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Posts posted by saisran

  1. That's pretty quick Eric. :)


    Anyway just continuing the Delta series.



    Here i took the Typhoon against the RafaleC-F4. Went Up High and looped back down Hoping to find the Rafale Bled Out of energy or at least on the defensive. The rafale carried itself well and we entered a long dragged out battle where i tried to find the optimum profile where the Typhoon has a definitive advantage. Well, as it turns out having the same engine and design layout made both planes identical at almost every aspect. We had a stalemate at Supersonic, Subsonic, 300+s and at 200+s. The Fight took 10 Mins from merge to finish and ended with my trying my best to get out fly the AI and a blind high deflection shot.



    First half of the Video was against the Chinese J10A. I figured they have a high chance of going against each other if China got hot.


    Went up and looped down on the J10. the J10 turned into me and went vertical himself but i was able to place the piper infront of his path and knocked the engine out. Despite seemingly loosing engine power the J10 was still gliding, and so i slid behind the fighter and mercifully gunned him down to save him the possibility of being tortured to death by the communist government for loosing such a valuable plane.


    Part 2 of the vid, i took up the Jas39C Gripen vs the EF-2000 Typhoon. On my previous DACT the Gripen was destroyed an i wanted to see how the typhoon will handle under AI Hands.


    Again the AI spawned behind me so i took the Gripen up to see if it can handle the same maneuver i was doing with the typhoon. Nope. The single engine configuration didnt gave the Gripen enough oomph to sustain the climb and i started loosing speed real fast. puled back and nose over and met the Typhoon on my descent. and we entered a a right hand chase. Trying to gather energy and maintaining an angle that will allow me to continue threatening the Typhoon was a difficult task due to the gripen's lack of thrust. However i did find out that at sustain speeds of over 300+ KIAS is able to take a smaller raduis that matches the turn rate of the Typhoon which the AI happily flies on full burner alternating between 300+ KIAS to Mach speed depending on out position. While balancing the Gripens angle and energy I managed to curl inside the Typhoon with timed throttle bursts and hard pulls. unlike the Typhoon the Gripen's tank is minuscule so i had to manage the throttle. After several attempts i managed to land a couple of hits which took out the typhoons wing. However despite loosing more than half of its right wing and damaging its engine, the Typhoon managed to glide away super cruising past the top speed of the Gripen. In th end i had to call bingo and slowly followed the Typhoon as it glides for hundreds of miles before it finally ran out of fuel and crash. At which point i myself had to land on the desert floor due to lack of fuel available for the return flight.


    It seems that the Delta and Canard configuration is really a great choice for Modern Fighters. And the Typhoon and the Rafale is among the best of them. Ofcourse, i still think the Gripen is still the sexiest among them. SAAB knows how to make poster models.

  2. Thanks Guys! I like the jonnyguru site and thanks for explaining the ratings on the PSUs. I think i have most of the knowledge i need for selecting the components that will go into my build. Im not building an uber set-up. I wont be doing SLI or multi monitor setup. Just a dedicated computer for a small library of Flight sim, old racing games and NBA2ks. As the first two genres are all that i care about and 2K is to entertain my friends with.


    I really appreciate your input. I have more confident that the stuff im getting is gonna be robust and reliable with the right amount of performance needed and will be relevant for a long time.


    Much obliged! Thanks!

  3. I'm an AMD fan and user since the Athlon XP years (and I have a Phenom-II CPU based PC), but I can't recommend AMD CPUs right now, unless for really low-budgets.


    A small correction regarding the i5 4690: the 3.5 GHz is the base frequency. With the turbo-frequency, it effectively runs at 3.9 GHz. :-)


    In regard to the chipset, it's a bit hard to explain without going in-depth, but... the difference between Z97 and H97 mobos usually comes down to wider adjustments and features specifically for OC and hardware enthusiasts (like triple PCI-E lane, etc) in the case of the Z97.

    At stock-speeds and voltages both Z97 and H97 are equally "heavy-stress prepared" boards. Quality components (capacitors/mosfets, etc) are used in both chipset mobos.

