i glimpsed a wing on my side. I forgot to get them to RTB. I plugged in the burner and pulled but i already caught the wire. gave the order to RTB and watched him skimmed the water then nosed up and climbed. the plane was damaged but was not lost. good thing as he is one of my ace.
  17. I tried it a bunch of times now and no luck. i take my wingie inside the target zone flying low and flying high asked him to attack got a bunch of SAMs on his person e either got shot down or got shot down. maybe he taught going in a downward spiral was the best way to avoid SAMs and then weren't able to recover so he decided not to do it again. :) Anyways im now flying the F-8 again. just hate those AIM-9B's and those migs. :)
  18. Has any saw an AI loose his plane in a flat spin? I just had... And in TMF's Tomcat of all things. After trying several times to escort the bugs into a Naval strike mission and them getting wiped out by SAMs i had enough and took myself and a high AG scoring wingman out to do it ourselves. First outing we got creamed by SAMs. Getting through a Soviet battle group lined to the teeth with modern SAMs is a matter of luck. The next outing i decided to hold back out of harms way and asked my wingie to get them ships. I watched how he entered the airspace At high alt. which trigger a couple of SAMs my wingie dodge the 1st then the next then he took a tight turn nosed up down then tried to reverse direction and then i saw him spin in axis in a downward spiral as SAMs head his way. All of them missing until he splashed down into the water. It was all new to me and i pity that i didnt get a screenie of it as i tried several times to replicate the event but failed. Two lessons learned. AI ca loose control of the stick and The only effective way to get to a battle group is by way of Cruise Missile even flying under 100 ft doesn't work. Oh yeah. Does anyone has a model of the experimental AIM-152 AAAM or ACIMD?
  19. Awts. Of all the things to be fixed, TK bothered with one that he shouldn't have.
  20. Does this mod works on SF2? i think this should solve the fuel problems http://combatace.com/files/file/7350-refueler/
  21. Here's the requested screenies This is what i think the best position for engagement at max range. 2 F-16C_B32 fell in multiple target engagement. the -54's trail shows the point of impact unseen in the pic. I fired my missiles at max range and had a very poor hit rate. my wing fired just under 50. I told no 3 to let loose just same time i got in max range for AIM-7M. probably around 20 nm. I was flying around 17k ft, so he's probably around 15k Ft while the vipers are still around 10K. @Do335 - not sure about that. I usually navigate to the primary targets and bandits with calls to the E-2. Firing up the radar occasionally. to confirm range if its 200 or already under 100nm and to make sure he's not betraying me with bandits right under my nose. :)
  22. It is possible but not economical. Like isaid the vipers are the only one that gave me regular trouble. My ingame experience dictates that them phoenix works best when fired at really high altitude. this way they can dive in undetected by RWR. This happened to me on a formation command. I had my squad in close formation then i changed them from wall to arrow head formation. an F-35 on my left decided to go to my right, banked in right into me. were both lost in the icy waters of the North Atlantic. RC and HawkEye only know 50m, 25 miles and clear no bandits in your area. 50m means they're 26 m to 500m out. 25m means they're 25 miles or much much closer. And clear no bandits usually means to wait for an Atoll on you're tail pipe. these statements are tru. just yesterday i was flying the crusader. and asked for bandits position. HE says clear. i trusted him. Then someone called a missile launch and red texts containing the same sentence appeared. after that i was in the bottom of the Atlantic once again.
  23. I tried to set ECN to a hundred flying alone i can fly in circles over the SAM site for a while but as soon as one wakes up its the same story. they just got more late in their response. I believe there's still an engagement envelop to follow. AIM-54A aren't really reliable on max range. Ain't also reliable if fired at a lower alt. It's most effective at mid range and at a higher alt when the missile dives down to its target. the steeper the angle the better. I mostly fly with the Tomcat the ony fighter ever to gave me trouble with the Phoenix is the Viper esp. with the advanced weapons suite.

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