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Everything posted by bazillius

  1. Mirage F1EQ-5

    The pictures r super! + to F1 collection. Tnks a lot.
  2. i packed fulsize opictures in a zip file. unexpected they are got smaller after posting https://mega.nz/file/vckSjJrA#uhPEVAGUZ9VNLN54IBUxuROti1D7I9G_kya93XJY328
  3. This will help you to read the generated by the company mission script and catch at which step it couse crash. Than you need to fix files depending of results. Look at the script in mission which crashes, check on which procedure or behavior it happens and dance with ini files from that point. Nobody say you at once whats yyour problem and where. it needs analisis. I think. May be i am not right. I am always doing this way in case of problems. May be somebody have better advice. This way to find a problem but not to convert it after back to compain.
  4. Chinese Carrier Liaoning

    its needed to add to SU-33_DATA.INI or J-15_DATA.INI (or whatever you have) the string CarrierParkAnimationID=4
  5. I havent read the company script, but i want to say that game crashes in cases when aircraft have no adequate airport to land/take off. Try to starat compain and ESC and than save it as a single mission. Than edit [SingleMission] AircraftType=blah-blah-blah blah-blah-blah EditMission=FALSE <------------------- to TRUE Than start game chose mission and emidiately chose edit in game menue. if game crashes at once the game cant find correct airport
  6. Okay, i am adding the strings to my Typhoon Userlist [Kuwait] ServiceStartYear=2022 ServiceEndYear=2040 Availability=RARE Ha! Thats cool. My congratulations. I wish you more IRIS-T, METEORs and other toys for this luxury cars.
  7. I Published My First E-Book!