    Which means that, if you don't want to overclock, (IMHO) you're wasting considerable money if going for a Z97, when it could be used in other components (SSD, RAM, or better GPU, etc).


    Around here the H97s sell as good or better than Z97s, exactly because the majority doesn't overclock and tend to go for non-K CPU (and save for better graphics in the process).

    I find odd that your prefered PC shop doesn't have H97 motherboards(?) but even so, can't they reserve one with the distributor for you? 

    You mentioned preference to ASUS, both of these are very good, outstanding even considering their prices: 


    For PC cases, it's the same deal.

    Money can be saved with good but inexpensive mid-towers, for which there have been great propositions like these:


    For the memories, go for two sticks of RAM v(2x 4GB, or 2x 8GB), because of dual-channel mode (better than single-channel with a single stick of ram).



    Round here (Portugal), we have good variety and selection of components like the rest of Europe. The difference is that our country's economy is still in the dump (very much so).

    Meaning, for PC enthusiasts and harcore gamers here, we're severely restricted by limited budgets (or heavy fees on extended credit).

    Being aware of what's around (what's good and not) became even bigger of a requirement, for ourselves and to assists friends, because with so much to choose, it's important to hand pick the right components when investing the hard earned money on a PC - as is your case now.


    Yup. 3.9 on boost. And that just justify the need not to overclock. I have nothing against AMD, it just that for my speccific requirements i think the 4690 is the perfect fit. 


    I was chatting with the store manager earlier and he promised to get me whatever i'll be needing for my build including Either Asus H97 Pro Gamer (which to me doesnt look as good as the other one but doesnt really matter as it's gonna be hidden anyway.) or a gigabyte or MSI model which will be 100 USD cheaper than the Z97 Board/ Sufficient savings that will be great for getting better PSU and Fans, or if he can give me the 30% discount on the GTX 970 a much better GPU.


    As cool as water cooling would be. I just don't wanna deal with it. Good positive Air pressure and periodical cleaning will probably suffice. It's gonna be placed in an AC room for most of its life anyway.


    (Actually if i can find a way to get the radiator outside the room without messing  to much with concrete, water cooling will be a good future upgrade.)


    On the subject of PSU. What's your take on a semi modular PSU from coolermaster?

  4. Went ahead and took the Typhoon against other relevant Daltas.


    here's the first half:


    1. EF-2000 vs Mirage-2000D


    Fight started with the mirage spawning at the Typhoon's 7 o'clock. leveled the Typhoon and went vertical. after about two Yoyo's and blackouts i was able to get behind the Mirage and stayed there with no difficulty. After 38 30mm rounds of bad aiming i was able to predict its damn flight path and gunned it down.


    2. EF-2000 vs JA-37D


    This Fight was surprisingly a lot more challenge. Spawned on my 7 we ended in a mach speed-high G left hander, The JA-37D handled the Typhoon pretty well at this regime so i took the typhoon up and dove on the Viggen to change it up a bit. We went Vertical for a couple of passes and i failed to managed the Typhoon's energy and we ended up if a slow right hand turn as i build the typhoon's Energy up. But the Viggen did a reversal and tried to drag the fight out back in a left hander. I leveled out and took the fight back to the vertical which finally placed me within striking distance of the Viggen. After another series of bad gunnery i finally able to nad a couple of hits on its tailpipes.


    3. EF-2000 Vs Jas-39C


    Learning from the two previous fights and expecting a more demanding opponent i punched the AB right after the bat and went vertical as i wait for the Gripen to spawn. Dove down on the Gripen to start a vertical circle which bled the gripen's energy and allowed me a 6 o'clock position. Got a good firing solution and let out a burst that set the grpen's engine on fire. Idle the throttle and engaged the brakes. To allow slower VC, lined up the Vigen to the Piper. too high. Dropped the nose and let out a burst to end the fight for good.

  5. Thanks to all that replied. I guess the GTX 960 is now my main target, The GTX 970 does looks great but its twice the price of the GTX 960 here.


    I will probably go for a good 2x 8GB RAM /  1x 16GB RAM but which one is better a single ram stick or 2 for safety??? easy upgrade?


