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Everything posted by Tony_Spike

  1. yes im already fully aware i have been a member of the facebook group for a while now.......but im still looking fro the SF1 version
  2. small question since i am assuming their isnt anyone handling support on site any more (although i have shot them a message) i now own all 9 sets .......anyone know how i get set 10 now with all things considered?
  3. well in that case i am definitely interested in helping where i can, first indo china war is something i have been interested in creating myself, especially Diem Bien Phu as for campaigns ..i wouldnt worry about those ..like i say thats something that with the right terrain i wouldn't mind working on
  4. Location.bmp

    its the same size as the smallest, i dont think the planning map uses it
  5. ok bit of a conundrum about this file israel has one, but none of the other terrains do even though their ini files point towards it by default, does anyone know what it does .....i mean i can see it defines where the countries and areas in the limited Nations file are located but i am wondering how exactly the game uses it i am figuring that red is nation 1 and green is nation 2, mustard yellow is nation 3 ect but im not sure and since i only have examples of 11 colours, if i was to make one for the Germany terrain (witch has 12 locations) how would i know what the last colour should be so i can add the missing ones like Denmark and italy, can i use just any colour or does the game read a certain pallete that i am not privy to?
  6. so what are your total plans for this terrain then? im interested in helping, but eventually i wouldn't mind getting a YAP style mod going for SF2 at some point one with a few campaigns
  7. ok Menvra im rewatching the documentary and so far no mention of the place, it does mention attacking Binh Dinh provence though so i might have misheared ...i will keep watching though just in case but i did find this map that has Ninh Binh listed as having an airfield somewhat nearby i have also found a book called MiG-21 Aces of the Vietnam War that mentions Two MiG's taking off to patrol that area but infuriatingly it dosnt mention where they took off from so .....thats my contribution done for now, i will keep searching
  8. This Is Why You Research Things

    ah yes ...the world where 4 airmen are lauded as legendary heroes, but nothing is mentioned of the guys in the back seat of the F-14 Tomcats that are on the box cover and are thus the poster jets for that particular game (Squadron Leader/Unsung War ...depending on region ....5 ..its 5) not that i am complaining ..i bloody love it lol
  9. Vulcan B2

    im part scottish, it isnt like i dont know how to hold a grudge, and as a punk. bile and angst is kind of what i do by nature (and you can see my sig for my views on capun so it also isnt as if i dont share your feelings on him) ....its just ..i could swear that i once read a thread from a few years ago where this topic was shut down (by wrench i think) and for a good reason, im saying this for your own benefit more than anything else, its not really conductive my friend im glad however that someone at A-Team got their head screwed on right though, its going to be nice to finally fly the V Bombers
  10. Location.bmp

    i would but ....ya know ...CAT files LMAO
  11. Vulcan B2

    your not the only one but at the risk of back seat moderating a little lets not get into it any more, taking shots at capun is passe these days anyway
  12. Location.bmp

    well i created one for all my terrains anyways ....be interesting to see if it affects anything if it dosnt no harm done ....if anything i can make use of it as a reference from what i can see though each colour directly correlates to a nation number,, would still love to know what colour palette can be used for that and the sea map, so far i only got 12 colours anyone know any way of finding out?
  13. City? .............why that place is no bigger than the village i live in actually i always wondered what a strike fighters terrain made out of entirely google earth imagery would look like .....although piecing each individual tile together in the same way the Iceland terrain uses its images would take a long ass time i should imagine
  14. i always attributed that quote to Eddie Guerrero
  15. i could swear that their is information about Quang To (and no im not mistang it for Quang Tri .....Ninh Binh also sounds familiar) in one episode of Ken Burns, Vietnam War documentary, but i cant quite remember what it was, if you give me some time i can watch it again and find out But i do remember hearing of an airbase that was captured by the Americans being destroyed by Viet Cong mortar fire, so it isn't inconceivable that a lot of bases on the map may not be their any more
  16. necropost because nobody seems to be answering this question but whats the difference between the startdate and the activedate especially in relation to adding a nation that is a continuation of another but with a different name or decal?
  17. i have 2 requests to add Essex Class SCB-27A/C basically USS Oriskany Korean War Era, a strait decked Essex with no 5 inch deck guns and the island from the SCB-125 (i think wrench requested a Korean War Essex but i am assuming thats the one you have done already CV-14 1950) and USS Antietam Circa Vietnam i know it looks like an SCB 125 but it isnt, its a Straight Decked WW2 Essex (notice the 5 inch guns and old island superstructure) with an angled flight deck bolted between the rear of the ship and the port side elevator ....it even has the old wooden deck intact
  18. Essex Class SBC-27 (*)

    hey dude you didn't remove the number 34 from the superstructure, and the decal ini is wrong so they dont work properly (the island decals are set to the wrong coordinates and dont appear at all because the mesh is set to something else, and the deck numbers only appear on the front because the deck is all one mesh so only supports one) i fixed the decals.ini, removed the number 34 from the skin and re added the deck lines to the back of the deck so that you dont need a number their ....i can upload it if you like
  19. yeah these are the Essex's by Paulopanz that use the YAP lod's and the ones by white boy samurai .....carrier decks are usually one mesh,i guess it makes no sense to split them into two even if the skins have a space cleared of deck lines at the rear for a for a decal im living with it, i re added the deck lines at the back end.... ..i mean how many carriers have numbers at the rear of the deck anyways lol
  20. same, im trying to place a second decal on the back of a carrier ...seems like its only one decal per face per decal level at the moment
  21. Essex class (long-hull) aircraft carrier

    she also has the redesigned island that started out on the USS Oriskany, Like most of the SCB-27s did, i actually for the life of me didnt know SCB-27 upgrades that simply added catapults and blast deflectors (witch wikipedia says was only added to the SCB- 27C) to the stand WW2 Essex even existed till i found a pic of the USS Boxer returning from Korea but if you want a good model of this version of the SCB-27 i suggest snagging YAP carrier pack 2 (its the cheapest) and downloading Paulopanz LOD files for them, they should serve you well enough until this model can be updated
  22. its not that difficult, theirs an entire thread devoted to this achievement somewhere on another note did anyone ever figure out how to stop Land Sharks & Swimming Floating Jesus Tanks from happening? or is it still an issue
  23. Yeah but for some reason mine didn't start working until held the right one (alt gr) Odd
  24. oh i dont know, im fairly sure Soviet Russia would have built a SOLG or ARKBIRD if given half a chance .....they did try a sea skimming boat plane once lol funnily enough i never tried that multiplayer game from a few years back either, but that was around the time when Legacy of Kain (another fave of mine) got one as well (Nosgoth)and i think i was just put off by the idea in general
  25. MUST ....PLAY no in all seriousness, i cant wait for this thing to drop it looks like a return to form from the misadventures in fake reality that was what i like to call Ace Combat: Modern Warfare 2 a few years ago ....i never bought that one, somehow i like my AC set in Strangereal

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