    Congrats! I respect creative people. You are.
  8. Yey! congrats! i am happy we all together solwed this big huge problem! i will try your campaign Gimme the link on this aircraft carrier, i am lazy to search. if you r not lazy. UPD. I have found Giuseppe Garibaldi aircarier already but i have no some aircrafts so i will put this battle for other time East_Med terrain is made by Strahi i think or his team. And it s big thanks to him for this terrain.
  9. madvad, and when you are adding new ship to your game check it out the nation string. Every moder write as he do it in his own mod folder and nation list. i see French ships with strings NationName=France (Aconit Class Frigate Aconit Class Frigate) and another ship with NationName=FrenchNavy (E-50 Class Escort Rapide) for example. so it needs to do it to the same sintax version i think as your aircraft. so need to recheck every ship. this is my opinion was our problem was in it.
  10. MMMmmm... i think i v got it.... madvad, you need to add more ships your nations. I added another ships of Spain Baleares class Frigateб Churruca class destroyer and Lepanto Class DD to the game and the game got possibility to complete ship battlegroup. If you do not have enough ships of your nation the game forme ship battlegroup of US warships and place your aircraft on US carrier. I see this now in my case, and you need careful check sintaxis. So as our native language is not English it is easy to do a mistake.
  11. Uffffffff!!!!!!!!!! Partialy the problem is solved! My Escort pack is correct ploaced. and on the deck. and taking of. But if i generate mission (not placing aircrafts personaly) they apears at Essex anyway. But i am GREATFUL A LOT to you. thanks. so the same problem as madvad has still actual
  12. Wow, dang. sure. small missprint. thanks i will try.
  13. This is pictures of my PAIN! My STRIKE NAVAL pack placed by hands. Principede Asturias full correct of aircrafts i am taking off all is goood i am flying, all is nice Wingman is joining me ABSOLUTELY EMPTY Spanish Dedalio aircraft carrier with handmade ESCORT mission THE SIZE OF MY FRUSTRATION my NATIONS.ini [Nation246] Name=SpainishNavy DisplayName=Spain La Armada Espanola Alignment=FRIENDLY PilotNameList=NamesSpanish.lst RankList=RanksUSAF.lst CallsignList=CallsignsUS.lst Formation.Fighter=USFighter Formation.Attack=USFighter Formation.Bomber=USBomber Formation.Transport=USBomber Formation.Tank=USTank Formation.MobileAD=USAD PilotTrainingStandard=NORMAL GenderRatio=0 DebriefSuccessMusic=DebriefSuccess.wav DebriefFailMusic=DebriefFail.wav DebriefKilledMusic=DebriefKilled.wav SpeechFile=USAFSpeech.cat SpeechTextFile=USAFSpeechText.str Medals=MedalsFR.ini ActiveDate=1972 my Matador DATA [MissionData] NationName=SpanishNavy ServiceStartYear=1976 ServiceEndYear=2005 AircraftRole=ATTACK Matador Userlist [SpanishNavy] ServiceStartYear=1976 ServiceEndYear=1988 Availability=RARE Dedalo DATA [MissionData] NationName=SpanishNavy ServiceStartYear=1972 ServiceEndYear=1989 GroundObjectRole=WARSHIP WarshipClass=AIRCRAFT_CARRIER Availability=VERY_RARE FormationSizeBase=1 FormationSizeVariation=0 Exported=FALSE CarrierBaseSize=SMALL CarrierNumSquadrons=2 Principede Asturias DATA [MissionData] NationName=SpanishNavy ServiceStartYear=1974 ServiceEndYear=2012 GroundObjectRole=WARSHIP WarshipClass=AIRCRAFT_CARRIER Availability=RARE FormationSizeBase=1 FormationSizeVariation=0 Exported=FALSE CarrierBaseSize=SMALL CarrierNumSquadrons=2
  14. The same problem. My AV-8S Matador persistently appears on the deck at Essex instead Dedalo Air Carries. Only if i put it by my hands personaly at Dedalo he agrees to take off from the deck (TADAAAAM!) vertically. But after missian when i land on the deck verticaly and clean landing zone my wingmans run through the deck full the way on high speed and bubble down into the deep sea. I solved this with hook adding on aircraft but how to solve apearing on right aircarier i dont know. Moreover! If i add a Escort pack from Spanish carrier Principe de Asturias nearby, no one Matador appears even if i add them by hands. They unexpectedly appears from nowhere at a target zone. What i deed. I added new nation SpanishNavy and change it in Matador ini files and in Spanish aircariers files. i add it NATIONS.ini. but... they still appear at Essex..... I've been struggling with this problem for the third day with absolutely no success. HELP! HEEEELP !!!! HEEELP US!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Waving wit hands, screaming and fireing a campfire to pay attention to myself, standing alone on an island with a palm tree along with this problem. i spread the word Help from pebbles. my ideas are over.
  15. yey, every play session ends with something fixing. during years
  16. woah! you are genius! Archimedus! Good for a quick fix. But still it would be cool if someone made a revision of weapons. In my folder, both old LODs and new ones, both BMP and JPG are found in one weapon sometimes. I gradually redo it when I have mood. For the aircrafts I fly. But there is plenty of it. My mod folder is from 2009. And sometimes i see a good quality model with low res missile which made me sad for all the rest of a day
  17. We need some kind person, selfless and brave, who will revise all weapons. Almost all weapons have an end year of 2020 or even less, although in reality they are still used. This situation often happens. I want to sink a Russian ship in the Black Sea and choose the ESCORT mission. I take off, fly for half an hour and .... and meet my STRIKE NAVAL pack with empty pylons. Exiting game, finding Harpoon, changeing GuidanceType to7 and WeaponDataType to 7, changeing Year to 2040. I'm taking off. I'm flying for half an hour. Meet my STRIKE NAVAL pack. all is well, Harpoon missiles on pylons. Five minutes to the target! Bandits! Bandits! and the bandits fly to intercept with empty pylons. Exiting the game, finding the bandits' loadout....
  18. WeaponDataType=7 its a cruise missile which you can intercept. This Harpoones was made after NA update. WeaponDataType=1 its common missiles.
  19. Your progresses and awardes is in PilotData folder in *****..plt file but ther are no written missions. You can edit mission generator in compigne only. if i dont like weather or aircrafts i change it in campaigne****_DATA.ini file. to look at GermanyCE.INI, GERMANYCE_MOVEMENT.INI, GERMANYCE_TARGETS.INI, GermanyCE_nations.INI at Terrains folder is very useful. but this is all you can change. You can use tools for opening maps and extracting these files if you dont have it in your mod folder using Mues MuesToolBox. This tooll is here at Combatace. search it.
  20. MiG-29 Wild Weasel

    Su-27 with AGM-88 https://theaviationist.com/2022/09/09/ukrainian-su-27-agm-88-harm-missiles/
  21. NovaLogic Skin Pack

    Ohhh, tears of Novalogik gamer. Thanks for backing in time. I spent a lot of time in this games
  22. Su-24 Ukrainian digital skin

    Thank you for your update. To convert to jpg was a right decision in this situation. But sometimes it doesnt work on old models but here it works. For myself i already fixed this changing FilenameFormat=insignia to FilenameFormat=FinFlash but your way is nice to.. thanks for the skin
  23. Afghan SA-7 site

    Great models, interesting thematic
  24. Su-24 Ukrainian digital skin

    Trully, thats far from the real camo. Guy does first steps of modifying :) But anyway its nice. Better than nothing and easy to cure the roundels. From my side i want to advise to ShaKhrai using one of these Blending Metods painting over another skin to keep details paneling and hatches. ShaKhrai anyway, thank you! I wish more mods from you.

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