    @Lucshep - As much as possible i would like to avoid over clocking if necessary as (correct me if i'm wrong) i believe that the 4 core 3.5ghz performance it offers is relevant for gaming for another 2 to 3 years. After all, this is my first time building a Computer by myself (and yes. I really want to go through the experience and will be very careful./ I had experience fixing and replacing hardware on several computers at work but never a full blown build).


    - Thanks for the tip on the Mother board. Again, not over clocking (but would like room for improvement but not necessary).


    I have a silly preference for one shop in the Phils as i had a great history working with them for the past five years. They all the warranty and support plus they always give me about 20% discount for bulk buying. That being said they have a limited line up with their explanation being that "these are the only ones we think matters, other stuff are just in between crap". While i don't buy this explanation. the stuff they offer are usually good. 


    That being said, they don't have H97 boards although i just communicated with the owner and he plans to bulk up their line up in the future with  H97 boards which will be almost half the price of the Zboards. But at the moment my choice with them is limited to Asus Gryphon Z97 Armor Edition cause i like its subdued look and Asus z97-pro(wifi-AC) cause it has built in dual band WiFi.  One thing that hat also makes me want to consider the Zboard is that they're built for overclocking which probably mean they can handle more stress, which probably means that they are more durable... right? And the added standby upgrade-ability wont hurt either


    Now that we have pretty much decided on the Processor, GPU and motherboard i can i can now look into the casings. yey! I think the Thermaltake Versa H24 CA-1C1 Mid tower match the unassuming simplicity that i like with my stuff. Yup, like simple black things. I'm not a fan of Multi color, flashing LEDs and stuff. The question with it is that i don't know much about it asides from how it looks. I have no idea what fan setup i can use with it.


    Thanks guys. Will appreciate more input.



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  6. I guess this might be better in the hardware forums but I want to have the opinions of SF Guys specifically.


    I wanted to build a new pc that can run the game at least on the high settings and hopefully still run them on high settings with all the HD mod available here at CA.


    Aside from SF2 i'm also planning to run Some 2k Stuff for when my friends come over and other SIM titles.


    I've been running the game off my laptop for a long time now which to be honest is very convenient but not that great. And since I got diagnosed with a spine problem i can no longer do karate, Boxing and other strenuous lifting and movements i can no longer use my equipment's thus i may have to sell my bag mounts and other stuff. The good thing about this is i now have extra space available for a PC Set up and some probable startup cash for building a new PC that can handle gaming.


    I want to avoid over clocking as much as possible as I'm from the tropics so we have high ambient temp all year round and i want to keep the power draw as low as possible as the Electric bill here is really high.


    Parts i'm looking at


    Processor: Intel Core i5-4690 which sells at USD 235 (Php10500), for some reason i couldn't find an i5-4690K

    Video Card: I'm having trouble with this one. My first choice was an Asus Strix-GTX760OC 2gbd5 which cost about 260USDbut then is saw a STRIX-GTX960 2GB at USD 250 which is inexplicably cheaper. Or would it be wise to go for an AMD R9-280X which is also around the same price point but has 3GB DDR5? Will the Vram difference make a difference for SF2 or will the 760 or 960 both with 2GB of VRAM be enough?


    Motherboard: I'm looking at get a Z97 or Z87 board from Asus as i had a really good history with ASUS but they range from 150 to 250 USD i could probably get the same ones from MSI for half that but is the quality of MSI boards on par with Asus?


    RAM, storage, PSU, fans and Chasis will be decide once i figured out these 3.


    So do you guys think i can get away with max settings on an 1080P, 32" display with these stuff?

  7. Had a Fighter Sweep/CAP mission with a 4 Ship of J-35 Draken loaded with the latest compliment of SAHM and IRM and we were met with a 2 ship of F-14B's loaded with 4x AIM-54As, 2X AIM-7 and 2x AIM-9s each. So our flight was decimated and it only took one tomcat to eradicate all 4 of us. So a quick 2v2 guns only was in order.


    2 J-35 Draken and 2 F-14B Tomcat guns.



    Tally ho! i sent wingie to seek the other bandit. Pulling a hard turn i managed to get behind the tomcat and was able to regain Airspeed while maintaining visual. After Holding it together for a couple of turns hoping that 2 is working the other bandit off my tail i managed to get a good angle but my rounds was off to the right of the wing and didn't do much harm to the tomcat and i ended up with an overshoot. Going vertical i managed to maintain my position on the Tomcat six. By the time i was back in the saddle, wingie is crying out being hit. Time to hanker down and get this guy before his buddy comes to his aide. The tomcat took a great deal of punishment before i got a fire started on the right engine and a couple more burst to get it to explode. Once, again i was reminded how Grumman earned its nickname "Iron Works".


    Turned towards the 2nd bandit and was surprised to head my wingie call out that he splashed his bandit. Went and took a look and saw the other tomcat tumbling down. Checked on the wingie and saw him going down as well


    The fight ends with 1 Draken and 2 Tomcat being shot down. I guess SAAB Also builds a rugged airplanes.

    • Like 1

  8. I did not get my Logitech Extreme 3D PRO to work and could not get drivers.  That was the only issue I had with Win10.  However that is the only type of joystick I have.  So I have now went back to Win7.  All my other Logitech gaming hardware worked fine when I got the driver's.  I may have to wait till I can get some Win10 driver's for the Logitech Extreme 3D PRO.

    I also have a 3d pro and so far no problem. Logitech Profiler is up and running. Try to r

  9. Finally able to move around a bit. Dl'd Blackburn32's Aggressor Skin for the F-14D_96 and got interested with his cockpit mod. So i took the F-14D_96 Aggressor and took it against the F-15C_85 on the Nellis range for a 1v1 gun fight.


    Fight 1



    got lost watching the F-15C and ended up entering the merge at 37K ft. Rolled the Tomcat towards the Eagle and dove in after it in a tight turn. I reached the bottom and as the tomcat climbs back up in full burner i managed to get the Eagle out front. Dropping the flaps, i was able to wrestle the tomcat behind the eagle. I have several looks but the view point of the cockpit mod threw me off and i wasn't able to get a good judge on the lead. I eased the the stick pressure a bit to allow the Tomcat to gain airspeed while keeping the F-15 inside the HUD. A few long burst and i was able to land 24 rounds on it.


    Fight 2



    This was a bit better. maintained an altitude at par with the eagle and tried to keep the tomcat within its best fighting speed. Sure enough i had the eagle on my sight before we can complete the turn. Had a couple of attempt with no hits. pulled back on the throttle and allowed the tomcat to glide in position. A quick burst to help me judge where the next shot will land, put the burners back on and a long burst just to make sure and boom. Splash 2!



    Being unable to fly for a long time really threw me in for a loop. I was turnng the rudders whenever i pulled and swing the stick which is really bad for precision flying/Dog fighting.


    I really like the new aggressor skin and the POV used by blackurn is a treat for landing. However it looks great with the camera angled down which is not good for dog fighting. I think it would be great if is assigned 1 view mode.

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  10. Just update the drivers to one that is windows 10 compatible. One of the laptop im using wont install windows 10 after updating the network driver and Nvidia Driver the The thing installed with no problem. From what i can see... its a very nice looking OS. But it's not much faster than windows 8.1 they just made the time getting from Power on to the log in screen faster but there's a significant delay going in from the desktop window to the time all background process finishes.

  11. i had the most amazing airbattle i have ever experienced and OBS was off!


    Modified stock europe campaign set to modern times full complement of 4++ Aircrafts.


    The mission that started turned out to be the last mission of the war and the game has set my squadron to be the sacrifice as the rest of our friendly forces conducts the last push on the ground war.


    We were an 8 Ship Aircraft of F-14D(02) given 4x AIM-7P and 4x AIM-9M each. On a CAP/Fighter Sweep Missio). I took the liberty of Adding 2x AIM-54ECCM for each aircraft at the expese of the Sparrows.


    Flying the route, radar scanning at 230nm range got contacts coming from the 10 12 and 2. Banked MY AC Left right, Up and down, and rolling the tomcat on its back to try and get a clearer picture of the sky. Changed thew radar to TWS, Clycling through the contacts IFF designates them all to be hostile, waited for them to get within 100nm. The contacts on the left got closer fast about 60-70nm on radar they are closing in and heading straight for us. on radar they looked like a 2 section flight. I designated 2 AIM54 and got number two to attack. After he fired both of his AIM54s i target the other two and got number 3 to shoot. The contacts on my 2 have also entered phoenix range. I Assigned them to the Flight lead of my 2nd flight after lead fired his missiles i ordered them to engage air.


    By now the Left group is around 40nm out If they're Mig-29/Su-27s were about to be within their range. The contact upfront is also within firing parameters so i launched my 54s at them as well. Then i got 2 to go after the closest target at no3 and the left. With 2 and 3 checking the left contacts which turned out to be mig-29's. I turned to help my other flight on the contact on our right. The ones coming from 12 im sure at this point are Su-27s as they were based the farthest and on that direction of he map. As i was getting in range on the targets on our right Command called out for another target on my 3, 25nm!


    Shit, way to screw up RC! Banked my jet hard, Scan at 50nm. Found them and engaged. They turned out to be my primary target 4 Su-25 on a attack run towards our friendly ground assault team. Got in Close. Fired my sparrows on the lead which missed. I was too hot on the merged. Had to pull up and slice to the left to get behind the frogfoots. The manuever blacked out my screen but i have tone on the seakers. Fox 2. Despite all the flares. The AIM-9M Guided. My RWR began screaming. Unaccounted, Su27s are at my 3 and they have me on radar. The RWR screaming was tense but mission completion comes first. Fired another heaters on the next Su25 But that one missed. Set out another which hit. Rolled onto the 3rd and fired my last missile. Turned towards the last Su-25 and closing in or the gun. I heard a missile launch call. I figured it came from at least 20nm as i was alone on the frogfoot hunt. But before i can depress the trigger i saw a smoke trail on my mirror. Dumped the nose and pumped chaffs and flares. The Missile went past the canopy. I was surrounded by Su-27s and Mig-29s missile launches were called and all of them in red. i rolled the tomcat on her back dove to the groung still pumping counter measures. level out just below 100ft as smoke trails hit the ground up front, behind and all over my plane. the maneuver gave me near mach speed. i dont care how low i am. i gave the tomcat full mill and flew the tomcat between the buildings. by this time i have enough wits in me to ask my squad for assistance. I designated them each a target and got the second flight to freely engage. They got the remaining frogfoot and we got the mission complete. I could just ordered them to rejoin and go home but were surrounded by Fulcrums, flankers and now even Floggers.he Flankers are up high circling around like Vultures waiting for me to raise my head while the floggers are hot in pursuit of my lone Tomcat. Additionally the Fulcrums are laying waste to the A-10s So i got the flight to protect the A-10. The F-16 Flight was already decimated i guess with BVR. 1 Fulcrum got too close. I pulled up in a high g manuver and the RWR went silent as the 23's lost their lock. Managed to get behind it and gunned it down. Before his friends can fire at me. Missile calls so i pumped and dove once more. And one after another two of my flight got shot down. they turned out to be the flight lead and number 3. so i managed to get to get 4 and the the new lead to engage. However the Fight is now WVR and they still have their 54's hampering the're maneuverability. In the time that i was diving and popping. New sections seemed to be appearing and i had a missile launch coming my way atleast every 2 secs. By the time no 2 git shot down i was already out of chaffs. and my attempts to gun another fighter down failed. The last of my flight was down. And looking at the map shows nothing but red. The smart move (ages ago) was to try and break for home, howver i decided to stay and fight. I singled out a Mig-23. which engaged his burners and ran. I ran after it, and the flankers and floggers wet after me. Going Mach 1.3 at deck height spoiled most of the missiles but a lone R-60 fused jut behild my Tomcat. I managed to continue flying and almost go a solution against the flogger i was chasing but the engines caught fire and i lost all power. i baled and the tomcat skidded on the ground and exploded.


    Despite the death of 4 airmen 2 ending up as POW, My pilot survived and we completed the campaign in a victory against the Enemy. It seems that after i was shot down, the enemy had already expended their ammo on me and my squadron. The squadrons of eagles and grippens that RC refuses to send to my aid did came and finished them off. We managed to save the ground forces from the frogfoots and a couple of A-10 Managed to reduce the enemys ground forces and later be over run by our own troops. Victory achieved at the expense of my squadron.



    This kind of gaming experience is why i'm still with SF2!

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  12. I think Caesar is referring to this post from crusader when he was helping me with my gunnery. Haven't implemented them myself as i kinda forgot about them. Sorry Crusader.


    "More a gunnery exercise than real DACT ;D

    Looks like the boresight cross is missing in the HUD

    In the cockpit ini, in the GunsightFront section, theres a value for DefaultLeadRange

    In the TMF F-14A I have installed, its set to 500 Meters / 1640 ft

    This value is used for lead computing without radar lock

    500 meters value is a bit high

    305 meters / 1000 ft works better for the typical close range no lock gunnery in SF"

  13. Over the weekend i've been performing poorly on the ACM engagements, My gunnery was off and i can't seem to keep a good balance on my rate vs raduis thing. Even using my fave pit with a picture of a girl doesnt help. :blink:  However, I was for consecutive missions managed to get a maneuvering kill on a flat dessert floor. Therefore, my goal for my next Reports is to establish manuevers that will most likely end up with the AI crashing to the ground. Note: SU-27 is a bitch and can stop on a dime, and pull up  like it is nothing. So im using the Mig- 29A which is surprisingly less manueverable on the vertical.


    I had earlier bouts but they didn't record. So i'm starting with the 1 v 2, F-14D vs 2 Mig-29 A guns only.


    Hit the burners and went into the merge. Instead of pulling up like i always do i went inverted and dove hard to the deck to try and speed things up. It seems my stick is acting up again it seems im not getting full deflection on the stabs as the tomcat failed to level at my planned 5k ft and almost ended up as a sub. I would have lost all energy advantage but i seems like the Migs followed me on the dive. I'm still at an altitude disadvantage but ot as bad as i thought. Went up for a loop. I picked one of the mig on the way down just above my canopy and then the second mig went past going up into the vertical. Went back up Full Flaps and inverted the Tomcat went on a dive. Hoping to meet the Migs head on so i can execute the kill maneuver whichs is to climb to around 3K Ft at below 300 Knts then dive down at split S at 1k ft and go back up in a tight loop. It should force the Mig Which is maneuvering behind me to went up and loop around within 3K ft going at the high 300kias on the dive and it should not be able to pull out of it. The migs were probably doing a downwarn turn or a full blown split S and one of them wasnt able to do it. Redo the manuever to get  visual n the mig. Followed its turn for a while. Burning Fuel to make the tomcat Lighter. Droped the Mose and applied full Rudder. The Tomcat corkscrewed in a 180 Degree turn whicch place me behind the Fulcrum, but then the fulcrum decided to do its own 180 and met me with a tracer which were just meters of the cockpit. We went past and i started the Split S and Loop Combo. However, the Mig refused to wen straight on and level out and did another crazy 180 turn. RWR ringing means he got nose on. I rolled the Tomcat in the opposite direction and dove down once again, into the loop then another but the Fulcrum weary of what happed to his partner refused to play my game. I was left with no other choice than to gun it down.


    I managed to curve my nose on him. He reversed his turn and gave me a good look. The bullets just went though him. I followed him into a right hander 2 to 3nm off my nose. Piper right ontop and the bullets just goes off a bit to the left or the right. A series of barrel rolls to try and keep on his six. He dove into a  large roll/Split S and i followed. We ended up going back to a left hand turn, he did the manouever once more yet he failed to shake the tomcat off. Straining the tomcat i managed to get a off centered guns solution, i squeezed the trigger and and the funny story is the rounds landed. Splash 2!



    Quite a long engagement going 8 mins. With 1/10 left in the fuel tank i managed to cruise back and land. my observation in this engagement and the one before it is that the AI has enough brains to support each other mutually. One will engage actively while the other following closely at a different altitude to provide cover and attack if the sutuations dictates. They can also do pincer manuevers to try and corner you. you know what. TK's AI are probably the most well balanced AI i have seen in an Aviation related game.

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